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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Got a Two Year Old beating on Pots and Pans. Boone is curious about everything and has to chew up stuff but he is House Broke and comes to his name. oneshot
  2. Well spent two years in Springfield drunk and high went about every night to Strip Club as guests. I had one girl I was driving back and forth. My wife got me out of there before I got in trouble. Oh I did drive Trash Truck and worked Security at Bass Pro. Now I can’t Drink much and can’t get it up. Hey it’s the only life we have in this world. oneshot
  3. Last couple days been taking plenty didn’t feel a thing. oneshot
  4. HMMMM! Well truth not to have Alcohol or Coffee. Like I say case of Beer here last a long time. Use to keep Wild Turkey Distillery in business. Been long time since been to Branson but alcohol was biggest cost. Don’t party like use to but sure I spend money enough on fishing stuff. (See how I slipped that in there) oneshot
  5. Very seldom have a Beer. Had someone mad at me having a case of their favorite for a year not drinking any. oneshot
  6. Well that leaves me out because far as I know I consume none of either. oneshot
  7. Well Doctor told me to go ahead and eat Lamb see if that is it. Got to go see a Skin Doctor on a place on my face.. Found I take enough pain medication I don’t feel anything. oneshot
  8. Well they run Blood Work found I have Gout. Probably got it because I ate some Lamb should have ate fish ( See how I got that in there) My wife told me to take these 3 little pills. I told her I know what they do but they work. oneshot
  9. Meade is good stuff. I was making Elderberry Wine my wife was watching me. She says there is no way I’m drinking that. Why is it the good stuff involves mold other than Weed? Got Pork Curring in the shed. Almost forgot Smoked Fish is good. oneshot
  10. Well still messed up got to go to Springfield. Im glad my wife decided not to go to that class. Instead of getting room for another night she would have tried driving back Thursday in dark and snow on strange roads. So no Catfishing for me down there. See always got fishing on my mind. LOL oneshot
  11. Dang! I was hoping for Suckers. oneshot
  12. Always Fishing with me. Like got some weights for Catfishing and Sucker Fishing. oneshot
  13. Yea had a guy like playing poker with. Get him drunk it was easy to win and hard telling what he would put in the pot. oneshot
  14. My kids are like you know stuff? No I was always old and didn’t know anything. oneshot
  15. More to this Forum than Fishing ?😲 Never see me post anything but Fishing Stuff. Now Bees I never raised. Know I should but I’m old school robbed bunch of hives. oneshot
  16. I should feel blessed because my Doctor told me years ago that I shouldn’t be able to walk and I only have one good arm. oneshot
  17. Already there messed up the other years ago. What is funny I didn’t know they couldn’t hire me because of it but I worked many years with it. Don’t want my wife pushing me in Wheelchair she just don’t really care. oneshot
  18. oneshot

    Say What

    Ate Groudhog really like them. This one is too old. oneshot
  19. Was supposed to go out of town with my wife. Yesterday I was having trouble with one foot. Today couldn’t walk on it. Went to the Doctor thinking it was Gout. He says I have an infection. Might be over it and can go but might not. oneshot
  20. No this guy the fire started in his garage. Some thought he had set it himself but all his firearms Burt so he didn’t start it. oneshot
  21. We had a friend his house burnt down after Electric came back on after the ice storm. oneshot
  22. Yea these guys have been good I had them take out some trees. No problem! oneshot
  23. Hey I try! oneshot
  24. She said it needed to be run one hour once a month. Hey way I figure it’s her baby. Getting it hooked up might cost. oneshot
  25. My wife bought a Whole House Generator that runs on Diesel. oneshot
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