I was able to take a Sunday off from working on the house and got to enjoy a day at the river. I started in the upper end of the fly only section with a new beadhead muddler minnow I got from Orvis a couple of weeks ago. Really nice fly, great color and action. I managed to bring in 5 fish in the first half hour and missed at least that many. Changed over to an olive wooly bugger that I bought from Wooly Bugger Fly Co., another nicely tied fly, and caught another 4 fish before I moved downstream. I managed a few more on the bugger and then it slowed down a bit so I decided to try a hopper dropper rig with a big foam chernoble ant and a BH flashback pheasant tail nymph fished about 14" below the ant because the fish were holding at about that level in the river. The action started almost immediately. The BH was a good choice because the fish would take it on nearly every drift. The shallower water near the ends of the pools worked the best, but I caught fish in deeper water too. After several fish I lost that fly and tied on a copper john and the action actually increased.
Several times I would hook fish on back to back casts as many as 4 in a row. Sometime about noon the fish started taking the big ant and I caught several more on different terrestrials I threw at them, beetles worked the best. Sometime about 2:00 the fishing slowed way down so I took a break. I did manage a few more on a BWO that I also purchased from Wooly Bugger Fly Co. I was lucky enough to catch fish on just about everything I threw at them.
It was a great day to be fishing, not too cold and not too warm. 38 fish at the end of the day with a bunch of missed opportunities.
I'm looking forward to opening day of C&R next month. Sorry no pics. I caught a lot of fish in the 12" to 14" range, but nothing really picture worthy.