anywhere up in the upper ends, i.e. river/creek type sections... Also they are stacked up in the upper ends of Grand lake in OK, which may be closer to you. Try a square billed crankbait as they always wreck my cranks when I bass fish those places!
Well we had another good trip to Tanyecomo. Fished mostly the trophy area and scored a bunch of quality fish but no "overs". Had a couple 18 inchers and one thick 17" plus a dozen or more 14-15". Brought home some keepers and the kids all got to catch a bunch drifting bait so all was good. Too bad we had to leave
Currently I am running a 1660 aluminum w a 35hp. I use this at Taneycomo and lots of rivers, lakes,places.
Sounds like similar fishing techniques as Taney? When is the best time to come- low or high waters, early or late in the day
which would you guys prefer now... with the high water below Bull Shoals and the low to normal level at Taney?
I have to figure in the expense of extra fuel and license plus time to learn the 'ropes" on the White since I already know Taney and can hit the ground running there
I have never fished below Bull Shoals dam. I have fished Taneycomo every year and done well. I am considering making the longer drive to the White River but I would like to have an idea of how it stacks up against Taney. We don't fly fish. We live in KC and it takes about an hour longer to get to Bull Shoals
When is the best time to come fish below Bull Shoals dam? I am pretty versed at fishing Taneycomo and lots of places but have never fished below Bull Shoals dam (lots of times above it). Anything special we need for tackle? What size line? We don't fly fish. I have my own boat too. Where is the best area to launch ?
going to be down at Taneycomo for Father's Day. Is there a forecast of what to expect for water release at Table Rock Dam next weekend?
What is/has been the prime time to be in the trophy area ? Thanks