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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. That's a neat design. The video of the guy trying to knock holes in the skin was interesting. I was surprised at how tough it is. I'm looking forward to seeing how this one turns out.
  2. Very cool. Thanks for posting the great pics.
  3. Not to nit pick, but the date for opening day is Friday 11/11/11.
  4. Is that the fish I told you about?
  5. They should be stocking soon, I hope.
  6. Way to go Leonard. That's a nice fish.
  7. There ain't no stopping that boy when he puts his mind to something. Great pics.
  8. I was able to try mine on before I bought them. Mine have the insulated feet and I was surprised that I had to go up to a size 12 boot, but the fit is great. No bunching up and no folds that will drive you crazy after 30 minutes of wading. I also bought the Magellan wading boots to go with them. I like the zippers over laces. I did a little research on waders before I bought them and everything I read said to try them on and walk to see if they are too noisy and bend over to make sure they aren't too tight. I don't even notice them when I'm walking in or out of the water. They are a lot more comfortable and a whole lot lighter than the old boot foot insulated waders I used to own.
  9. Buzz

    Olliefest 5

  10. Academy's Magellan line of waders are priced right. I bought mine back in March and have been very happy with them. They are the first sock foot waders I have owned and are great waders for the money. Waders and boots for about $100.00.
  11. Buzz

    Olliefest 5

    "Olliefest V" works.
  12. Buzz

    Olliefest 5

    I'm In, of course.
  13. Everybody loves the bargain bin.
  14. Not a bad idea.
  15. Buzz

    Capps Report

    Nice. I had the same trouble figuring out what they would take at Hickory, but when you do it's pretty cool.
  16. Welcome to the forum Kevin.
  17. I love it. Great picture.
  18. I'm planning on being there. I'll get hold of you.
  19. 5 years? It doesn't seem like it.
  20. I'm already looking forward to Olliefest. What is this the 4th year?
  21. I was able to take a Sunday off from working on the house and got to enjoy a day at the river. I started in the upper end of the fly only section with a new beadhead muddler minnow I got from Orvis a couple of weeks ago. Really nice fly, great color and action. I managed to bring in 5 fish in the first half hour and missed at least that many. Changed over to an olive wooly bugger that I bought from Wooly Bugger Fly Co., another nicely tied fly, and caught another 4 fish before I moved downstream. I managed a few more on the bugger and then it slowed down a bit so I decided to try a hopper dropper rig with a big foam chernoble ant and a BH flashback pheasant tail nymph fished about 14" below the ant because the fish were holding at about that level in the river. The action started almost immediately. The BH was a good choice because the fish would take it on nearly every drift. The shallower water near the ends of the pools worked the best, but I caught fish in deeper water too. After several fish I lost that fly and tied on a copper john and the action actually increased. Several times I would hook fish on back to back casts as many as 4 in a row. Sometime about noon the fish started taking the big ant and I caught several more on different terrestrials I threw at them, beetles worked the best. Sometime about 2:00 the fishing slowed way down so I took a break. I did manage a few more on a BWO that I also purchased from Wooly Bugger Fly Co. I was lucky enough to catch fish on just about everything I threw at them. It was a great day to be fishing, not too cold and not too warm. 38 fish at the end of the day with a bunch of missed opportunities. I'm looking forward to opening day of C&R next month. Sorry no pics. I caught a lot of fish in the 12" to 14" range, but nothing really picture worthy.
  22. Thae site looks good. The prices ar right. Thanks for posting and welcome to OA.
  23. I can't really comment on the Royal Wulff in particular, but I can say that I have had a lot of luck with my own experimental flies. The shaggier the better it seems. I've caught both quality and quantities of fish using these buggy looking flies. Like Dennis said,"Not so important if you are tying just to catch fish." I agree totally. If you find a pattern that works for you stick with it. They are called variations for a good reason. Just go with it.
  24. X2
  25. Looking better each time.
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