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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ecce38

  1. I just liked these two shots, so I thought I'd share them with the group.
  2. Jd, I've been a pentax user for a long time, all film. I've switched over to digital now with my purchase of the K10. Man, that is a great camera! It's pentax's semi-pro model that is backward compatible with any lens that fits older pentax cameras. The k100 too takes great shots, but for a few hundred more, the K10 is the way to go. On a side note, I've got a friend who shoots with a D5 Canon and he tells me that my K10 has far less noise at a higher ISO than his D5. Now, I'm no pro, but here are some sample shots of what I done with the K10: My nature photos. Good luck. ecce out...
  3. Well, Dano, since you asked nicely and I'm in a just click on my website link below, then "my fishing page", then "sowbugs." Everything you need to know about it is there.
  4. This pattern rocks! ecce out...
  5. Fishing today was good overall. I landed 4-5 of the 13+" variety. We fished mainly above Parker Bend (boy,that place was packed!) I was also glad to see the G&F officier checking on things. Bryce's midge patterns were the most consistent fly. My sowbug out performed midges at that same spot just 3 days ago. Go figure.
  6. Actually it's the other way around: fewer browns, more bows is what they're doing.
  7. Steve with all this high water, you guys need to get ahold of some of those glass bottom boats for tourist and take people for river rides until they stop generating! Just a thought.
  8. 1125 and likely to be rising....well, at least that gives the fish time to grow until we can get some fishable conditions.
  9. I was up until 2am doing my taxes (blah), but the end result was very good. As such I will be taking my "play money" and buying the Pentax K10 digital camera (check dpreview.com for specs/reviews). Since I already have two pentax lenses, I am, as they say in poker, "pot committed" to this brand. Since one of the big selling points is the water sealing technology, I was wondering if anybody here has one and has actually taken it out to the river/lake/pond/puddle and could post a quick comment about it faired in those envirnoments. Otherwise, what are one or two of the big no no's of using digital cameras on fishing trips (short of not dropping it in the dang river!)? Maybe something not obvious but very important. ecce out....
  10. These new regs. for the LR are almost a carbon copy to those that the AGFC structured for us up here on the Beaver tailwater. Our regs. have been in place now for only a year, so the jury is still out on whether or not they will help create bigger fish. RR I think the rationale you are searching for comes from the AGFC research/study/observations that show that specific C&R areas are no better than slot limits when it comes to producing trophy fish. Maybe someone else on here can double check me on that, but I believe it to be the case. So, that very nice area just below the Dam there will be over run (like it was years ago) with all sorts of people. It will take time for the non-C&R anglers to learn the new regs., but it will take some getting used to watching people pluck fish out of a once protected area. At least it did for me up here. And yes, those poor brookies that are repopulating there are going to get slammed I'm afraid.
  11. Yes he outfished me today...but I'm man enough to admit it. Good job. Oh, no more sowpigs for you! Hahaha...
  12. ...and the boy done good too. He also caught more fish than me, but I did put him on the spot. (Where's my $175? by the way?) Conditions after Noon today got much worse Chase. In a word, brutal. Only caught 2 more up by the dam. I'm still trying to thaw out! Get this, I saw a green plastic bobber in the water and went to pick it up thinking it was trash, and the thing went under and resurfaced 15 feet away. I cast at it and my fly caught the leader attached to it and I was able to land one fish that way! Tried to remove the hook (a barbed one unfortunately), but it was too deep, so I cut as much line as I could. It was probably more amusing at the time....
  13. Chase, it was a windy day for me too just the day before. Trying to get a good drift on such days is really not possible. Just try and get the best one you can. Lots of mending. Also, don't make many false casts on days like that. Whenever I go to recast on windy days, I just make one backcast to load the rod and launch the line forward. If it's not good, I just repeat the process until you get the cast you like. Kind of hard to explain, but something like that. What did the boss man think?
  14. Did you catch it in Beaver also?
  15. Sounds good.
  16. Dries are fun to fish. You simply dead drift them like any other fly minus the indicator. I tend to use the larger dries (size 16). Many like to use the smaller ones. But the glare can make it hard to keep your eyes on these smaller ones. The Adams is a great attractor pattern. There was a hatch coming off yesterday, but not too many fishing rising on them. Very odd.
  17. It was tough fishing today Chase. Nice conditions, but the fish weren't doing much at all. Caught a few on the ol' pig and dry adams, but that was it. Talked to several out there and they all said the same thing: Slow. Let me know when you're heading up there again.
  18. hey chase, I'll go with ya. What time you heading up there? Anytime in the AM is fine with me. Just let me know when and where you want to meet. I'm curious if the young skywalker can teach Obi-wan a new trick or two on how to catch fish. Are you tying up your own sowpigs these days? Check your PM box for my cell.
  19. Well done! I caught a 20" back in Dec. of 2000 up by the dam. They are a hoot to catch.
  20. That fish looks to be in the slot limit, but maybe I'm wrong. Released?
  21. Very good question indeed. I've been a pentax man for a long time. The new K10d camera will work with my dad's old 1979 KX film camera lenses. In fact, any pentax len ever produced. If you are satisfied with the pictures stick with them. Maybe future Sony digital SLR's will be backward compatible with them.
  22. Bryce, Lisa, and Steve, Just wanted to say Merry Christmas to you guys. Thanks for the all the fun times over the past year. You all have really made fishing Beaver more enjoyable. Also thanks for your trout management and conservation efforts. I'm sure others feel the same way. Keep up the good work. See you next trip up there.
  23. Chase, are you the Knight rider? That's a cool car that gives you a weather report! Haha...I didn't make it up there yesterday, but I did today. Like you said, very cold. It was slow today too but by 2pm they still hadn't generated. Only landed two fish all day using the sowpig.
  24. If by "finals" you mean classes like math, economics, and english, etc.., probably better study. However, if it's music appreciation, modern dance interpretation, or intermediate swimming, then I say go fishing! Years ago I actually made it to the final interview stage BECAUSE I fly fished and tied flies! Never mind a masters degree and foreign language skills... How cool is that?! If you go saturday I might see ya there chase...good luck.
  25. Well the fishing today was SLOW. We fished mainly in the Lure Only section. Nobody was really hooking up very well. However, there were some bait slingers doing okay near the Dam. I caught about 6-7 and robin just a couple. She was using her typical beadhead sowbug and I used midges mostly. I think the warmer air and abundant sunlight made them a bit shy.
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