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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Yelp thats what I say I have a heck of alot more invested in this place.With the economy,my Health and other things I need to sell it,I hate to but just the way it is. oneshot
  2. Ok I thought I had this sold but they backed out because of their own money problems. I have a Lot 90'X100' with 10'X20' Unfinished Cabin that can be easly built on too.There is Electric and the Cabin is wired.Have an Evirolite Composting Toilet,I think we gave $1,500 for it.Got a Small Cook Stove and Refridgerator in it. There is a Small Camper that goes with it,we have the Title. It is 10 miles SW of Warsaw on 83 HWY.Its at Fairfield Woods which is close to Fairfield Ramp on Truman Lake.It is about 100' from Corps of Engineer Land. I'm having trouble with Photo Bucket.But here is an Old Link with Pics. http://missouriwhitetails.com/forums/viewt...age=1#pid479062 I'm asking $5,000,which is way less than I have in the place. oneshot
  3. oneshot


    Well I remember on the Deer and turkey.But I don't remember Small Game and Fishing being Bad in Southern Missouri.But at the time famers were doing their best to raise Grain and Dairy Farm.Would do plenty good fishing in the James and Sac Rivers. In some ways it was better to me back in them days,plenty of Game,could knock on a stangers Door and get permission to hunt or fish.Could get stringers of Bass for the Table and nothing was said.Just my .02. oneshot
  4. Talked to a couple Friday said they caught hundreds of Browns up towards NRO.They had couple nice Stringers of Rainbows. oneshot
  5. Boy i'm glad it isn't just me.I was down at Barclay Saturday didn't get nothing. oneshot
  6. Think you parked by me I had the Dodge Pickup.Tried by the Ramp nothing.Tried on up stream by the riffle nothing.Went on up by Bennett fished below the Bridge nothing. I looked for you before I left Barclay but didn't see you. oneshot
  7. Sounds good.If they are running some water should see other fish biting too. oneshot
  8. Should be in real good shape by the weekend. oneshot.
  9. Yea me and my wife have to do something tender with them we don't have that many teeth anymore. oneshot
  10. Went to Barclay today,up,muddy and trashy.Another guy was fishing had only caught one Bow.Me I didn't catch anything.Decided to go Squirrel hunting a couple days. big rockpile
  11. Rob I use asweet Dough Bait that works good.But have problems keeping it on a Small Hook,so I miss alot of Buffalo. I usually fish Pomme De Terre.May is good. oneshot
  12. I'm thinking of a way to target Buffalo.Would a Small Straight hook baited with Cheese work? Also would it be worth my time fishing for Buffalo and Carp this time of year? oneshot
  13. Found this too. JEFFERSON CITY—Missouri’s November firearms deer harvest dipped by 6.4 percent this year, leading the state’s top deer expert to believe that antler-point restrictions and an emphasis on shooting antlerless deer are paying off. The statewide deer harvest during the 11-day November Portion of Firearms Deer Season was 200,679. That is down 13,815 from last year. The top harvest counties were Macon, with 4,021 deer checked; Benton with 3,600 and Texas with 3,590. Resource Scientist Lonnie Hansen is in charge of the Missouri Department of Conservation’s deer-management program. He said that except for a cold, windy opening day, weather was not much of a factor in holding down this year’s deer harvest. He described conditions as “about as close to perfect as possible.” Hansen also dismissed acorn availability as a significant factor in reducing this year’s deer kill. Instead, he attributed the reduced harvest to a combination of regulation changes and disease. “I think there is no question that more than doubling the number of counties with antler-point restrictions reduced the harvest,” said Hansen. “Requiring hunters to pass up deer that don’t have at least four points on one side necessarily reduces the number of deer they can shoot. That is especially true the first year, before younger deer have a chance to mature and grow into the legal range.” When antler-point restrictions went into effect in 29 counties in 2004, the overall deer harvest dropped by about 14 percent in the northern portion of the pilot area and approximately 3 percent in the southern portion. Hansen said this year’s harvest decrease is consistent with that pattern. Antlered deer made up 37 percent of this year’s November deer harvest compared to 45 percent last year. Hansen noted that deer numbers also are decreasing in some areas in response to other factors. “We have been trying to encourage hunters to shoot more does for at least a decade,” he said. “Attitudes change slowly, but I think hunters have kind of taken the doe-harvest message to heart. In addition to our encouragement, popular deer hunting groups, like the Quality Deer Management Association and Whitetails Unlimited, also encourage doe harvest.” Hansen said more hunters are recognizing that responsible deer management is needed to minimize the incidence of deer-car accidents and crop damage and to improve the quality of deer hunting. “Over time it is becoming more acceptable to shoot does,” he said. Hansen said localized outbreaks of epizootic hemorrhagic disease, particularly in southern Missouri, also played a role in reducing deer numbers and therefore deer harvest. Missouri’s record November firearms deer harvest of 235,409 took place in 2006. Hansen said Missouri’s deer herd remains healthy and relatively stable, and he expects future years’ November deer harvests to hover somewhere around 200,000. “Overall, I am very pleased with this year’s harvest, and with the trend in deer harvests. Deer management is a balancing act between the advantages of having enough deer and the disadvantages of having too many deer. I think a lot of people would be unhappy if our deer population increased or decreased much from where it is now.” The Conservation Department recorded four firearms-related deer hunting incidents – all nonfatal – during the November hunt. That is the same as last year’s record low. -Jim Low- oneshot
  14. Don't know number of Tags Sold.But I would say our % is higher.I do know kill was down some.Here is the numbers I found. http://www.mdc.mo.gov/cgi-bin/maps/deertur...Deer%20Firearms oneshot
  15. oneshot

