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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Me and my wife are thinking NRO would be the best place. oneshot
  2. Well I was at Lead Mine.the Guys that had the Crappie said they caught a nice Trout today but didn't have a Permit. I tell you this is getting me to seriously thinking about selling my Big Boat and getting a Smaller one just for the river and selling my Cabin at Truman Lake. oneshot
  3. Ok this is crazy but this is the first year in 15 years I've really fished the Niangua River wish I had fished it hard sooner. Ok I've seen Suckers,Bass,Catfish,Goggleye,Trout come out of it then today I see some nice Crappie come out. Ok my question is this about it or is there some other type of Fish in it? oneshot
  4. Well I was using Wolly Worm same area.maybe I wasn't holding my mouth right.The others were using Black and White Jigs,Spoons,Worms,Power Bait and Eggs.Nothing. oneshot
  5. I was on the river Saturday below the Bridge.Didn't seem to be many being caught.Do you happen to know if they have stocked it for awhile? oneshot
  6. Well I just got off the phone with Weavers and he said the river is looking good today.I'm getting ready to run over there in couple hours. oneshot
  7. Here you go oneshot
  8. I'm sure you can buy them I have friends that Raise Trout in Cages in Winter and Catfish in Summer,just don't know where they buy them. oneshot
  9. Ok guys just a country hick here.But did most our Jobs leave because of NAFTA? If so how can we get it reversed? I know getting a little off subject,but I was just wondering. oneshot
  10. There is several by me in Lead Mine which is 50 miles,plus there is a guy that Kiln drys. They have no phones so you have to talk to them face to face. oneshot
  11. You really wanting this person to lead the country.I have a Long memory. oneshot
  12. Ok the Election before last I voted for Bush,last election I didn't.This Election I said there was no way I could vote for Mc Cain.Then I got to watching listening to what I seen and Heard.Then I was on the Fence.Well I've alawys been told to go with my Gut feeling on people.I decided to go with Mc Cain. Now with Sarah Palin on the Ticket my gut is screaming this is the best we have had in years from either Party and I would be a Dang Fool to Vote for any other than the Mc Cain/Palin Ticket.I believe there will be changes in a very strong way.I believe this team is the ones to make them. oneshot
  13. Her first Job as VP Quiet I have Osama bin Laden in my sights Man I just love this woman oneshot
  14. Well I talked with a shop couple days ago and told them I was putting Sea Foam in my gas.They told me with the ethanol in the gas its not doing any good,because it won't mix well.So I decided to quit messing with the problem to just put fresh gas in my Boat every time I take it out.Get home put it in my Pickup. Kind of a pain but I think its the best way of dealing with this. oneshot
  15. Yes I was wondering the same thing about fishing all Winter. oneshot
  16. Ok I was fishing where Lindley Creek runs into the Lake.Do you go by Lake regulations there or River regulations? Or is it still Lake regulations until you get way on past the Low Water Bridge? I'm thinking its Lake because it is still Corps Land on both sides of the creek,but I might be wrong and its Conservation Land.If this makes sence. oneshot
  17. You couldn't just float just above them? I'm just wondering. oneshot
  18. You know I can't think of any.Plenty of Outfitters for Canoes and Camping.Most just give advise what their biting on and what part of the river.Some may give classes on Fly Fishing,but thats about it. oneshot
  19. Well shoot.Tell the truth I live down here so I never camp here.Most I have done was go to NRO to find my kids and I told my wife on the way out this was not my way of camping. I truly don't know where to tell you to camp,seems most of them are the same way.Every little patch of ground is money in their pocket and they don't care. oneshot
  20. I got a picture of Big Foot at a frienfs house I swear it was real,but I wasn't touching the nasty thing. oneshot
  21. Was they hitting on anything special? oneshot
  22. Got another question to go with this too.Do you pull the Pinchers off? And is it better to fish them under a Float to get them off the bottom? oneshot
  23. Ok once again I'm all wet.I called the Agent he said they put No Collecting Of Bait is for ones catching for Commercial use.Ofcoarse they didn't say this on the Paperwork.But the Agent said it was ok. Which is very good for me got 3 Minnow Traps. Thanks oneshot
  24. I think it is because of the Niangua Darter.I didn't know you couldn't take Bait until last year.But that is why I wonderd if illegal the whole river.Heck you can't even legally get gravel of of the creek by me because of the Darter. oneshot
  25. Ok I know its illegal to collect Bait on Lead Mine CA.But is it ok to go across the river and collect Perch and Minnows or is it illegal on the whole river? oneshot
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