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Dan Pemby

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Everything posted by Dan Pemby

  1. Thanks for keeping us up to date Al. The photos are wonderful. I have never been to Boseman, only Billings but your narratives make me wish i was there.
  2. They were not kidding about being cleared up! The river was beautiful! And that seems to be the problem, it was too clear for wade fishing, I could see the bass everywhere which means they could see me also. I tried everything i had in my vest and no luck. None the less it was a great day to be in the water with a rod in hand.
  3. Went down a few weeks ago, Caught a 15" Smallmouth on a black plastic crawdad. Going this weekend but down closer to Annapolis. I am hearing that crawdad cranks and minnow colored Senko are working in that stretch of the Black.
  4. Nothing that big, but i did float the Big River for 12 hours. Caught some smallies. Best part was No cell phone and no Hey Hunny can you.......
  5. Thanks Tkite, i consider that an honor!
  6. Drew One method that works for me on small ponds is split shotting. Works well with light tackle. Here is an article that explains the method fairly well. Split Shotting If you did not live so far away, I would come up and give you some first hand advice
  7. Went last night for a couple hours, nada, nothing, not a single bite. Tried spinners, jigs, Wiggle Warts. Beat the heck out of watching the tube
  8. Silver Mallard Are you implying a politician would lie to a constituent? I am shocked, no, Appalled, no, …Ok never mind, what I was trying to convey is that I picked up the phone and TOLD someone how I felt about this. I am encouraging everyone else to do the same. Whether or not you get a straight answer from your state rep is a whole other subject. But if you tell them, they just may hear something that they have not heard or just may actually do their jobs and vote the way the people they represent wish them too. Maybe I am naive who knows, but you could to liken this to “Alice’s Restaurant” If 50 people a day were to call they may think it’s a movement
  9. I sent my email through the website, then emailed him directly. I just got off the phone with his office. His aide tells me he is Open on the issue but does not see it passing as it is written. He made some good points Pro Farming i.e. Guys is cutting his hay until late in the evening, his neighbor does not like it and brings a suit against him. But understands my point on water quality. (True politician) Anyway, it is in debate this week so time to pick up the phone guys and girls. This is the reason you elected these folks, to be your voice. If they don't hear from you they will make their own choices.
  10. I encourage everyone to use it! I find it very disappointing that the Senator that sponsered this bill Chris Koster, sits on the Economic Development, Tourism and Local Government committee as the vice-chair and yet he proposed a bill to reduce the effectivness of local governments on issues that greatly concern them. Seems very hipocritical. I guess that is the life of a politician.
  11. I just read the entire bill, OMG. Anyway, this is what I wrote to my Senator. Dear Senator, I have just read SB364 and I would like you to know I am strongly opposed to this bill. I would like you to please vote against SB364. I would like you to understand I am opposed to any bill that would strip cities, counties and watershed/drainage districts of ANY authority to enforce conservation / pollution regulations. Our water resources are far too fragile as they are. If anything, stricter policies should be in effect to protect the resources that we share with agriculture. The damage caused by mining will probably never be fixed in our lifetime and I would like my grandchildren to be able to enjoy what you and I know are some of the most beautiful waterways in this country Thank you for your attention Dan Pemberton
  12. Al Good to hear the bigger ones are out there. Nice fish!
  13. Nice site, thanks!
  14. Nice to hear you had a good day, Where are the pictures?
  15. Everyone be safe and have fun! I would like to see pictures tonight of the bigun's
  16. Thanks Creek Wader I did get a hold of him and he did not have an article. I think the actual article that Mr. Reed was referring to may have been something that was printed in the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance "Bronseback News" It was notes from a presentation Mr. Agnew gave on fishing efficiency.
  17. Sorry guys, I bought it! Drove from Farmington, to Joplin. Normally a 4 1/2 hour trip but it took 6 due to weather on Friday night. Saturday it took 7 1/2 hours to get home. Oh wait I forgot about the 2 hours at Bass Pro Shop It will definetly go to go use, dem smallies ain't got a chance now.
  18. There is another forum I am in that is the best for info on boats and motors. http://forums.iboats.com/ Post your question in the Outboard Non-repair Discussions forum and someone will be able to answer it. Dan
  19. The wife and I drove from Farmington to Joplin last night. About 30 miles east of Springfield, on I-44, we ran into a snow storm. It was wild! The thing was people were still driving 70 or better. We quit counting after 15 wreaks and 2 of those were roll overs. I can not understand how people can put there lives and the lives of others at risk, just because they percieve they are in a hurry. Rant Off!
  20. I get the same thing.
  21. Just remember , A really bad day of Boating/Fishing is still much better than a good day at work
  22. Very Nice pic's there Mr. Ducky! Glad you caught something
  23. Nothing posted on Missouri State Water patrol site either. I sure hope they are ok.
  24. Thanks for keeping it clean!
  25. I think we can all agree that common sense and law do not always go together. Lawyers have long made a living on items that were not spelled out (no offense intended to any of our lawyers friends here).
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