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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Once again Peach and Cherries are blooming. Deciding to cover or not. Not covering and might frost so we will see. oneshot
  2. We used to find them East of Boonville. When I was young I met and Indian that remember moving with his family. I was around 10 and he was around 100. oneshot
  3. Well I’m lost use to fish the Sac River East of Sacville before the Lake was put in. oneshot
  4. Is anyone going to Bass Pro Fishing Fair in Springfield? oneshot
  5. Funny the other day my Son by my first wife was with Son by this wife. It was asked why my Son by this wife has so much grey hair? Like I said with him being at least 50% Indian his hair just stays Black. Funny how them Indian Women look so good when their young but when they fall apart they go bad. I know I got room to talk. oneshot
  6. Back in the 50’s and 60’s use to get the same out of Taneycomo but something changed. oneshot
  7. Usually I go through the Park and see fish on a stringer this day I didn’t. Really I don’t care in 30 years I could count the times I fished the Park on one hand. And I live right by the Park. Oh I can see plenty of fish in the spring and river . oneshot
  8. Knew a guy years ago that would dig up mounds and had just about everything even Skeletons. I know not legal this was about 60 years ago. Guy gave me permission to Deer Hunt on land he didn’t own. oneshot
  9. Trout most bake them here and they are horrible. I fillet mine roll in Cornmeal and Flour and fry. Pretty good. oneshot
  10. That is cool. Use to find buckets of heads along the Missouri River on the high side. Plus find Civil War stuff. oneshot
  11. Can you still get through the quarry? We always went by Rosco. oneshot
  12. Before I ate it fried but found I like it grilled better. I have 3 Snagging Rods. Had one walk off before I put Cameras up. This year my wife don’t need fishing license and her hours were cut because she got a raise. So we will be able to fish together more. oneshot
  13. oneshot

    Just Wait

    Have some seed in the ground in the house. Seems I’ve been waiting forever for it to sprout and basically had given up on it. Well yesterday it sprouted. My wife kept telling me it would. oneshot
  14. I might have missed it but is anyone snagging for Spoonbill? I use to but found I like Catfish better. oneshot
  15. I bread and fry them then put them in slow cooker. I have no teeth so have to have them tender. oneshot
  16. Ah my wife was with me when I hung out with this Mexican Woman. She use to take knife after me. My wife just laughed that is her idea of foreplay. The woman would cook me up food then watch my nose run and eyes watering. Just laugh. She died last Summer of Breast Cancer. Her Daughters don’t talk as much as they did but they are much younger than me. They had just started school when I run around with their Mom. We went to a big party one time drank bunch of Beer. They said I could spend the night. I told my wife my Spanish isn’t that good I’m not going to spend the night with hundred drunk Mexicans we’re finding a room. I furnished couple Lambs for the dinner. oneshot
  17. Killed George Floyd. oneshot
  18. I found out with a Leg messed up rightfully I could have gotten Disability years ago but I worked until I got other injuries. Found out it was illegal to hire me because of my Leg and it cost them. I didn’t think anything of it because I had worked with it for years. Found a Bone Doctor thinks she can fix my Back. She was honest with me said nothing could be done with my Shoulder. Funny with Mexicans I accidentally friended bunch in the Cartel on FB. Started out me visiting couple Mexican Women I use to run with their Mom. oneshot
  19. I brought this up with my wife yesterday. Back when I was young kids would buck Bails of Hay, milk Cows by hand, pick Rock off of fields and handle 100 pound bags of Feed. They were strong and tuff. Now days????? Long as Mexicans come here legally I don’t have a problem. I know some illegal Mexicans that moved to Columbia so they could be closer to Government hand outs. Was talking with a woman that married an illegal. The other day he said he was going to Texas to be closer to his family for her to stay here. I was getting farm stuff for a couple. They said they had no intention of getting Citizenship here because they had a farm in Mexico using the money from here for it. I don’t care where a person is from if they are hard workers all is good but not all Mexicans are hard workers. oneshot
  20. It was below the surface but worked out. I’m just going to use screws next time. oneshot
  21. My Son works Construction. Lost his Job because they couldn’t get material. My wife has a New Car guy rear ended her. They had to put a used Bumper on because they couldn’t get a New One. oneshot
  22. When I fell I put my Shoulder around to my Spine. Pulled all the Muscles. I have use of my Forearm but not my Shoulder so I can’t raise my Arm. On my Spine you can see where Nerves are pinched. Operate and open that up. It will help where I can turn my Head and use my Legs better. oneshot
  23. I know middle of the day but plenty fishing. Didn’t see one fish. oneshot
  24. Hey got another 170,000 coming our leader told them to come on! This isn’t counting the ones coming from Ukraine. Found out on our Front Deck went to make it bigger. Used the Nailer. Yes it was fast but have to go back and drive the nails back in. oneshot
  25. Well Insurance won’t cover it and it won’t help enough to justify it. I’m already one handed basically. I can’t put Shoes and Socks on. Can’t hold the front of a Firearm up. I’ve had to wear slings couple times. The main thing she says is my Spine. Upper and Lower. I can do things like run a Chainsaw. Just grab hold of it and push up with my good Arm. If I lose my grip my arm falls down no matter what is in the way. I found out cutting metal, Arm fell down on a sharp piece. I can even split wood with a Maul but I mostly just half it and use the Hydraulic Splitter. oneshot
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