Devon and I went over to the hatchery last Friday, during our snow day-fishing outing to warm up, and watched their video. The first thing the agent did before showing it was explain that trout are not native, and if they didn't stock Taneycomo, you would have 17 miles of water too cold to swim in, and not much else to do with it, so it is stocked with trout for anglers. (Yes, I'm paraphrasing a little...note the lack of quotation marks!) There is a reason for the slot limits, the possession limits, and the cleaning regulations. I have seen people ignore them, and also been told by the people who live near one public access dock that in 18 years of living there she has seen one ranger...who checked the bathrooms, but not the dock! You learn what you can "get away with," then you decide if you want to chance it. Some people do, other strictly follow the rules. As John said earlier, we bring home our limit when we want to eat trout, and we release when we are just out for a good way to spend family time together. If we bring home 12 (when we can get Devon to lay down his Gameboy!), then we have about 3-4 meals. If we could manage to land just one over that slot limit, we would only need the one allowed in those creeks designated that way. Personally, I feel that just messing with the fish is kind of cruel...take some home every now and then, don't just mess with their little fishy minds! And John was told once by a warden that he would rather see some one take home one that is within the slot if it would die rather than leaving a dead fish in the lake. Everyone has their opinion, and each of us can argue the point's up to each of us to be responsible for our decisions and choices!
Meanwhile, pass the lemon pepper...I have a stocker in the microwave!