    Anyone Been?

    Sorry Late getting back to you.I killed this one Wednesday.He was with a Doe. oneshot
  16. Enter the water quietly and with a low profile. “Unlike many other human activities - no matter how much whiskey you had, you can still fish” If by chance you do figure you have drank too much Whiskey to fish and your laying in the back of your Pickup.The Stars are not moving that fast your Pickup is rolling into the river.Trust me on this. oneshot
  17. It was on the Niangua River . oneshot
  18. Was setting here at the house,thinking what I wanted to do.I thought about going Deer hunting but didn't want to get caught in the rain. Decided to go to the river fishing.Left the house seen a Nice Eight Point Buck just across the holler.Wonder if I was right on going.Get to the river not a soul there. Just needed two for Supper.Caught one Trout.Looked down the river seen a Bird flying my way,knew what it was before I could see its Head and Tail,it was a Bald Eagle.Bit later caught my second Trout. Was cleaning them looked up seen a perfect Hornets Nest.Thought how I sure would like to have it to hang in my Front Room with the others.Thought maybe I can talk my Son into getting it. Its hard to believe this Countryboy is just passing through and that his Hevenly Home is so much better.I am truly Blessed. oneshot
  19. Gas Prices and the weather.I mean heck with all the rain people didn't know what to do. oneshot
  20. Back in the '60's I would say we was as close to being Hillbilly as you could get living off the land,making a living Logging,Hauling Firewood and Hay. But anyway we went down there Deer hunting.It was cold,here comes a kid riding on a Dirt Bike,no shoes.He was looking for some Hogs that had got out.Invited us up to the house for Lunch.Get up there Tar Paper One Room Shack,with a herd of kids.All I could think was they had us beat all the heck as far as Hillbillies. But I have room to talk if you see my place now.Well heck here is a pic Then ofcourse pic of my Baby Son Here is a pic of my Mom as a child with her family getting ready to go fishing with their fancy rig. Then there is me and my wife,this is an old pic of us just coming home from Church
  21. oneshot


    Ok every day I've been to the river if the wind is blowing at all this time of year seems there is so much junk its awful hard catching a fish.I notice its not just me.Is there a way of getting around this without just waiting for the wind to settle a couple days? oneshot
  22. Kind of off subject but since we're bringing up MDC land what are your thoughts on Walk in Areas as they have in other states? oneshot
  23. Well it seems you don't know me or the people around here.I am one of the very few that have Electric and the only reason I have it is because a woman from out of state decided I needed it wheather I wanted it or not and my Kids decided I needed to have a Well instead of getting water out of the spring. As far as Bullets I make my own,get Powder and Lead as cheap as I can.One time I had two Tags and three Bullets my wife said that would be enough.First shot I missed but my aim was true on the next two. I live on my property.With the lay off the land I have three Stands set up where there is no way anyone will be shooting towards the other.Plus if they want they can shoot from the house which has been done before. Most people in this area have small acerage and no Electric so they Can it and really depend on the meat. oneshot
  24. Well on my 20 acres 3 people can hunt it safely.I have killed 6 Deer it in one season off it.Yes it does hurt if the only meat you eat is wild Game and you are on a fixed income.Plus why should my neighbor that has 120 acres,who sets watching for Deer going to the Food Plots I put in with money out of my pocket be able to take advantage of Free Tags? Yes I do buy Archery Tags and Bonus Tags,but I do like have the Free Tags to help out.On the property that I pay Taxes on and take care of.Oh the neighbor that has 120 acres said I was killing all the Deer in the country because I killed them 6 off my place.I killed 4 last season off it. oneshot
  25. Yes they are going up on all Permits.Right off the top of my head.$20 on Regular Deer Tag,$10 on Bonus,Trot Permit $10.Plus you can only get Free Tags if you own 80 continuous acres.Plus you have to go to the Courthouse and get proof you own it for more of a hassel. I was going to call the Main Office in Jefferson City,tell them I just want to talk to someone over this matter.The Phone Number is 573-751-4115.I'm sure there is a Toll Free number just don't have it. oneshot
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