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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Ok across from Bennett Spring Access years ago there was clearing on this land that was addressed.For years it has been treated as Private Property which it is.But this year it seems everyone and all their Kin seem to think its Public Land. My question is why all of a sudden everyone going over there? I know it is open all along there making it easier to get to the river and all but it is Private Property and if I was the owner I would have problems with what is going on. oneshot
  2. Yea sounds good to me,I tell you what it sure is fun reeling in a Crappie and seeing a Big Mouth and Gills flaring right at the Boat. oneshot
  3. Ok have hooked Musky just reeling in Bluegill or Crappie.Is there a way of Bait fishing for them from the bank that is consistent? oneshot
  4. Its like this my Son offerd to make payments I would but we're needing Storage at the New Place.I either have to move these buildings down to the New Place or get the money to build. oneshot
  5. Have used marshmallows,Night crawlers,Minnows and Velveeta.Used Cigarette Filters in Colorado.Trout are easy just as any Pan Fish oneshot
  6. The river is looking Good seems everyone is catching Rainbows below the Park,from what I seen Power Bait color didn't matter but White and Orange seemed dominate.Seen some using Spinners just didn't see what they was using but they were catching too.The fish seemed to have Good size. oneshot
  7. Ok since we are Buying our House we have no need for our Cabin by Warsaw on two Lots. The Lots are together which measures 90'X100' altogether.Cabin is 10'X20' has Electric and Phone, Sink Cabinets,Cook Stove,Small Refrigerator,A/C,$1,500 Composting Toilet,New Small Hot Water Heater,New 110V RV Water Pump that we pull water out of Barrel that comes from Well down the Road.The Storage Shed is New 8'X12',Metal. It is in Fairfield Woods,Gated Security,Shower House,$160 a year for Road Upkeep,Trash Pickup and use of Shower House,$60 a year for Taxes, which is 10 miles from Truman Dam on West on 83 HWY,100 feet from COE Land,close to Public Ramp,plenty of places to fish from the bank,plenty of Public Hunting Land. Here is the Deal Lots Cabin and Storage Shed $5,000 or just the Lots $1,500. Not a Real good Pic of outside of Cabin. Inside of Cabin Couple of the Storage Shed oneshot
  8. Yea we already have a Small Cabin East of Fairfield Ramp just too Small a Lot with our four Legged Kids.We are wanting to sell that now. oneshot
  9. Well we sold our place and thought we was moving to our Cabin at Warsaw,really didn't care for this considering its a small Lot and we have 3 Four Legged Kids. Instead found a place 3 Bedrooms on 5 acres just West of Cross Timbers Access.Needs some work but is still livable.But like I told my wife with the location I would live in a Tent oneshot
  10. Went to Barclay river is still up and some color.Didn't get as much as a nibble.Went up below 64 HWY,was using White Power Bait casting towards the middle,nothing,just Lobbed it out caught three Nice Rainbows right off,took awhile on the forth. oneshot
  11. Ok instead of turning towards the Dam off 54 HWY go the other way.Park along the road down by the quarry,walk on over to the river.Ok thats how to get there,now Bad News don't know anyone catching any yet.They are running water at the Dam. oneshot
  12. Will Truman be releasing water once Pomme de Terre starts running heavy or are they going to have to deal with high water again this year? oneshot
  13. Went Snagging below 54 HWY there was 3 other people there.They weren't having any Luck.One said he had been there 4 times this season and nothing.He said last season he had caught around 40. I tried for awhile nothing.Went on up by the Dam couple Guys were catching a few Crappie I tried just didn't have the right Jigs.So I come home empty handed. oneshot
  14. I'm talking about down by L13 where Lindley comes into the Lake.There is a Low Water Bridge I cross to get over there,bunch of MDC Bottom Land there. oneshot
  15. So there is no way to get over the Low Water Bridge down there? I was hopping to fish on down at the accesss.I have no Boat but it looked pretty easy waking along the bank towards the Dam. oneshot
  16. Go with Adventures Linda will fix you up with any kind of Float you want. http://mo-adventures.org/ oneshot
  17. Sold my place here and moving to Warsaw next couple months oneshot
  18. They clean ponds out around here if people see one in their pond they shoot it on sight. oneshot
  19. I just talked with someone down on the Niangua they said they didn't think anyone would put any Floaters in but they would recommend no one float it if they have never before because it is so high. oneshot
  20. Well did come to mind. We was having fun watching people park.Had one Guy come in had to parallel park,he was 5 foot from the curb,gets out walks around the car,Yelp I'm too far out,pulls up just a little,trys to get in,gets out looks it over,nope still sticking out,pulls out a little more,backs in,had a curb behind him almost runs over it,finally just gets it in the Lines. oneshot
  21. Just went over 64HWY the water is high but not over the island.My Son says it takes good two days for any heavy rain South to get this way.I'm thinking not real good for the weekend. oneshot
  22. Lost Home Getting Grub Kicking Well we're home.Whats funny the Sheriff came in the Hotel as we were leaving and followed us out of town. oneshot
  23. Went to leave yesterday snow,decided to leave later.Then while my wife was loading out the pickup she accidently Locked the doors with the Keys in it had to wait two hours for someone to come unlock it. Well we made it late got our room.Me and my Son went fishing,I got turned around came in opposit of the way I usually do but we found it.I caught two Rainbows we was freezing our Tail off so went back to the room.Found I was basically in sight of the Hotel. My wife bought some Discount Coupons for an Italian Place close to the Hotel.Got to the place had no idea what we was ordering but it was good. Come back to the Hotel got some Adult refreshments went down to the Swimming Pool and Hot Tub. Then brought the party up to the room.Played cards till Late,went out on the balcony every so often tried spitting on the Red car 9 stories below. Up this morning Coffee and Oatmeal.Pictures to come. oneshot
  24. If your just wanting to catch Trout you can go to Lilley's or Cooper Creek Fish off the Dock,UL Spinning,4# Line,Power Bait,Salmon Eggs or Worms catch Trout.Just need Fishing License and Trout Permit. oneshot
  25. I didn't get down in the Park but river was high.My wife talked to a couple Guys earlier I would say they was Bait Fishing in the Park anyway they said the Stream was too high. oneshot
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