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trout fanatic

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About trout fanatic

  • Birthday 09/13/1948

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  • Gender
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  • Location
    Warrensburg, Mo
  • Interests
    Fly fishing, fly tying

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Goldeye (22/89)



  1. Why don't Y'all just take your political nonsense somewheres else?
  2. The link Dano provided gave me enough help to figure it out. Thanks
  3. Thank you sir. Much appreciated
  4. I have an older SA system II reel (made in england) that I purchased off of e-bay. The reel was brand new in the box. Unfortunately, it did not include the reel papers. The reel came disassembled. I converted it from right hand wind to left with no probs. Installed the line guards ok. Having problems figuring out how the drag is installed. Any ideas? Anyone know where I can find a schematic? I have already checked the reel papers section of fiberglass flyrodders site but no go. Thanks in advance for any help.
  5. Yeah, I have 3 glass rods. 2 old timers (Fenwick 837 and a WM Sweetheart) and the new Cabelas. I enjoy the rythm of the slower action and especially like it when a 14 incher bends it to the butt-the tug is the drug. I don't think aggressive casters used to the fast action graphites would like it very much though
  6. I am a fiberglass fan. Have been so since around 1960 when I bought my first fly rod. However, until recently it seemed the only fiberglass offerings were the high end custom builds by the likes of steffen and Mcfarlane and a few other custom buiders. While superb craftsmanship rules the day, there were no blue collar rods to be had (other than buying an original rod from back in the day. That all changed when cabelas recently offered their glass rod for the 50th anniversary. I also recently learned that Tica has a new glass offering as well. Another $98.00 chinese rolled stick. Times may be a changin. Hopefully more options will become available as the year wears on.
  7. A new cabelas custom fiberglass flyrod landed on my front porch last night. A little to late for testing so I just took it out of the package to admire it. I actually like the look of the rod cork is nice has an uplocking reel seat and I would prefer a downlocking but nit picking. Also there are no guides on the bottom piece of the rod and no alignment dots to aid in assembly (total of 1 stripper, 6 guides and a tip top-ok for a 7'6" rod I guess). Took the rod out for lawn bass this morning. Tried it with 3 different lines, a 5WF (prestige plus), a 5 DT (rio selective trout) and a 6 WF (also a prestige plus) in all cases the rod easily hit the 50 foot mark without effort (not much room for casts much longer than that). Still too early to tell, but the rod seems like more of a 5 wt than a 6. With the 5wf it seemed like it wanted to keep going while the DT and 6 seemed to start to lose its punch. More testing (and fishing) is in order but overall I am quite happy with this rod. It loads easily and is effortless to cast (was a little faster than I expected however). I expect this rod to be a very important addition to my arsenal (lookout bluegills)
  8. I will admit that there is an entertainment value tho. Specially when they drop it in the river. Dang, that is funny.
  9. I fish all of the methods shown-but my favorite is downstream wets. Trying to figure out all of the varying current speeds and how it will effect your fly delivery is all part of the fun (and I still have a ways to go yet). Pretty dang satisfying when you figure it out just right.
  10. Stimulator. Any size u want
  11. I swore I was not going to buy another fly rod (11 is enough). Than cabelas had to go and offer that new glass rod and I knew I wuz toast. 7'6" 5/6 weight is on the way. I'll post up once I receive it and put it through some casting practice.
  12. Personally, I think that the "my scientists are smarter than your scientists" arguments are silly and childish. When it progresses to the "shut your big fat mouth" stage, the red x needs to appear. Some folks need to learn about self control.
  13. We got less than an inch this go around (makes up for the 25 inches we got last week I suppose). Looking forward to the warmup
  14. Don't own a cell phone. Don't want a cell phone.
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