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Everything posted by bobtu

  1. The crazies will mostly be gone on Monday. I would not, however, want to be on the river on Saturday or Sunday.
  2. Craig O Lee is gone?
  3. We don't float on the elk on Saturdays with our 7 and 9 year old kids. We do however on ANY day but Saturday
  4. Cool pics! Love the Northern Water Snake eating the fish!
  5. Depending on the amenities you need I would either contact wackyworm (remote camping, no electricity etc.). Or shady beach (full service store, electricity close to the river, etc.). We camp at shady beach as my family requires electricity. Let them know you are with children and they will keep you close to other families. Sent from my PC36100 using Tapatalk
  6. Thanks Tim. I'll stop by the shop on friday morning to pick up some supplies... I trust you'll have everything I'll need for the kids? Howe do you fish the power bait eggs? Like you do on Taneycomo (on the bottom floating up a foot) or differently?
  7. Will do... Thanks!
  8. I'm coming down this weekend with 4 seven year old boys who don't fly fish and 4 dads that do... Sooo... what's my best bet for keeping the kiddos entertained AND what is working best for us dads? How's the water? etc... We will be splitting time between untangling the kids line and untangling ours Thanks advance.
  9. I've Googled and searched this site for Al's deer hair pellet fly... Any more details?
  10. I'd love to see a picture of that!!
  11. I just upgraded from my intro vise to a Peak Rotary Vise with Pedestal Base. I chose Peak primarily because all the reviews said it was the best bang for the buck... So far, I love it...
  12. http://tinkersplaces.com/ Coolest experience!!
  13. My 5 year old boy will probably be with me... We are coming down for a little "family vacation" at the splash country water park... I plan on doing some alone time fishing and some with the boy... if the weather is nice enough, maybe the daughter and wife too
  14. 3. bobtu - CRACKLEBACK
  15. Then we can call it "Paid Instruction"
  16. Must have missed you... We were there from about 10:30 to 1ish... then moved up to zone 2 after lunch... wish I would have seen you. My son definately had a hard time casting the light tackle... but I caught one for him and let him reel it in... There was another guy there just killing the goggle eye... probably caught 20 or so in about an hour... he was nice enough to let my son reel a few in... I was skunked trout fishing... I really need to hire a guide to teach me how to fish there... I had good success at Tanycomo last year, but nothing today... I moved up to zone 2 and fished by the outlet (about 50 yards down as the outlet was crouded)... Tried 16-18 midges, globalls, small woolies, and even an 18 Griffith's Knat and 18 renagade after a hatch at about 2:30... as we were walking out, talked to some guys up by the outlet who were catching quite a few... found out they were using 20-22 dries... Most of my time was spent messing with both of our tangles... probably 5-10 hits over with nothing to hand... I was hoping for more... It was only my 3rd day flyfishing and the first at Bennett Anyone know of anyone who guides at Bennett? Aside from the actual lack of fish caught, it was an awsome day with my boy... he had a great time and, by the end of the day, I was casting pretty well... good long casts
  17. Thanks for the tips... I'll tie up a few extra globalls... Never heard of a furball... I googled it and found nothing... What is it? Thanks again!!
  18. So it looks like the weather is going to be in the mid 50s next Sunday so maybe I can make a day trip down to Bennett... I'll have my 6 year old with me... Any ideas on what he should use? He's a pretty good caster and likes to fish a lot, but I'd like him to at least have a chance of catching a fish... Jig under a bobber maybe??? The regulations say flies only, but the way I read it, I jig would count as a fly... Any experience would be greatly appreciated!!
  19. STOP TWISTING MY ARM!!!! Ok... Ok... I'll take it...
  20. www.shadybeach.com should be open... and nice place too!!
  21. Fished from Shady beach to Noel with my 5 year old before the canoes hit the river on Saturday... Caught a bunch of little ones on crawdad crankbaits and tubes.. 5 year old son caught less fish (no patients... got to let those tubes hit the bottom ) but caught the biggest smallie and a huge freaking GAR... Weather was amazing for August!!
  22. I don't know if it has a middle seat, but two sons rents the short canoes... turned around it's be like a solo... And unless it's real windy, you'd be able to control a regular canoe... The elk is the tamest river I've ever canoed..
  23. WOW... With those levels, what did downtown Noel look like??? That bar is at downtown level isn't it?
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