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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. Well, that is quite an animal you got there then. I have yet to see an overweight dog go one on one and get the better of a coon.
  2. I'm sure that motel, resort, marinas, fly shops, bait shops resturants, guides and many others would beg to differ with you. Not to mention a large number of fishermen. Can we say that today or should it be fisherpeople?
  3. Let her corner one and see which one she picks.
  4. I thought Rebel bought them?
  5. Oh really??!! And what stretch did you say you were fishing?
  6. Yeah I just heard that on the news. Looks like this season is shot.
  7. Yeah Joby it is. Next time I WILL HAVE A ROD!!!! Thanks for the info and tips!!
  8. When wading I prefer to walk upstream. When floating, I prefer to go downstream. Haven't noticed a big difference in catch numbers. Both do offer different fishing opportunities and styles
  9. Hey you bet. Got to breath, got time to fish. (I think I better add that one to my sig)
  10. Thanks for the replies guy's. I don't believe it to be a vintange but a retro. I had a Bronson Royal Matic 390 on the rod. I wasn't reely (LOL) whoopie about it, but used it for a while. I don't know what the SB's are worth but I only gave $2 for it. It looks new but I think the previous owner had it apart at some time. The screw heads look to be philips, but now looks like it will need a flathead screwdriver to take it apart. I have a 8' Pflueger 5wt Purist to attach it to. Thanks for the tips too!
  11. Hey groovy! I have some family that live there. I'll be up there the 9th of Feb for a Mizzou B'ball game.
  12. I picked up a South Bend 1133A the other day for rather small coinage. Not being as schooled in fly reels as you guy's are, what can ya tell me?
  13. Sorry Dano I can't do that. Lunch will be on me as it will be a pleasure to fish with you. Now the way I look at it there are about 52 opportunities in any one year for one to make a short fishing trip. Now of course we have to take out a couple of weekends due to family holidays, but even at that we still have about 45 chances you COULD make it. Tell ya what. You make a trip up here, I'll make one down your way. If ya make it, we'll hit Hickory, Capp's and Crane. Might throw in a couple of smallie creeks too.
  14. Thanks for the info. Sounds like it gets pretty crazy in the warm season.
  15. Hey Dano Just looking over some old posts and got to wondering if you are ever going to make it up here. It has been over a year since this post. Hey Dano Just looking over some old posts and got to wondering if you are ever going to make it up here. It has been over a year since this post.
  16. Spent the weekend in a cabin over looking the White River just down stream of Beaver darn. It was our 10th wedding anniversary and I know I was supposed to be concentrating on her, but I couldn't take my eyes off of the river. All I could think about was coming back and this time bringing a rod. I was wondering if this was a good stretch of water for trout and or smallies? Sorry for the misspelling in the title. I ment Dam, not that this is a bad area. I give up. I can't even post this in the correct forum. Sorry.
  17. I wish you luck Dano. I get the joy of babysitting my youngun's and smoking a turkey breast and pork shoulder. I think though we may hit Hickory late this afternoon.
  18. The time that Dad got an SS prop for a Merc, the marina hooked a RPM gauge to the motor and sent us out. We tried several props until the correct RPM's for the motor was achieved at certain throttle settings. That would be the only correct way of doing it that I know of.
  19. Right on Trav. And they should go braless too!
  20. Yes I want to thank you too Phil. And what a quick response.
  21. No ham it is not. Joplin gets their water from Shoal Creek. Elk River is farther south. The wall of water that came down Shoal Creek was to much for the water treatment plant to handle and dirty water got into the system. It doesn't make sense to me as the pumps pumping the water are still pumping at the same rate of GPM and the system should not have known the difference. Or so I would think. Anybody here know??
  22. Boy, that sounded just like YOU were writing about this forum. Thanks for posting that Phil. I thought I may have been the only person that thought that same thing.
  23. Hey Phil, I was speaking with a fellow forum member the other day and this subject was brought up. Would you be interested in starting one now? Looks like there has been quite a bit of talk about the small creek in the last year. And if you did, could you move the other post about Hickory? We seem to have them spread out over a couple of forums.
  24. While at work earlier this week, a coworker and myself also saw a snake. I all most couldn't believe what I was seeing. Just as strange my son and are still finding tadpoles in Hickory and Shoal Creeks. Tuesday I made a stop at Cherry Corners on Shoal Creek and found a Chorus Frog. Maybe I'm wrong, but ain't these fellers supposed to be in a deep sleep? I can understand a Whistle Pig coming out of his feeble attempt at hibernation on a warmer than normal day, but reptiles and amphibians?
  25. Well, it wasn't as bad a day to fish as I thought it might turn out. Thanks for posting the pic of the trout. That is to date the largest trout that I have caught. I have seen him in Hickory for about a month but was never able to get him to bite. Kyle and I both fished for him this day and as usual, he wouldn't bite. I tried a couple of different crankbaits on him before he succumbed to a Shad imitation cranked slowly. One look at that and he was hooked. Literally. Thanks for helping out with this tiger Kyle. The coolest thing of this day was that as Kyle and I were rigging up, my son Dylan had gone ahead of and went up stream to get started fishing. He quickly came running back and told me that he saw a Bald Eagle. He kept trying to get me to come look at it, but I didn't because I figured it would be out of the area before I got there to see it. So after a few minutes Kyle and I were ready and headed up the creek. And then Dylan pointed him out. There he sat low in a tree, majestically eyeing a trout breakfast just below him. Kyle attempted to get a pic of him, but after just a little of our intrusion, he lifted off. His colors were so brilliant that morning against the surroundings that no wordsmith could accurately describe and do justice.
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