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Everything posted by McFlyGuy

  1. For low water situations, I paint the outer surface of Palsa floats with glow in the dark paint that can be obtained at Hobby Lobby or similar shop. Usually a couple of coats. It does introduce the hassle of having to zap it with a light every so often, but not as bulky as the light sticks. McFlyGuy
  2. Count me in. I'll be there.
  3. I will be down there on the 1st and 2nd, so would be available night of the 1st. Time and place?
  4. Table Rock State Park is closeby.
  5. The Pitzen knot is a pretty good one. http://www.fintalk.com/fishing-knots/pitzen-knot.html You have to scroll down to find the pictures and description of the knot.
  6. Go to "charteredwaters.com" and look under fishing reports. Look at March 20, 19 and especially March 10.
  7. Phil, In answer to your question about less crowding on the White vs. Taney -- Think about 30+ miles of wadeable stream @ low flow vs. less than 5. I think that says a lot. If Powersite dam wasn't there, we might have more "stream" than "lake" at Taney which would improve the crowding but also change other things as well. McFlyGuy
  8. The other thing is fly size. Brett often uses size 20-22 scuds when fishing the slack water. Definitely try the Palsa indicator. Only need half of one. No weight needed in the edge water either usually.
  9. Seth, What size tippet are you using? You've pretty much got to go with 7x fluorocarbon in that situation. McFlyGuy
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