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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. My wife said that is his name.She should know she worked for him. oneshot
  2. Well quit taking your wifes or girlfriends drugs and you won't feel this way oneshot
  3. Yea I've caught Smallies South of 50HWY on Lamine CA. plus extra bonus you can camp there. oneshot
  4. With Gas prices I really hate wasting time pulling the Boat around if fishing is on the slow side which it seems to me. Is fishing in general slow now? If so is it warm weather,High Pressure,Full Moon or all of the above? oneshot
  5. Truth I haven't been up that way durring warm weather,but I would say early afternoon.But also it has been getting pretty warm by 9AM. Let me know how you do I might have to head over that way. oneshot
  6. Thats what I'm saying my Son works down there and he seems to think it is one of the better places for now. oneshot
  7. Browns and Smallies are hitting on Crawdads. oneshot
  8. Or is it just me.I went to Pomme this morning ,put out 12 Jugs for about 3 hours baited with Hot Dogs,caught one Cat.Big enough for supper. I know it wasn't best time but I didn't want to be messing with weekend crowd coming in.I don't know maybe if I had went in the evening with better bait would have done better. But I've really not heard a whole lot of fish being caught.Is it just normal Full Moon,High pressure,Summer slow down? oneshot
  9. If you are willing to make a long walk and beat the weeds down,this time of year it is good where the spring comes into the river.You have to park at the Gate going to the shop and follow the Fence down.Its a real pain but might be good. Me this time of year if I'm wanting to catch Trout I just soon go Bennett Access way early in the morning.
  10. My Son has been working for Fort Niangua said last Saturday it was packed. Did you catch anything?I've been thinking of going there. oneshot
  11. Ok I talked with my Son today.He said in his opinion Fort Niangua is the best place down there.He didn't have a number for me but I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to get. oneshot
  12. Went over to the Dam they weren't running and not many there so we came home. oneshot
  13. Went over to Pomme De Terre today,went over to Nemo Ramp.Walkway to Dock was under water and the Signs,so yes it is up. oneshot
  14. DANG! DOUBLE DANG!!!! Thats a nice fish on Light Tackle. oneshot
  15. Hey is it ok to put in just before you get down below the Dam? You know where I'm talking about?I've only been down there a few times. Was you just using Live Bait? oneshot
  16. I think he is talking about the people that have that put in there.I can't think of their name. oneshot
  17. Haven't really went Carp fishing this year,been mostly Suckers. oneshot
  18. Two years ago there was Road Blocks set up the first of the season.Half the people going in either got Tickets or were arrested.Since then they have been cracking down and writing Tickets for everything. I talked with the Water Patrol asking if the Doppers were learning? He said Nope! But last couple years Springfield Paper has been pushing the area as far as coming enjoying the Piece and Quite of the outdoors and all the area has to offer.Bringing more and more in. oneshot
  19. Thanks. oneshot
  20. Yelp had her for 26 years.Better at working on stuff than most men and always Game for anything. Really Cool Lady oneshot
  21. Well if I put in it would be on the Fairfield Ramp.The Boat is a tuff Boat and stable,just I don't care to tear stuff up.I already hit a log and knocked my Transducer off.Wife fixed it and seems to be working ok. oneshot
  22. My wife is wanting to go up to Truman for a couple days.I have a Boat that I'm really not use to yet and I've only been on the Lake a couple times. With all the talk of high water and brush I'm thinking its best just to leave the Boat at home and just bank fish below the Dam. What you guys think? oneshot
  23. Haven't been over there for couple weeks.But does say they are releasing some water so fishing should be ok. oneshot
  24. People talking about the Charity Access makes me want to make the drive down there.My Grandparents owned that property,then my Grandfather died.Grandma sold it to the MDC. oneshot
  25. Never floated it but I'm thinking put in at the Dam and float to Hermitage.You can catch just about any fish on the river. oneshot
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