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Jason Essary

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Everything posted by Jason Essary

  1. By the way, this is the last weekend for open tourney at millcreek fridays. Next week is the two night fish-off and you have to qualify to fish in.
  2. Nobutt is right. Tonight its 730 to 130. August is over so we are back to a 5 fish limit. (4 during august). Great guys but also some hard competition. Think there has only been 4 teams take first more than once the whole year. This does not mean its up for grabs, only that most of the teams down there are good enough to take it on any given night. Will be a wonderful evening, hope you come down to play with us. I will be passenger in a black trition.
  3. Duck, any size to the keepers? Might be heading that way tomorrow night to check it out.
  4. getting close, if we get a cool rain to drop temp some, it should be on. There are some on the bluff ends, but dont think they have moved up (some have im sure but not good percentage yet).
  5. Fished the Millcreek night tourny last night. Love the beautiful temps right now. Wish the wind would stop gusting all night long for us thou. Surface temps have changed a little boys, and some of the surface action posts should tell ya so are some of the other aspects. Headed east on the take-off, playing in the clear water. Had some hits on shad patterns with couple 2lb keepers. Dark thirty hit and started fishing summer haunts. After beating up couple spots with only one more squeker, we tried a bank we love. Wind as it was, no way to fish it as usaul, but changed presentation to fit the situation, and it was on. Had 4 fish 17lb. limit. Love when you get to cull 3lbers. Had 7 over 2 1/2. Wonderful night. Times are a changing fast I believe. Get out and chase them.
  6. Hilarious, my nick is Coyote but never thought of catching one on a hook.
  7. thanks man, has anyone caught them in the evenings? Might take out my better have this week to catch some. Whites are right up her alley.
  8. CS, How well did the footballs come throu the trees? Most of the time I get hung with footballs. Spider jigs seem to work better for me.
  9. In my opinion, releasing something like that will better you odds for the next one. The rock is a contrary girl, but when treated right she will repay you sometime.
  10. John, your second thought seems right. When the bait doesnt seem to be dieing, they dont take it again.
  11. Great Job Fuzzy. Wonderful fish, sucky timing.
  12. TRanger, Im with ya, cept it happened to us 4 weeks ago. Fishing a friday niter out of Millcreek, Partner and I had almost a dozen of them on two banks. One HARD smack (one actually rattled the 17lb line in my guides) and nothing. First couple, we as u stated "hauled water" . After that we started trying to feed it to them, shaking the bait, dead sticking it, I even tried to make it seem like it was running away hoping they would hit it again. Never had the fish come back one time, not one. These were not bats, have that happen all the time and yes ive ripped more than one time on a bat strike. These were fish, something big. Still to this day dont know what it was, still think it might have been carp or maybe even walleye as a friend thinks that was what it was. Anyone have any better ideas?
  13. Ok, tried to check the activity last night at my new brushy spot. BUT, a boat dock that was close by was having way more fun than I was. About 8 people on the swim dock with the lights off, drinking and having a whale of a time. Apparently clothing was optional to be swimming with the group!! Just could not stick around and mess with their fun, as a couple of them were commenting about a fishing boat coming and were scattering. Simply told them Id go else where and move off. Will check it tomorrow night hopefully.
  14. Thanks for the input guys. Will be checking it this weekend sometime. Will post results as they are found.
  15. Thanks Wackem. Already sunk one very large pile with cedars, will be checking on it soon. Wonder how long it will take for them to use it? Dont have access to sycamores really, but would love to get them for next time. I agree, most all piles are to shallow. Mines starts around 25 foot and ends in around 35. Found an old pontoon boat to borrow, worked perfect. If this one works good im thinking of setting couple more this fall.
  16. Im with ya John, not much more to be said.
  17. Zoom old mosters are a great plastic. Have been using them all season with great success.
  18. RPS, even thou I prop wont ever try the tech. Thanks for all the great info.
  19. Bill, been having the same problem. Cant hook half of them, and the ones we do throw it half the time. Percentage of keeps that get in the net is slim. I have switched to a standard hook jig instead of the popular wide gap hooks and have seemingly stopped most of the jump offs. Have you ever noticed a difference in the two on throw offs? As with you, most all are on the edge of the jaw every time. One exception was the 6lb channel caught couple weeks ago. It tried to swallow it before I could get the set.
  20. We have seen the same thing. Have one spot that week ago saturday the fish were swallowing the bait before you could set the hook. Had 6 out of one spot. Last Friday went back and nothing. A total strike out. just weird.
  21. Awesome fish. Honorable with the info. Cuddos.
  22. John, mainly main lake stuff, long points with trees. Off shore fishing at its finest after dark can be frustrating at times. Champ, I can only imagine how the traffic was. If your anything like me, its hard to settle in and consintrate when its like that, especally when the bites are far inbetween.
  23. Fished this weekend Friday and Saturday nights. The fishing was slow to none in at least 75% of the spots we hit. Was amazed at some of the seemingly community holes that always have a fish or two, if not stacked, on how barren the bite was. Fished from Aunts to Baxter to the Cows. But, even with the slow bite, when you find them its good. One bank produced 4 keepers, anouther spot produced a 6.5lb largemouth with two shorts. Seemed like if you catch one, slow down and cover the area slowly and change baits. Millcreek Saturday Night derby had 4 fish limit weighing 17lbs. Would hate to take this heat during the day, wonderful how quite the water is at Night.
  24. Which Indian Creek? baxter area or Indian Point?
  25. Ok guys, will try it this afternoon. Got some 12lb floro, will play with feeding to them and setting it quick. See what happens.
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