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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. I already saw Day 4 the other day. I was sort of surprised that you guys picked Capp's Creek as the prettiest stream you had seen, but I have to agree with that. Well, I'm off to Hickory Creek to catch some trout.
  2. No harm, no foul Brian. It is a pity that the fish are removed as fast as they are put in sometimes. And you are right, to a degree, that it is a lot like an urban trout lake, with respect to the amount of pressure it recieves. As a member of the Hickory Creek Stream Team, we have made a big difference over the last year, but we have a long way to go. Overall though, I liked the video. It looked like a fun trip.
  3. Hickory is not like was mentioned. You guys just happened to fish it during the worst year we've had for stocking. I love this little creek.
  4. Very nice fish Tim. An oustanding day on Crane for sure.
  5. I know you can get the licenses you need at the Cassville Wally-World. Anything else you should get from Tim's Flyshop. As far as flies, I like Zebra midges, chamois worms, egg patterns. If your'e into bigger bugs, woolies, mohair leeches, and bunny bugs can get the attention of some big fish. A few posts back Tim said that they take pretty good care of the big hill going down to the park. Like Zack said, you should get in touch with Tim on Friday to find out what the weather did down there.
  6. Believe me, those fish won't be bothered by the cold near as much as you. If you can get down there you can catch fish. Some of my best days have been on some of the coldest days. The worst thing for me has always been dealing with the line guides freezing up. Just fish close to your vehicle so you can warm up when you need to.
  7. Definately looks streambred to me. We caught a few just like it in a couple of wild streams last week that looked a lot like that one. I always figured if they would spawn successfully though it would be further downstream, more out of the park. I guess it could have escaped from the hatchey, but I would like to hope it was spawned in the creek.
  8. Buzz

    The Falls

    I'm glad he's getting the recognition he deserves. I remember a time when I wouldn't even take my kids down there. On a side note, Ron came out and helped us on Hickory Creek last last year. He's a good guy with a lot of passion for not only Shoal Creek, but all of the Ozark streams.
  9. Great report Tim. I really like that video camera ( visorcam? ) Could you post a link to a website? I agree with you about those saber toothed frogs, they can be treacherous.
  10. Buzz


    Sounds like a great day. It seems like that creek just keeps getting better and better.
  11. Yeah, it was a great day. I know we'll do it again. Next time we'll have to get Flysmallie to come along.
  12. I was fortunate to see this restoration up close today and believe me, the pictures don't do it justice. Great job Kevin.
  13. Buzz

    First Time

    Nice report. Glad you had a good day.
  14. I have no complaints with my OKUMA fly reel. I'm gonna look into their line of spinning reels next.
  15. Good points. For me, I have been buying a trout stamp for at least 10 years. I do it for two reasons. 1) I feel that the money I spend goes toward something I really enjoy. 2) I can fish the trout parks anytime I want to during C & R, and if I happen to catch a lunker, outside of the parks, I have all of the necessary licenses to get the fish mounted, which has only happened once but I'm glad I had it. Would I buy a smallmouth stamp? Yes, if I thought it would be used in a way to help the fishery. BTW, I don't keep smallmouth either.
  16. Here is where I go when I want to verify some of those e-mails that I've gotten. http://www.snopes.com/politics/guns/blairholt.asp
  17. Buzz


    I'll agree with that. I've caught more good sized browns this year than any other. Although, I have yet to catch any over 16". One good fish can make an otherwise crappy day worth while. You are the Capp's Creek Jiggin'Guru.
  18. I just hope next year they can play half as well as they did last week. They have the talent that's for sure. It's just a matter of putting it to good use.
  19. I was spanked as I was growing up as most of my age group were. I guess I turned out OK, LOL. Likewise, I spanked my two boys when they needed it. They are both productive young men with good jobs and own their own homes at he ages of 25 and 20. Not too bad if you ask me. Some of the kids they grew up with either knocked up girls and quit school or became meth-heads. I'm thankful everyday for the good sense that my boys obtained.
  20. I've been experimenting with a couple of midge patterns that I've always tied with gold beads and have actually seen an increase in bites and catches. One being the obvious zebra midge with either a copper rib or a gold rib, no difference in bites that I've noticed between the color of ribbing. The other is a variation/combination between a zebra midge and a scud, without the scud back, if you know what I'm talking about. I call it a wooly midge. I usually tie more earth tone colors, tan,brown,black,olive,and grey. So far the only color that I have yet to catch a fish on is the grey. I haven't had the opportunity to try these on wild trout or Taney yet, but they are killers at Roaring River and my local White Ribbon streams. BTW, I am in no way a great fly tier yet. LOL
  21. Nice Chance. Thanks
  22. I don't and will not condone any kind of illegal harvest of any fish or animal. I wish these people could be caught and prosecuted, then their names posted in the county newspaper so that all of their family, friends and employers could read all about it. Well, since that seems more of a pipe dream than anything, I guess the peer pressure tactic would be as effective as anything else that is being done. Sort of off subject, but did anyone ever hear the radio commercial that ran a couple of years back that educated people about "Turtles crossing the road and that care should be taken not to injure them"? I'm not kidding. It actually ran for a while over here. It was a MDC commercial. I don't even see " Operation Game Thief" commercials anymore. Just wondering if that kind of education from the state might help get the ball rolling in the realm of educating the public? At least give the legal fishermen a little boost of confidence to actually make the necessary calls. Does ANYONE have a picture of one of these gigged fish, dead or alive, so I can actually see what you guys are talking about. I have never seen it, that I know of.
  23. Don't worry KC, I've still got a few more spots. LOL
  24. Glad to help WoundedOne. At least you were able to get out today even if the wind was brutal. It will warm up eventually, I HOPE. Nice fish too.
  25. Nice fish. I think FAT is an understatement. Thanks for the pics.
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