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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. I got some at Lowes for my Blueberries. oneshot
  2. Well actually God seen how His word was being used by man for control. He had Jesus come. If it wasn't for Jesus we would have no hope unless you were Jewish. Because of this woman He took another look at all God's children. oneshot
  3. Been a few years but yes. oneshot
  4. You say you read it. If you did to me it was very clear. Matthew 15 22-28 Oh it's in the King James version of the Bible. oneshot
  5. The thing is they pay to fish the Park then fish the river. If I was able to walk and drive I would go to Barclay. oneshot
  6. Many think Jesus was for everyone but He was a good Jewish Man and only was for the Jews. But read Matthew 15. Because of Jesus and Dogs we can spend eternity with our Heavenly Father. I like Dogs our Family Name is Dog in French. oneshot
  7. I knew better being Saturday. Thought I would go fishing where the Park spring runs into the river. Got down there people from the Park was fishing there even though it isn't the Park. Don't know why the Wood Bridge is closed, it looked fine. Anyway I went back home. oneshot
  8. oneshot


    One time years ago had Turkeys pile up in a barn because of a Trantula. oneshot
  9. oneshot


    Every place I've lived here in Missouri has had Rattlers. Had a Black Snake in my Man Cave the other day, ran it out. My wife was going to burn the house down. oneshot
  10. Was surprised yesterday went to a restaurant that was only drive through. Yesterday dine in and had smorgasbord. One place in town I like to eat. One other place dine in but only off the menu. oneshot
  11. Most the problems anymore is gas related. But a person pulls his head out of his back side can figure it out. My trouble is firing but take my time I can figure it out. oneshot
  12. I was working as a Supervisor. Hired kids 16 years old but because of laws only thing I could have them do was stack bags on pallets or shovel seed. Heck when I was 13 I was doing any Job required. Even driving Grain Truck which I'm sure was illegal but Boss said do it so I did. My wife on her Job because of her College and Medical experience she does great. Her problem now is her age. oneshot
  13. oneshot


    I was nice one time took a Black Snake to my Garden. Next day he brought a friend ate most my young Ducks. I wasn't so nice. oneshot
  14. Most places here going full out except some Restaurants and it is just drive through. We were blessed my wife never lost work other than her supposed to have COVID. We're pretty sure her Brother died of it within couple days. He bought a Motorcycle on Monday and was dead Thursday. Not so sure on her Mom she was in her 80's had lung problems. Hospital said she had COVID but never tested her and quit giving her daily treatments so she died. oneshot
  15. Believe it or not but I was called a liar again when I said our county wasn't shut down for COVID stuff. My wife said eating places just had drive through. oneshot
  16. Our Electric comes through Sho Me which buys Electric all over the state. During this hot weather they are asking for us to cut back usage. The article said most of the trouble will be in New England, East Cost, Illinois, Minnesota and Western Mountain states. Not saying this won't effect us. It did say Midwest will have problems. oneshot
  17. The ones that have converted say it is to costly to go back. I checked into so called free Solar for our house. It was going to cost me more than what present Electric Bill cost. But I went 50 years without Electric. Yes I do enjoy it now but know I really don't need it. oneshot
  18. What I got from the article was Power Plants going Green their not going to be able to keep up with demand so will have more outages and Brown Outs lasting for months. Winter there is going to be more demand for Fossil Fuel that won't be there. oneshot
  19. I try to listen to people that know more than me but I did get the Vaccine and then was told by my Doctor that it was the worst thing I could have done. Was thinking about all this in past people turned from the Lord and then went many years rethinking their decision and the Lord took care of them. No I don't believe this is the last days it's just a time that will be hard for many years and with faith will bring us out of it once again. oneshot
  20. Well what I was reading makes sense and at times like this not going to be caught with my pants down. Got enough to do for awhile just need to make a few changes. oneshot
  21. Was looking on Internet. Their saying before this is all said and done we won't have Electric or Gas. Electric I can handle only had it a few years. Gas is different. But I have two Horses. Time to build Out House and catch Rain Water. Sister said she has Generator. OK smarty where you going to get gas? They can't pump it and Plastic Money won't be any good. oneshot
  22. Well all I know is while people were not working and getting paid some were traveling because gas was reasonable. Seen lots of New Pickups pulling New Campers. Went to Pomme couple times during the week and it was shoulder to shoulder on the bank. I gave up driving all the way over there. River was same way. oneshot
  23. I forgot to add factories here didn't shut down. I went to Pomme during Lockdown and never could find a place to park so I gave up. oneshot
  24. Well help here got bonuses because everyone did so well. This year they are not. Barclay is a Take Out for some. Heck years ago had a woman all over me at 64 access. It is much worse on weekends here. oneshot KOA from my Deck they will be gone Monday
  25. Could take picture of KOA across the road. But not the same as yesterday. Told my wife drive by NRO today it would be a Mad House. Everyone making money not like they was during COVID shut down when they had 7 day weekend. During COVID shutdown I usually fish during the week but it didn't matter during the shutdown couldn't get to the Lakes or River. oneshot
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