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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. This concerning the railroad stocking Crane Creek. Chief, was there a railrod track that ran anywhere near Crane or is the one that runs through town the only one in the vicinity? After looking at the picture in this article I'm wondering if the men are loading the milk cans full of trout onto or off of the railcar? http://mdc4.mdc.mo.gov/Documents/11939.pdf If there was a track somewhat close to Crane it seems likely they may have been able to carry them overland for at least a reasonable distance and dumped fish in Crane Creek and others. I never read that they dumped the fish right off of the railroad bridges, but I guess I always assumed that was the way it was done.
  2. Cool video. I think I'll give it a try. Thanks.
  3. Wow, that's a great catch!!!!
  4. Looks like a nice little creek. Those little wild rainbows are the prettiiest fish you'll find. Thanks for the post and pics.
  5. Buzz

    Olliefest 5

    It was quite sportsman like. I was challenged and I used my arsenal. I warned him that I may have to bring out the big guns and I did. Hell, I never said I was one of those fly rodders that was opposed to using plastics, I'm just a fly rodder that enjoys catching fish. It was sort of like the first ( unnamed ) Olliefest, just me and Ollie. We did have a few doubles and the fishing was pretty fast for about an hour. Good times.
  6. Wow. I really like that design. That's going to be a really nice canoe.
  7. Buzz

    Olliefest 5

    Already trying to knock me out of it, huh? Too bad you're not going to make it Chief. It's definitely supposed to be a cold one.
  8. Welcome to the forum.
  9. Buzz

    Capps Creek

    I'd be interested to find out what Rick has to say. I'll try to give you a little competition.
  10. Great catch. I like the colors of those cranks too.
  11. I'd be interested in knowing that too. Other than the rumors I have heard, I have no idea. I do believe that the MDC has taken fish from Crane to collect eggs at least. I do have my doubts that Crane has a pure strain of McClouds though. Could be, who knows. Either way they are naturally producing now and have been for over 100 years.
  12. Buzz

    Capps Creek

    Good to meet you too. It's always good to meet another OAF member. I hope you can make it down for Olliefest. If nothing else we'll get together and have a good time. I'll show you a couple of places that almost always hold some fish. I figured you went to Crane or Roaring River , since I didn't see you later on this morning. I know one thing, if there had been a recent stocking I would have at least caught one rainbow. They may be stocking this week , but there were no rainbows to be caught today in the normal stocking areas, Ollie can vouch for that. Either way,Capps can be fickle sometimes.
  13. Sounds like a good day. One of these days I'm gonna have to get over there.
  14. Buzz

    Capps Creek

    I got up early this morning and headed to Capps. It was cold 37 deg., the wind was blowing pretty good and a little drizzle. Oh well, you take the day you get. I got to the creek at about 7:15 hoping I might beat anyone else who had the same idea. Started at the mill dam fishing a streamer. Nothing, not even a chub. Walked down as far as the new bridge and only turned one small fish, not sure what it was. I left there and went down to the lower parking area. When I pulled in there were a couple of trucks there, one was obviously deer hunters. As I got out of the car I saw that they had a nice doe that they had shot and were getting ready to load it up. At the other truck a guy was getting ready to do some fly fishing just like me. He informed me that he had forgotten to wear any orange. LOL I suggested he stay in the creek and he'd be alright. A little later on the creek he and I got to talking, and come to find out he was a forum member too. Nice to meet you Burninworm. I hope you had a good trip down from K.C. Now for the fishin'. It was SLOOOOOW. I did manage to catch one nice brown. I'm guessing about 18" or 19". After fishing a while more I found Ollie fishing in one of his favorite holes. We fished a few spots that we hadn't fished in a few years. I turned a couple of trout, didn't get a hook to stick. About 11:00 Ollie decided he was going up to the Mill and I was going to fish my way back to the car. I managed two small recently stocked browns and that was it. I'm hoping they stock this week, but I'm not holding my breath. Still, the brown trout fishing has been getting better every year.
  15. Very fitting.
  16. Welcome to OAF. There are a bunch of good guys here that will be more than willing to help. I like your avatar too.
  17. That's a beauty for sure.
  18. Buzz

    Olliefest 5

    Brian said he might be able to make it. I'll talk to Jason and see if he is going to make it this year.
  19. This whole thread has been done in classic OAF style. Where's the like button when you need one. LOL
  20. That's a nice fish Ollie. I thought you said you didn't need a net????? I ended the day down at the low water bridge. After throwng big bugs all day I decided to slow down and nymph for the last hour. I caught a bunch of fish on midges and glow balls. A great way to end the day.
  21. I had a third on until I knocked the fly out of it's mouth trying to net it. I think I need a bigger net. It's good your wife gave you the motivation to fish harder.
  22. I was throwing # 8's, but I think bigger would have been better. They were definitely chasing all day. Any baitfish type of fly would have worked too. I heard they were hitting white wooly buggers also.
  23. Nice fish Jasper. I thought Leonard wasn't coming until Monday????? They definitely had a bunch of good fished stocked this year. Much better than last year.
  24. Did you try any woolybuggers? I caught quite a few on them throughout the day. Olive WB's and Crawdad color WB's worked the best. I caught most of my fish on a wool head rainbow streamer that Ducky Doty gave me last year. It drove them crazy and it's what I caught my biggest 2 fish on. The last hour I switched over to a double midge set up and caught a few. Then I tied on a peach glow ball as a dropper and it was nearly a fish every cast.
  25. My 2 biggest today. Big streamers did the trick.
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