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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. That is a very nice brownie RSBreth. What bait did it hit? I have an extra pair of crutches I could send up there if you want. I hope you are able to get around better soon. Buzz
  2. AMEN........ I got to fish this morning with the rockets flying over my head. I managed 25 rainbows in about two hours . I thought I'd beat the islanders to the creek, but I guess I was wrong. Still a good trip, and it was sort of fun running off the little Island boys who thought it was cool throwing their fireworks into the water. Happy 4th, Buzz
  3. UHHHH, what was she looking at? I'll second that. Count me in.
  4. Great story. I think we all know your pain. Thanks for sharing and welcome to the forum. Buzz
  5. Great day to be on the water. I like Flat Creek. It's different than most of the other creeks that we float. We did play around in some places longer than we should have, not really knowing how long it would take. We floated from 39 to EE. Had some boat traffic and truck traffic, right through the creek. For me, most of my fish hit the soft plastic craw and Rebel craw. I am going to try some of those Senko type of baits next time that Creekwader is slaying them on. The water was so clear that I got to see a bunch of takes. I got to see one of KC's biggest fish hammer his bait, it was great. In one spot KC caught a very nice brownie ( he also caught the biggest two of the day) and I threw in right after him and caught 4 fish back to back. They were stacked up along the ledges in the shade. Chief, I'm glad you figured out that little fish was a Long perch, I had no idea. Neat looking little sucker though. KCRIVERRAT and a nice brownie. One of mine. Thanks KC good pic. Buzz
  6. Sounds like you had a great day. Saturday was so hot down here I wish I had gone to the water instead of the fireworks party that I had to go to. How do you rig your senko's? Texas rig? Jig? Just wondering, since I've never tried them before. Buzz
  7. So, tie goes to the runner?????? That with what Al said is not too encouraging. What about Center Creek? It appears that is has been deemed a navigable stream. Not sure what that cost!!! I'm not sure, but I will check Newton County to see if Shoal Creek has been tagged as a navigable stream. I assume it has since the MDC has so many access's available. Point is, this whole subject is just ridiculous. Why do we as citizens have to pay as much as $100,000 ( in lawyer fees ) to go all of the way to the State Supreme court to get a stream deemed navigable? It is absolutely unbelievable that an obviously float able Missouri waterway can be held to such antiquated and untested rulings. ( By untested I mean that I and most people can't afford to do it. ) We have only to pay the fines and find another place to fish. By the way, what would have happened if they had been in a canoe and never touched the bottom of the creek? Most of the complaints seem to come from people touching the bottom of the creek. Granted, this is what happened in this instance. This property owner probably wouldn't even have seen them float through. Anyway, I tend to lean to fighting the establishment. Just me. Good luck. If I had the cash to take it on I definitely would throw it their way. Buzz
  8. I just got caught up on this subject. I think you might have something there denjac. The website also mentions guides for pay. Sounds like commerce to me. I'm not sure if they have made any money yet but, it does fit the bill. And as for taking gravel from the creek, I'm sure that has and probably does still happen somewhere on the creek. I spoke your son the other day, he said that only your oldest son had been served so far. Any changes there? Good luck to your boys. Buzz
  9. Great article. Makes me want to head over to the Eleven Point. Good for you Brian.
  10. I always miss the good stuff. I was back upstream with Emmanuel when you witnessed that neat little piece of nature. There is one spot on Shoal Creek that we have found hatched out turtle eggs the last two years. Same spot each time. Buzz
  11. It's a possibility that the judge hearing this case might just deem this creek navigable. I've been there and I guarantee you could float a canoe down it. We walked it only a little ways before we had to turn around because of the depth. The court system is generally lazy. If you could bring them something to actually look at, pictures, court cases, etc. the outcome might be different. Buzz P.S I hope the piper loses this time.
  12. I'd use them on the creek for sure and they would be easy to dispose of. Cool idea. Buzz
  13. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the pricing was over the top. I couldn't believe the camping and all of the overnight prices didn't even include fishing. Iv'e got better places to throw my money too. I think I will hit the lower part of the creek after the next big flood though. Buzz
  14. A friend of mine told me about this new resort east of Joplin off of I-44, so I checked it out. The website touts it as S.W. Missouri's new premier trout fishing destination. You be the judge. Don't forget to check out the pricing. I'd be interested in your thoughts on this. You will probably have to copy and paste: www.jenkinscreekresort.com Buzz
  15. lmao
  16. Berkley..... Chief and I fished the clearest stream I've ever fished in this area Sunday,and I had just lined up with Berkley Trilene XL Smooth Casting clear blue 6 lb. test, and caught the heck out of the brownies. Berkley is my favorite brand of line. I cannot remember it ever failing me. I use Vanish and P-Line for trout. I should mention that this stream only gets a moderate to low amount of pressure. I would definately go with Vanish 4 or 6 lb., depending on what you are planning on throwing at them, on the more pressured streams. Buzz
  17. I can't help but think stretch pants should be in there somewhere.
  18. Dylan is getting to be quite the photgrapher. I'm glad he didn't cut my head off. I didn't realize how big his largemouth was, that was a nice fish Dylan.
  19. Buzz

    Stream Team

    The date and time sounds good Ollie. Go ahead and do what you need to do with the advertising. We had a good local turnout last time plus Leonard came up from Taneycomo. Thanks Leonard.
  20. Black spinnerbait, black pork frog. Early spring, Table Rock ( Big Indian ), pea gravel point. Largemouth, just under 8 lbs.
  21. Glad we finally got to fish together KC. I had a great time. You'll be back right? If any of you guys get a chance to spend a day on the water with KCRIVERRAT you should really jump at the chance. He's a great guy and a great fisherman. I am glad to be able to call him a fishing buddy and a friend. The fishing was great, as it always seems to be on this creek. This was just one of the many stretches of really good water to float on this creek and it proved itself once again. Thankfully, we didn't hear any banjo's playing. Just Kidding.
  22. Buzz

    Stream Team

    I'd really like to help out on Friday, but I have to work. The third Saturday in July is fine with me. Anyone else have any preferences?
  23. That's some happy faces. Thanks for the post and pics. Buzz
  24. Buzz

    Stream Team

    I'm able to do any Saturday in July.
  25. Nice fish. I bet you were suprised to see that one. Did you catch any Kentuckies on top? I've had them smack topwater baits several times before hooking them.
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