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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by MrsDucky

  1. I haven't had luck with marshmallows at Phil's, but he says they do bite on them. They will let little ones fish right over by the cleaning station or trout cam...Mr. Ducky tries it too! I did get some bites on salmon egg and marshmallow, but they left the marshmallow...sneaky fish!
  2. That is really a great picture! As it loaded from the top down, until I saw the truck, I was thinking it looked more like a painting. It would be a really neat one to do as a painted canvas, or whatever the term is for a painted picture. (I hope you know what I mean...)
  3. I was just wondering if the silliness in the postings was a problem? Would it be possible to add chat rooms, or something similar, so we could be silly, but not have it posted permanently for the normals to see? It's just so hard to resist when Terry tells me not to comment! Maybe it's not a big deal, but I do know that when I am looking for a fly recipe or directions and tips for a new place to fish, it's a little annoying to have to scroll through some of the stuff to find the info I want. I also get distracted, and forget what I was looking for while giving people new nicknames (Slow Stripping Mink, for one!) On the other hand, LMW gave everyone quite a lot of fun with their story!
  4. Good luck with that one, Terry! Stick with the silk undies, I guess...
  5. Seriously, Terry, no clothing tips from "Slow Stripper Mink!" Silk undies, indeed... Dan, welcome back to MO, and to the forum...and watch out for Terry!
  6. John will be down for ours probably this weekend, maybe not until next...and we aren't picky! By the way, I like the new colors and look for the forum!
  7. I hadn't thought about that...since he's the one who gave this to me, it would make more sense to have him suffer with me, wouldn't it? I went to the grocery store yesterday...leaned on the cart the whole time...and made a mad dash to the store's restroom...not ready for humans yet, I guess!
  8. Devon and I went over to the hatchery last Friday, during our snow day-fishing outing to warm up, and watched their video. The first thing the agent did before showing it was explain that trout are not native, and if they didn't stock Taneycomo, you would have 17 miles of water too cold to swim in, and not much else to do with it, so it is stocked with trout for anglers. (Yes, I'm paraphrasing a little...note the lack of quotation marks!) There is a reason for the slot limits, the possession limits, and the cleaning regulations. I have seen people ignore them, and also been told by the people who live near one public access dock that in 18 years of living there she has seen one ranger...who checked the bathrooms, but not the dock! You learn what you can "get away with," then you decide if you want to chance it. Some people do, other strictly follow the rules. As John said earlier, we bring home our limit when we want to eat trout, and we release when we are just out for a good way to spend family time together. If we bring home 12 (when we can get Devon to lay down his Gameboy!), then we have about 3-4 meals. If we could manage to land just one over that slot limit, we would only need the one allowed in those creeks designated that way. Personally, I feel that just messing with the fish is kind of cruel...take some home every now and then, don't just mess with their little fishy minds! And John was told once by a warden that he would rather see some one take home one that is within the slot if it would die rather than leaving a dead fish in the lake. Everyone has their opinion, and each of us can argue the point well...it's up to each of us to be responsible for our decisions and choices! Meanwhile, pass the lemon pepper...I have a stocker in the microwave!
  9. They say that when some one gets good service, they tell 1-2 people, and when they get bad service they tell about 15. Glad to see some one getting some good press for once! (Of course, with their prices, they better back up the merchandise...and it sounds like they do!)
  10. OK, first off, since when does everyone wait until after class to go? John and Leonard left me there so they could go play while I learned some really cool patterns, tips, and tricks! Second, you do realize that Evian spelled backwards is Naive? That's what happens when you spend $2.49 per bottle! Have fun...I'd be there, but I've had the flu for 2 days now...not going near humans yet!
  11. What, me make a comment, Terry? I think you said it all!
  12. And are scared of the Seahawks?
  13. Having had a dog named "Wags", a cat named "Hidee" (it liked to hide), and one named "Flower" (it was black and white), I say go for character traits or looks. We named a dog "Pickles" once...because it made "pickle juice" on the way home...in my lap! I never did like that dog! We named a cat "Tuffy", not due to personality, due to a disagreement on naming it. I wanted "Taffy" (I was about 10 at the time!) and my mom wanted "Fluffy". So we put down two slippers, and said whichever one she goes to is her name...darned if she didn't go right up the middle! So, since "Flaffy" makes no sense, we combined them to "Tuffy." Is it any wonder I don't have a pet now? They don't like their names!
  14. According to the Farmer's Almanac, we ain't seen nothin' yet! It predicted a snow storm for Feb. 4th, and only missed it by a couple of days. And yes, I believe it has another major one coming up, but I thought it was later in the month, like the 22nd. Personally, with the weather around here, I'll believe it when I see it, no matter WHO says it's going to do something. I agree, Terry, except the city people part. John works at a gas station/convenience store, and he was hit by just as many farmers whining that they didn't have enough diesel/bread/milk/beer as city folks. Most of the city folks stayed home...too cold for them! :lol
  15. Poor Terry...if I were a male, I wouldn't admit to being a "bad flash." Poor wife, more important! On a more serious note, any of these guys are great to help out. Unfortunately, taking John's money away doesn't help...then I find something I "need!"
  16. Hmmmm...sounds to me like the fish were watching the game, too!
  17. Good luck! You'll probably run into some of these guys there. Me, I'm in hibernation mode after last weekend!
  18. WD40 is apparently a miracle product. My grandmother used it on her fishing equipment; my grandfather used it on his bad knee. I'd say the amount you would get in the water using it without abusing it would be less than the people who dump their sodas in the water, their trash, their used line they were too lazy to take up to the trash can...
  19. My grandmother taught me how to fish, and we always used whatever was handy...marshmallows, left over sandwiches, salmon eggs, whatever! And I was young. However, I sometimes like to still drop a marshmallow (until the end of this year, I guess!) and it's funny to see John's jaw drop when I pull one in on 'em! My son loves it too...feed one to the fish, eat 5 himself. As I understand it, corn, marshmallows, and other human food stuff will be illegal starting in 2008. I don't have the full details, myself, but that is how I understand what I have seen.
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