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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Okay Bill, how about around Big M or Campbell Point area for the weekend?
  2. How's it look for this weekend or next throwing redfins?
  3. How early are you leaving Friday? I'm heading up Friday from south.
  4. Good question. I just read the thread and had the same thought. I modify redfins by adding weight into the back. I would like to see others methods. Is this lead tape you guys are talking about?
  5. Jay Bird were you using football type jigs? New to the area and just looking for a little heads up on making the best of my time. Thanks.
  6. Good call DJ. I just joined this forum to learn a little about Table Rock, Bull Shoals, and Taneycomo. I for one will like to hear how to deal with the cold front to help me out when I have to fish those days.
  7. Well, being new to the forum it is amazing to see someone critizing not only my choice of boats but my knowledge of fishing, courtesy, and my finiancial status that gives me the chance to fish during the week. I was not on Table Rock yet you lump me into your rant? I am going to drive up to Table Rock next week and see if I can catch a fish or two. I'll let you know how my 9 series runs and if I catch any fish with your name on them. Having read many of your posts you seem like a helpful guy yet this judgement and post is not only an insult to us Nitro owners, it is simply wrong. TRG
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