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Everything posted by taxidermist

  1. Are there still that many muskies in Spring River? They must be huge now!
  2. I would find where clear water is running into the stained water,maybe the backs of the coves!!! Bass spawn should be great this year. That with the 3 year olds from 2008.
  3. Look at the bright side, the bass spawn should be good. So fishing over the next few years will be great.
  4. There are not the number of large crappie for some reason, I have friends in central Arkansas that catch alot of 15-16 inch crappie and you dont see those coming from any of the highland res.. It has to be the depth and infertile water. You go west in Kansas and there are a lot in the 15 inch range, go north to the flat shallow lakes and the samething. You go east into the flat shallow lakes and guess what larger crappie. In the early years of Bull SHoals and Table Rock when the lake was very fertile there were some large crappie, but you dont see the three pound crappie anymore, not even in upper Bull. Fishing PRESSURE??? I doubt it or the walleye would not be over running Bull. When I fish some of the more remote parts of BUll I see a lot of undersized Walleye being kept and filleted, yea there are hundred of people who come in to some of the resors and fillet every fish they catch. You want to help the bass, stop fishing spawning beds!!!!! stop the tourneys during this time, give the fry a chance. thats what hit largemouth bass the worst. Ever wonder why some states have closed bass season?? You pull a bedding bass from a nest and sunfish run in and eat everything in sight. You cannot say its not so because you know it is true. you pull a bass from the bed, haul it 30 miles in a tournament and then release it somewhere else it will not find is way back and then its to late for the fry. Striper have been in BS for about 30-40 years and most of you young guns did not know it, most of you were not born when the first striper went in the lake and they never hurt anything, but also back then there was no size limit on bass!! So while this rages on what happened to all the 4-5lbspots that use to come out of the lake???? Has breeding with largemouth and smallmouth done away with them too? or was it the bad bad stripers that inhabit the open water?
  5. Water was muddy and zero flow today at 11:00AM at 62 bridge.
  6. Hot and tot in chrome with Black,blue or purple back trolled in 20 feet of water along the bluffs on 8 lb fluorocarbon line. Almost anytime of year right now the gravel bar to bluff area ispretty good.
  7. It would be a long float from Dr. Bob's.to 14. might be ok with some rain. Last time I fished down through there is was pretty shallow everywhere. Lots of gravel filled in holes. As for Buffalo. there are a lot of holes that are gone from 40 years ago and the fact it has a larger basin than CC makes a huge difference. There are a lot of holes in CC that have filled in with gravel. The stretch by Patton Cem, use to be a deep stretch. We waded and fished a stretch that you could not 6 years ago and now its knee deep, same with Long creek. We headed out to a place where white bass used to be and I have seen boats there back in the late 1970's and its ankle deep this week. Look at the area south of Pyatt, its filled in. Harmon Bridge, back in the 1970's it was deep enopugh to float in a flatbootm boat with a 7 hp motor now, its ankle deep.
  8. We hit the water earlier than normal and was doing all right. Lost of rainbows, by noon the wife had quit counting as she had caught 50 fish all bows. I have been trowing lures and had done pretty good, we were back at the ramp about 12:30 and we decided the river dropping and it still early we would run back up river. Best think I have made in a while. We got back to the wire and I decided to drag power bait. We use a #4 or #6 eagle claw crappie hook as the hook has a bend in the shank and rotated when the fish bites it. The fishing was hot I mean hot every cast we caught fish. We never anchor, we drift with the current and it was like fishing at a fish farm.I tossed my jerk lure over a rock and had a 22 inch fat super fat male brown nail it. then as we drifted through the middle of shoestring I was catching one brown trout after another, then caught a huge cutthroat. I got him in the boat and was digging out the camera and lost him. Tally for the end of the day was 163 fish.
  9. Self powered, it maybe politically incorrect as some people are disabled and cant self power a boat.
  10. siusaluki someday you will say the old phart was correct the stream is filling up with gravel.. I can remember when the slab at Harmon was enough water to float i most of the year now it has to have a lot of water, you can almost never get your ankles wet. Same for below Pyatt its not knee deep most of the places. I have no idea how few years you have been around CC, but I can tell you I grew up fishing the creek beofer Kieth Sutton wrote his stories or anyone thought of a Blue Ribbons Smallmouth stream. My fist trip to CC was somewhere around 1965-1966 and except the years I was overseas I have fished most of the length more than a time or two. Do you think Forest Wood would stand up and tell people lies about how the creek has filled in since gravelmining stopped? Do you?????? Why dont you read the transcripts of the meeting on gravel mining just a few months back. So they stopped pulling out thousands of tons of gravel, where do you think it has went the past few years????? McClinton pulls gravel out for many many years from Pyatt and now look how full many of gravel the holes are! I have seen Bear Creek fill up too many many places from the are of Cottonwood road to the lake. Long creek to from Denver to the lake.Yep someday the creek will heat tot he point that largemouth will be the only fish in it. Oh Wait thats Happened. Check the difference in temps out over the years. You have seen the best of CC its long gone, the hay days are in the past. Just out of curiosity where do you think the thousands of tons of gravel at the mouth of CC in the White river and down White to the area past Angels resort came from. Even older guides on White River know where the gravel has came from!!! The hole fillup if it he gravel is not removed. No mining hurts the smallmouth population!
  11. Pretty long slow float from the bridge to Lowery, best bet would be put in at Lowery and paddle up until you find the whites. rumor said yesterday there were small males white near the island caught from the Crumpler side.
  12. Hundreds of under 10 inch crappie, still not prime striper food! No if it was musky or pike then I could agree with crappie being the food.
