Went last night. Put in at indian point around 630. Have to laugh at the goofs at the ramp. went to a favorite football point/break. I was sitting in 30' and two casts from the bank. Here comes the knee boarder boat. No other boats close, he heads between me and the bank, right over where my casts are falling. Granted I saw him coming, looked around to see if it would be open for him to go around (it was) and started waving my hands and trying to show him to go around. He just stared and keep coming. To make things worse, the guy on the knee board seemed to know what was wrong, he dropped the rope and fell in the water before they got to me. But of course the driver had no clue, he went past me maybe 50', turned around and came right back thourgh, watching me like I was in his way the whole time. When he picked up the knee boarder, I could hear parts of the conversation and see the body language. He was getting reamed from the knee boarder. They picked up, with the knee boarder driving, he gave an appologitic wave and left. It is so frustrating, but most boaters that do the stupid things just simply dont know they are being stupid. But then again, how many stupid people know they are stupid. LOL>