Well, it wasn't as bad a day to fish as I thought it might turn out.
Thanks for posting the pic of the trout. That is to date the largest trout that I have caught. I have seen him in Hickory for about a month but was never able to get him to bite. Kyle and I both fished for him this day and as usual, he wouldn't bite. I tried a couple of different crankbaits on him before he succumbed to a Shad imitation cranked slowly. One look at that and he was hooked. Literally. Thanks for helping out with this tiger Kyle.
The coolest thing of this day was that as Kyle and I were rigging up, my son Dylan had gone ahead of and went up stream to get started fishing. He quickly came running back and told me that he saw a Bald Eagle. He kept trying to get me to come look at it, but I didn't because I figured it would be out of the area before I got there to see it. So after a few minutes Kyle and I were ready and headed up the creek. And then Dylan pointed him out. There he sat low in a tree, majestically eyeing a trout breakfast just below him. Kyle attempted to get a pic of him, but after just a little of our intrusion, he lifted off. His colors were so brilliant that morning against the surroundings that no wordsmith could accurately describe and do justice.