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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ryan

  1. ryan


    yeah I might have to take you up on that offer always looking for someone with good advice. I have been fishing taney for quite awhile and have caught lots of good fish but it just seems like this last time I went I was having trouble hooking into some better fish.
  2. ryan


    I have been fishing those xraps since they first came out and have been really pleased with the results, the fish really react well to them and you don't have to counter weight them to make them suspend correctly.
  3. fished this afternoon from 2-530 caught about 30 fish on soft hackles, dries, and egg pattern. Lots of small fish with a few over 16. Someone really needs to start keeping those little fish seems like they are everywhere, I scouted the river from the trails and was hard pressed to see any fish of size but man the little ones are all over.
  4. illegal but better education should be implimented for first time fishers on taney I can remember when I moved to springfield and went to taney for the first time. I saw people drifting indicators right next to their feet I asked one guy what they were biting on and he told me to shuffle my feet and it wouldnt matter. Mind you that I have been flyfishing for some time and just thought it sounded unsportsman like but thats the kind of education new fisherman are getting
  5. thats cool I play marshal JCM 2000 DSL 4x12 with fender strat and my fav. a Santana PRS what kinda music do you play?
  6. amen duck hunting is the best
  7. I am not familiar with that type of swivel where would I pick that up at and can I use it night fishing with woolies and leeches from leader to tippet?
  8. brian thanks alot that makes perfect sense I was using a 5lb tippet I will try going up to 8lb I appreciate the advise
  9. while fishing the other night using a leech I had several occasions where my line was so twisted from the spinning of my leech in the water that it started to twist up on the line creating several knots anyone have any suggestions
  10. just wondering what kind of equipment you have I play guitar too and just thought I would ask besides hunting and fishing playing guitar is my second love
  11. another awsome slip bobber to use is the wing-it by carlson tackle, a few years ago I was on a fishing trip and met the owners of carlson tackle they gave me a bunch of free stuff (pretty cool) and I tried those bobbers they work great for crappie fishing you can find them at bass pro
  12. I am originally from poplar bluff and there is a excellent crappie lake (Wappapello) we use jig and float method all the time and it works
  13. Fished wed. night with my little brother started at 1030 and fished till about 0230 am dead drifting leaches and buggers caught about 50 fish with one rainbow that had to be 6lbs or better. We were the only two on the river it was awsome. Upon releasing the rainbow I noticed it was dropping eggs like crazy I don't know if the fish was spawning at the time or was stressed from the fight but it was definetly dropping eggs anybody been fishing any egg patterns lately?
  14. thanks a bunch
  15. you know what really bothers me are rude people on taney I have had several encounters with people just walking right up to where i am fishing and start casting like I am not even there. I am not stingy at all and I will go out of my way to help anyone catch fish by telling them with what and how I am fishing. On more than one instance I have had guides take their clients right to where I am fishing ( within wispering distance) and start fishing. I had a guide who was in a boat (I was wading) row a client to a place where I was catching fish and instruct him to start casting the client kind of gave the guide a funny look like he felt uncomfortable so I just nodded at him and waded on realizing that this guy had paid money to catch fish and that there are tons of other great holes on taney. It is unfortunate that people don't all share the common understanding that most fisherman do Be Polite. I can understand if it was someone who hadn't had much experience fishing but when guides start doing it I really get aggravated. Oh well I just needed to vent a little
  16. it was tan or light ginger in color with a little strip of white, thanks for your advice I really appreciate this forum, I was fishing the Shepard boat ramp hole, I like the deeper water and moss seems to hold some better fish and not as pressured thanks
  17. loo that red meat contains oil glands which make it taste fishy, cut off all the red meat and try marinading the fillets in sprite or mountain dew, it kills the fishy flavor and adds a bit of a sweet taste thats what I always do
  18. Fished trophy area today and caught lot's of good fish with 3 over 17 inches. Caught em on a ginger (some people call them G-bugs) they look like little wooly buggers to me. The fish were really aggressive making it lots of fun. Question what is the proper way to fish soft hackles I don't really know much about them and have never fished them any info would be greatly appreciated.
  19. I don't know why but it seems like every trip I take I have a monster try and come up and eat my indicator go figure huh
  20. hey I was wondering if you could get me any information on that upcoming tournament who I need to contact, fee's ect. thanks
  21. anyone know when the next bass tourney on TR or any other lake around here is just wondering
  22. it depends on what conditions you are fishing. Throwing baits like topwater or moving to the other end of the spectrum a crankbait you should use mono. Why you might ask, well mono has a certain degree of stretch and when fishing those baits it is important to use a line that has some give the reason being it is tougher for the fish to throw the bait or shake it loose. When fishing a plastic worm or jig f-carbon is better due to it's sensativity so you can detect those light bites, it also helps when fishing along the bottom to have an abrasion resistant line. Hope this helps yeah I would appreciate some info on table rock walleye, thanks +
  23. for some of those finicky fish try tipping the jig with a wax worm it works awsome fish the jig and float around visible moss
  24. do you usually catch a few walleye in that area
  25. for senkos try fishing them on a carolina rig it is deadly for those picky bass
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