TRanger, Im with ya, cept it happened to us 4 weeks ago. Fishing a friday niter out of Millcreek, Partner and I had almost a dozen of them on two banks. One HARD smack (one actually rattled the 17lb line in my guides) and nothing. First couple, we as u stated "hauled water" . After that we started trying to feed it to them, shaking the bait, dead sticking it, I even tried to make it seem like it was running away hoping they would hit it again.
Never had the fish come back one time, not one. These were not bats, have that happen all the time and yes ive ripped more than one time on a bat strike. These were fish, something big.
Still to this day dont know what it was, still think it might have been carp or maybe even walleye as a friend thinks that was what it was. Anyone have any better ideas?