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Chief Grey Bear

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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. Then why indiscriminately kill them?
  2. Some kinda Cajun stuff. No recipe, just ingredients. Red pepper, Green pepper, onion, mushrooms, Linguini, Cajun sausage, dove, Cajun seasoning.
  3. I've had it both ways. That ol soupy sloppy stuff you get at the store. Which really I guess ain't really soupy, it just sorta looks that way. And I like it. And ive done the homade stuff that like Rick is mentioning, just barely spreadable. Ive made a few batches. Some I like and some I feed to the chickens. They're not near as picky on some things as I am. But here's a funny for you. Of all the batches I've made, I think only one time did I ever put pimento's in it. I usually get a hankering and I have all the ingredients except those.
  4. I asked earlier but I guess it didn't post, what type of cheese did you use?
  5. The only real wine is from the iconic, world renowned vineyards of Boone's Farm! And every sip should lovingly pass over the discerning pallet gingerly as if the sweet blooms of the flowers of the summer fruit are indeed alive. Not mixed with some poverty processed cheese spread incorporated with some egg/oil emultion that has some type of red toned garden pepper, smeared on day old bread from the pantry.
  6. I like it best on a saltine, salt side down, thin slice red onion. Or, saltine, salt side down, dollop of hot sauce, slice of cheese.
  7. Have you ever tried it smoked? Makes good even better!
  8. Ha! Why the heck would you ruin perfectly good spam, or any meat product with wine! Nasty foul fluid!
  9. I love pickles. Nekkid or wrapped!
  10. I was looking for something else when I found this. I thought maybe you could relate.
  11. Chipotle powder? Haven't seen that. Seasoned pepper? Haven't heard of that.
  12. Do you have an International Bird Harvest permit? I wouldn't be posting pictures of this if you didn't. Being that the starling is from England it is now on the international bird harvest species list. You can get a major fine from not only our federal government but the international species regulation government. And I can tell you from reading different reports that the ISRG doesn't fool around they take it very seriously.
  13. Thanks for posting Griz. Every time I've been invited to go, we netted, counted, measured and weighed. This particular survey appears to have had different criteria. A couple of thoughts came to mind as I watched this. It's obviously clear now why angling is a much more accurate option of getting a good basis for the population structure of a stream. This survey was obviously conducted in winter. It also appears as if it was done in a regular section of the stream. I thought from reading here over the years all of these fish migrated to a spring hole. This video gives great insight into what is really going on in our streams. There were some decent, healthy fish. Thanks again for posting.
  14. Homemade biscuits? Thats some really good looking gravy! Personally, I'm partial to bacon gravy, but I won't deny that looks great. But it appears you're getting a little sloppy with your place setting. That fork is a bit high. The butter knife for slicing the biscuits and sausage is completly missing. Unless you are some savage peasant that refuses to adhere to proper etiquette. And I wasn't going to mention it, but you would be wise to lower the heat in your skillet a bit when frying your sausage. Some substandard cooks like to claim that is a crust that they strive to achieve. But let's be honest, its scorched. And any cook that even remotely adheres to standard tempatures for proper meat preparation would never serve that. But yeah, that looks delicious! I can taste it from here! Great job my friend!
  15. I have done that mostly with fries. For some strange reason, the wife doesn't like tots. I think the tots rock! I make a dish called Extreme Tots that I stole from Sonic. It's on their secret menu. Anyway it's tot's, chili, cheese, onions, and jalapeƱos topped with ranch dressing. Wowza good!
  16. Guilty. I wont lie.
  17. They've never said I don't.
  18. Made a couple of batches of BBQ sauce this morning
  19. That mostly how I do it too. Keeps my pretty hands from getting all slimy. And it works great for curing bass thumb!
  20. Well really I comment very little on any of your posts. But it's nice to see you try to flatter yourself. But I don't recall you stating it was for Smallmouth only.
  21. 30 second release. Yep, I need one of those watches. Maybe a set of those scales too.
  22. There is one of Ronnie a few years back that hits all three of the criteria.
  23. One thing I do like about the boat trailer is that they are longer. And that makes them much easier to back if you need to.
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