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Chief Grey Bear

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. Yeah I know an ol boy that chases those mythical muskies in Fellows religiously. Not even a strike. 😆😆
  2. Has anybody here looked at a map? The man asked about SWMO and every answer but two was for SEMO. Good answer Ronnie and Dale.
  3. Boneless skinless chicken breast marinated in a sun-dried tomato with garlic, Parmesan, and basil vinaigrette. I've then seasoned it with a chipotle seasoning. Grilled and topped with a three cheese blend. I then added grilled onions, orange, red, and green peppers, seasoned with a Fiesta brand vegetable seasoning.
  4. I have never eaten that but have become intrigued with the idea of it over the last couple of years.
  5. Grilled pork chops stuffed with dirty rice
  6. We need to get that done! There was a few fellas I was going to fish with this year and never did.
  7. If it weren't for tree huggers, there would be no trees to hug.
  8. I knew what I was looking at. You can't buy those elbows in the free market.
  9. I made a batch of that this week too. I see you took it up a knotch. I do that occasionally with a touch of wooster sauce.
  10. I did a new twist on burnt ends. I took a large bologna and sliced into thick chunks. I seasoned it with a rub and then put on the smoker. After about three hours of smoke then remove them and cut into smaller size chunks. I then put those in a pan with butter, brown sugar, and barbecue sauce. I placed them back on the smoker until it all tightened up. I call these Ozark Mountain burnt ends.
  11. The stuff that comes in the snoot passes though your sweet spot before it passes out the other end. So it's all the same.
  12. That sounds right. But I also think Southwest Blvd goes through Rosedale.
  13. There is a place in Kansas City that has snoots and I think it's on Southwest Boulevard. It's also a part of the initiation for new policeman in Kansas City. I would like to go there to try my first one.
  14. I've been hearing quite a bit lately about Pappy's. I got a friend that uses their rub. I'm going to have to check into them .
  15. That's what I'm still trying figure out about Texas Style. Texans weren't the first at anything. They make good BBQ but they didn't make it better. They do it the same way everybody else has and does. I think it must just be a marketing scheme to fool the Texans. If Texas is in the name, they just automatically think it's better. Ehhh...ok.
  16. Save-A-Lot in Neosho.
  17. Looky what I found!
  18. Dylan stepped up his Dove game. Brought home around 20+ the last couple of days and picked up some huge frogs last night. So I made some grilled jalapeño popper marinated dove. I'm frikking stuffed!!
  19. Bacon wrapped stuffed pork loin
  20. Bacon gravy is the only way to go. Dylan went up by Lockwood and only got 6 I think. He said he was never going there again. Super crowded!
  21. Mornin
  22. Grilled hot wings anyone?
  23. Summer is winding down and so is the corn supply
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