  13. Lynn Hicks and his partner placed1st with 11lbs and change. Pretty good for a man who almost died a couple months ago. I had the list but cannot find it. It was a busy day on the White River as the Cotter Area Chamber of Commerce hosted the annual Shawnee Boats, Inc. Trout Tournament. It was the highest paying tournament in the river's history as 73 two-person teams from seven states competed. Lou Treat and Lynn Hicks took home 1,000 dollars as they were the winners of the tournament with a total weight of 11.75 pounds. Jon Miller and Tommy Worth won 800 dollars with a second-place finish of 11.25 pounds, and they won an additional 1,400 dollars for catching a 7.6-pound brown trout for the Big Fish of the day. Taking third place and 600 dollars were Cody Cheek and Jason Everroad with 8.97 pounds. In addition, the team of John Zeltner and Joe Jones won the drawing for a 2011 Shawnee Deluxe Boat, trailer, and seats. The boat was donated by Shawnee Boats, Inc. owner/operator Rob Williams, and its value is 6,900 dollars.
  14. Many years back some people Iknow put a lot of brush piles in BUll and they crappie did well then. But once you get down below mincy the lake gets deeper and while there are a few good crappie there are not large numbers of large crappie. Take Nimord lake lots of shallow water and lots of nice crappie. Same goes for the shallow lakes of central Arkansas. But in general Bull shoals does not produce numbers of large crappie. I have fished Bull from The MO line at Bear Creek to to 125 Hwy most of my life and crappie just dont happen in large size or large numbers often. I did a dive with some buddies a few years back three days after a large bass tourny and we picked up alot of nice bass that had dies. over a two year period we had 33 bass between 5-8 lbs that had died shortly after a series of tourneys.. Coincidence? maybe maybe not. I do know there use to be a lot of large bass in Bull shoalsand it had the huge stripers pictured and a lot more back in the 1980s. Around Forsyth back then there were a number of large stripers caught!!! Walleye numbers may be up right now but size is down. And nothing caught under the lights on Longbottom in years!
  15. Yeti are super. I looked them over and that will be my next investment as a cooler goes. but they are pricey!
  16. CHamp look at he Norfork lake and tell us that! Lots of stpriers stocked there and there are lots of huge fish bass wise caught. See the pics, how many years ago was that one taken? I cant remember but is old I live on Rogers Ave in Harrison and I moved from there in 1988. Your remark about taxidermist wanting stripers is a slure that holds not fact. I am a fisherman first and for most and they problem with large tournaments is they kill bass. They pull hundreds of spawning females from the nest and guarding males and the tiny sunfish run in and eat the bass fry! Oh crap imagine a taxidermist who hates bass tournaments!!!! The highland res. are not good for panfish production. I have never seen anyone catcha real and true one lb bluegill from any of them!
  17. It has worked back years ago and works now. look at the trophy size of the stripers and it does not effect any species of fish. Lake mentioned above Ouachita works and they even allow speargun for bass. The key is to develop and hold Bull Shoals as a trophy striper fishery. You dont need a special boat to fish for stripers, just go a fish and an incidental catch makes the trip even better. I had talked with several people over the past couple of years about yearly stocking of 20,000 fingerlings for the next ten years, that give a 30 year fishery for stripers with not a lot of fish per acre. Nothing close the the number that go into Norfork or Beaver. Back in the 1980's there were the huge stripers coming form Bull Shoals and it did not hurt the other fisheries in anyway. Yea thats before most of you seem to have discovered Bull SHoals. I grew up fishing the lake and the worst thing to happen to it has been bass tournaments. In summer most of the stripers will be int he cold deep waters where the AGFC use to stock rainbow trout, they only stock 20,000 rainbows these days and thats not enough to count. We will just have to agree to disagree about stripers, I have seen the lake both with and without stripers and know that with stripers you dont know the difference, you did not know the difference until this meeting in most cases!!!
  18. Not the potting soil it was the tub of fishing worms.
  19. There is also a boat called top Water. nice finish, check around Bull Shoals for info. River Sled too. I have a 48 inch wide Shawnee with a 25hp 2 stroke works very well for rivers. Has a 15hp 4 storke Merc and it was to low hp for the wide boat, would have been fine on a 42.
  20. Norfork lake was stock about 35 years ago with Npike. so you can see the reproduction failed. Also they were stocked in Degray, and Ouchita I think it was. The tiger musky did well in lake Ashbough inN.E. Ark and when they escaped the Spring River Hatchery near Mammoth Springs.
  21. No wolves!! It would be another huge mistake!
  22. I am all for it, they have been in the lake for years and years. they seldom eat crappie. most of the diet is shad and BS is full of shad. 20,000 stripers a year will not hurt anything. plus if you know anything about Norfork yo see some nice crappie and lots of good bass and walleye come out of it. The floods produced some hybreds, and the huge stripers coming from Bull Shoals right now as in the 1980 are true trophies. 44lb Bulls Shoals striper 2010. Here is a few Bull Stripers from many years ago 1982 maybe. As you can see there is also some good largemouth and a huge small mouth bass, so yea the stripers hurt the other fish NOT!
  23. Yes the MDC is talking about stocking stripers. With the number of huge stripers coming out of Bull the past few years they are going to take thelead in developing this fishery back to where it was in the 1980's many 50 lb plus fish were landed, and even today manyin the 40's and one at 51 lbs have come out of the lake. Last years KY3 fish contest showed them proof.
  24. I stillhave the motor, suppose to be sold. but waiting for the fellow to get some money. He is a teacher and waiting on his income tax return.
  25. http://recovery.doi.gov/press/bureaus/us-fish-and-wildlife-service/greers-ferry-national-fish-hatchery/ Ok look at it like this there are 8 generators at Bull SHoals. with all 8 on no wading but up to four yep plenty of places to fish. Since we have had little rain and the lake is down to the bottom of power pool or close they may not run water.
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