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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Moon Valley is a place on the river not a town. Windyville is closest town and it is just a spot in the road. Sheriff should have been taking care of it. When we lived there no Law would come to the area. They had the mother of one of my Granddaughters one time. The area to start out with is to be very haunted. oneshot
  2. We had a guy killed his Head, Hands and Tats cut off so he couldn’t be identified. Had a guy killed over drugs then him and vehicle burnt. This is far worse if what I heard is true. oneshot
  3. Much worse! oneshot
  4. Like I say I just heard so not saying other than if true it is bad. oneshot
  5. Just found out I actually know these guys. And found out many things. Make a heck of a book. oneshot
  6. Took this picture on Moon Valley rd. last Spring. oneshot
  7. My Ex was Indian and her Uncle was killed in town because of it. oneshot
  8. Actually he lost his farm and did prison time. Then he got caught growing on someone else’s property oneshot
  9. Yelp to us Moon Valley rd. Is just across the holler. Know a Guy that got caught with 10 pounds of weed over there. I’ve asked several times to do some things over there but turned it down because I didn’t want to take the chance on prison time. oneshot
  10. Got some house slippers I wear. Told my wife what some was saying. Got both shoes tied today. She said let them have their Arms tied to their body and Legs not working and have to set down to pee. She was not nice. Hey I try. oneshot
  11. I managed to get my Shoes on today I got one tied but couldn’t get the other. I think I could have got it but would take longer. The Lettuce I cut and gather it up with one hand. I can cut Firewood but my wife made me quit. She says it is hard enough with two hands. Some things I don’t think just get started then we’ll that won’t work like went to put up a Light, get up the Ladder holding the Light and Screws ???? Well lets wait. oneshot
  12. Found out I have a class later on in Linn so we rented a House there instead of driving back that night. oneshot
  13. Well I don’t know why they are working they have more money than I will ever see. oneshot
  14. ?????? My wife should know. Know it is Gymnastics. oneshot
  15. My Brother moved up there and not happy with their politics. Granddaughter Mom already a Liberal. oneshot
  16. Ah my Son is retiring from UPS. oneshot
  17. Ah I was messed up before I got there but still. oneshot
  18. 8:00 on my way home went to a party. Plenty of Food, Live Band and Free Beer. My wife is driving. oneshot
  19. Yea I remember everyone that did best could be expected. Didn’t have to be the prettiest or most expensive. Gets the Job done is all that counts. When I sold my Rifles I sold thousands of Photography stuff. Thought I was going to need money to travel then got money after I had done sold stuff. Got a high dollar Shotgun I hate. oneshot
  20. Know a guy that use to live there trying to get Police Chief Job. oneshot
  21. My Ex said I Head Shot just to PO her. That was back when I had a Single Shot. Open Sights, no Scope. Used it Coon hunting with Shorts. Sold the Rifle for $25. Still kicking myself. oneshot
  22. No Head shots here. I know from the Bench I can hit a Dime but I have nothing to hold the front of the Rifle and it is a bit tricky. As matter fact the second one as I pulled the trigger the Rifle was almost on its side. oneshot
  23. I know of one not going to Illinois because it was $100 for Seat Belt violation. Yea pretty bad getting run out of Louisiana. I have to admit my family is different on some things. Me and DMV got into it one time I drove without Drivers License. HMMMM! Bet it wouldn’t bother them if I got pulled over. oneshot
  24. Had one in my Pickup I asked her what she was looking for? I’m looking for Yankee stuff. Woman was wanting to walk. My wife had to learn their language. Kids got tired of Rice and Catfish 3X a day. oneshot
  25. This bunch and Louisiana don’t get along. My Baby Sister got drunk and got into Ft. Polk was caught in the barracks. Was asked to leave Louisiana and not come back. They caught my Baby Brother with drugs asked him to leave Louisiana and not come back. No telling what my Son did but they threw him out and asked him not to come back. Me all I did was Party and looked for work. Family told me that in was the Poor South no one works. oneshot
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