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kc outdoorsman

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kc outdoorsman's Achievements

Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. sorry here is my daughter Kylee
  2. here is a photo of my daughter Kylee Cannon with a 12 inch Crappie taken on Smithville Lake on 4-26-2012
  3. good advice on staying out of the channel- I wish more folks would follow that advice
  4. anywhere up in the upper ends, i.e. river/creek type sections... Also they are stacked up in the upper ends of Grand lake in OK, which may be closer to you. Try a square billed crankbait as they always wreck my cranks when I bass fish those places!
  5. what tournament was it ? Local or circuit? What a jerk, liar, and thief he is
  6. wow - what a fish! How many trout has that dude eaten?
  7. when I have been there the trout all seem to be deeper in the water column than in trophy water. I guess you'd have to fish something down deep
  8. forgot to mention I caught numerous whites as well, which was fun
  9. Well we had another good trip to Tanyecomo. Fished mostly the trophy area and scored a bunch of quality fish but no "overs". Had a couple 18 inchers and one thick 17" plus a dozen or more 14-15". Brought home some keepers and the kids all got to catch a bunch drifting bait so all was good. Too bad we had to leave
  10. Man just counting the hours until tomorrow when we'll be there! leave me some!
  11. I have only used Bass Pro xps fluoro which is real good
  12. try some automotive repair shops. I got some from my transmission guy for free
  13. Man I am looking forward to this week with your reports - keep them coming Sir!
  14. I'll be there on Wednesday
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