So, tie goes to the runner??????
That with what Al said is not too encouraging. What about Center Creek? It appears that is has been deemed a navigable stream. Not sure what that cost!!!
I'm not sure, but I will check Newton County to see if Shoal Creek has been tagged as a navigable stream. I assume it has since the MDC has so many access's available.
Point is, this whole subject is just ridiculous. Why do we as citizens have to pay as much as $100,000 ( in lawyer fees ) to go all of the way to the State Supreme court to get a stream deemed navigable? It is absolutely unbelievable that an obviously float able Missouri waterway can be held to such antiquated and untested rulings. ( By untested I mean that I and most people can't afford to do it. )
We have only to pay the fines and find another place to fish.
By the way, what would have happened if they had been in a canoe and never touched the bottom of the creek? Most of the complaints seem to come from people touching the bottom of the creek. Granted, this is what happened in this instance. This property owner probably wouldn't even have seen them float through.
Anyway, I tend to lean to fighting the establishment. Just me.
Good luck. If I had the cash to take it on I definitely would throw it their way.