For Sale 90'X100' Lot with unfinished Mennonite built 10'X20" Cabin.Close to Fairfield ramp.10 miles from Warsaw,Mo.About the same distance from the Dam.Corps Land is about 100' from property.Has Electric.
There is a $130 per year assessment to cover road upkeep,Trash Pickup,Security,use of Shower House,and use of Well to get water and Dump Station.Taxes are $50 a year.
For the most part it is quiet most of the time.We're selling at a loss.Would make good weekend get away,or couple could live there.Can be built on no problem.
Asking $5,500 firm.
Ok since I first posted this I got rid of my Boat and bought a Bigger one.So it will be business as usual.
Got a question though.I have a place at Warsaw but we usually go to Osceola to start the season.Which is what we will do this year.But later on we was talking about going below 65 HWY because it is closer.How far down is the Old Oar House? Just never been down that way,looks like a fun place.Oh aqnd how do you get to it by road?
I know the area of the river you talk of.You can find Crappie,Bluegill,Rock Bass,Black Bass,Smallmouth Bass,Catfish,Carp,Buffalo,Suckers.
Yes the Otters are very hard on the Fish and frogs,very good hunters.They will catch to eat and sometimes just for fun.
Thanks for the Update.I was wantingb to go but haven't bought my Permits for this year yet,found other things to do.Looks like going to have to wait about a week again for the water to go down.
Went to Barclay yesterday.Looks like the river had been up 2/3 of the way up on the ramp.It was still running high and muddy.Didn't catch any fish.
Hey crappiefisherman what would a 400cc,4X4 run me? I was looking the other day at different brand and I think they was around $5,700.
Going to be awhile I either got to get a Brush beater Pickup,Tractor or an ATV.ATV sounds like more fun.
18 foot Polar Kraft,with 70Hp. Nissan.I was looking at Grizzly at Bass Pro.the Lady didn't want to talk with me.
I really think I came out with a better Boat.
Is it just me but I've always liked Spinners,just seems if I add a Spinner lots of times that is all that is needed.
When don't you want to use a Spinner?
Here you go.If you go on MDC Site and hit Atlas you can find out about all their areas.;txtDivision=
Beaver Lake is right there.
I'm about 150 miles North of there,fish for Carp and Buffalo.Little more U.S. Redneck style,but enjoy catching them.
Ah yes run a Camp,they learn numorous things.Pickup repair,Carpentry,Plumbing,Electrical Wrireing,Butchering,all this and they get to bring me Beer and keep me happy.
Take care of it Dear I'll watch