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Jason Essary

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jason Essary

  1. Boys, u said the key. We need current. If the james comes up a foot from a rain, the whites will rush as high as they can go. Friend told me he hit a huge school around point 15 the other day, then they were gone. Tells me they are still staging and just waiting for temp and current (temp already good).
  2. Seems real hard to get them zeroed in this year. Dont know what the reason is.
  3. Anyone been after dark targeting blacks? Thinking of giving it a try tomorrow night.
  4. ducky, you must have taken hunter and his dad! LOL. I am going tomorrow night. Have spent all day washing the boat (kids done it, cost me 10 bucks), still organizing tackle and painting jig heads. Will post if I find anything worth chasing. Probably put in at walnut springs, in a red/black ranger, 115 merc. Anyone see me, flag me down.
  5. great job and great report. Thanks man.
  6. Making up the lies about the license, lures, and baits just makes you wonder if he really caught it or just found it. Any which way, he should have know better.
  7. Kim, a-rig legal? And does the earliest entry get to take off first. Please make a post with results and number of boats after sunday. Hope you have a good turn out with the rain predicted.
  8. Stump, dont know which night fishing tourney you are going to, but just to let you know its already banned from Millcreek Friday Nighters.
  9. Morons.
  10. And yes, for no reason park above the corp line which is marked well. They have been know to have rigs towed away. On weekends that small parking lot is packed. Only room for a couple rigs with trailers. If I am going to use that ramp, I get there at daylight or before and make sure you park in a nice way. Last year, I came back to the ramp couple hours after daylight to leave to find someone parked behind two other rigs and mine. Had to wait for 30 minutes for the guy to come back and move his truck and trailer. Very aggervating
  11. I remember bout 10 years ago when the subdivision decided to chain of the driveway to the ramp. They wanted to keep it private. So what did the rednecks do? We drove around the chain and used it anyways. They called the law on some guys for tearing up the grass and they got repermanded for putting up the chain across a public access. I found that hilarious.
  12. Makes me feel better. Went yesterday, nothing on a-rig, couple on sticker. Thought it was me.
  13. Was just wondering. Im the same way on the water, I tend to way overthink things which sometimes makes me leave fish when I shouldn't. Second question. I have had to buddies tell me that late in the afternoons they have been doing good on sunny flat pea gravel points, real shallow. They said the bite doesnt start till around 2pm. Would this be possibly the fish are following the shad up shallow as the rocks warm till they lose the sunlight? Might be part of the reason your fish are slowing down out deep around noon. ??? Just my mind trying to think like a fish. By the way, wonderful report as always.
  14. Bill, if they are full of craws, why not try some craw lures? Just wondering?
  15. No, lot of people are going with floro. Most are running 30lb I believe. But yes the main reason is because of the price no one wants to loose the freaking expensive things.
  16. Braid does have its learning curve. I have used it many times while fishing in Canada for Northerns. Anytime you set the hook hard, you do need to pull the line out of the spool to avoid that. Harder you set it, worse it will be. Different reels are different, some are worse than others depending on the amount of wraps they put on the spool before they go back the other way. Have lost many a northern bait by "popping" the line when its dug in. Good way to help the situation is to turn the drag way down. No stretch in the line means you dont have to "dot" their eyes as bad as with mono but when your use to snapping it hard, its hard for your brain to keep you from doing it. By turning down the drag, it will give alittle on the set and save some of the pinching.
  17. Whackem, Im with you, the main thing I want is if they take it out of my hands, they better make sure that they take it out of everyones hands. I will be trying it later in the spring to see how it does in the dark with a couple things. If they cant control it, then we will need to start checking up on people better.
  18. thanks snakem, im sure I can figure out the color. had been wondering if they were good on it, now I know to go get some.
  19. great job snake. Would also like to know if your using the swimming flukes or regular straights. Been wondering if straight flukes would work.
  20. Roy, great job on the striper. Would love to see what the rig looks like just before you but it into the sinker. I am working on building some, found the wire online cheap, now just deciding how to build.
  21. Went out from point 5 to 7 today. 8am to 1. 6 on the a-rig, best 15lb. Nothing big, but nice time. Couldnt get a taker for the sticker. Bill, used the a-rig first on all spots, then went to the sticker, so maybe I cleaned up the active ones before I gave them a look at the stick bait. First time out with the a-rig. Will be building more as we lost 2 today.
  22. Bill, wonderful info as always. Unless the creek floods tonight I will be out in the morning to try my first hand at the rig. Will let everyone know what not to do when I return.
  23. Great Whack'em. Will be there. Talked to Joe this week, as of now A-rig will be allowed. And yes, I will be babysitting Todd.
  24. +1, believe it should be banned.
  25. vacation, what color of a buzz bait?
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