I got up early this morning and headed to Capps. It was cold 37 deg., the wind was blowing pretty good and a little drizzle. Oh well, you take the day you get. I got to the creek at about 7:15 hoping I might beat anyone else who had the same idea. Started at the mill dam fishing a streamer. Nothing, not even a chub. Walked down as far as the new bridge and only turned one small fish, not sure what it was. I left there and went down to the lower parking area. When I pulled in there were a couple of trucks there, one was obviously deer hunters. As I got out of the car I saw that they had a nice doe that they had shot and were getting ready to load it up. At the other truck a guy was getting ready to do some fly fishing just like me. He informed me that he had forgotten to wear any orange. LOL I suggested he stay in the creek and he'd be alright. A little later on the creek he and I got to talking, and come to find out he was a forum member too. Nice to meet you Burninworm. I hope you had a good trip down from K.C.
Now for the fishin'. It was SLOOOOOW. I did manage to catch one nice brown. I'm guessing about 18" or 19".
After fishing a while more I found Ollie fishing in one of his favorite holes. We fished a few spots that we hadn't fished in a few years. I turned a couple of trout, didn't get a hook to stick. About 11:00 Ollie decided he was going up to the Mill and I was going to fish my way back to the car. I managed two small recently stocked browns and that was it.
I'm hoping they stock this week, but I'm not holding my breath. Still, the brown trout fishing has been getting better every year.