Very encouraging. My Shoulder it is Rotator Cup but not much she can do with it.
Lower and upper Spine minor surgery she thinks. Very young Hips.
Wife is thinking get to feeling better I can Hunt, cut Firewood and Garden. Lose some dang weight.
My Raised Beds I got dirt in town, put bale of Peat Moss in each Bed. Went from there.
I know crazy but quit with Straw Mulch went to Cardboard.
Dang I was thinking about what I spend. You have me beat.
You know I remember gardens here in the hills. Work ground up and it was gravely but that was what was give you. You planted and did fine.
I bought a place one time. Old Dairy Farm on Prairie Ground should have great dirt. The former owner had sold all the Top Soil and buried junk all over. I was not happy.
We had Stander Time when I was young. Get off work at 5 couple hours later it was dark.
Get out of Drive In at 5 . Go eat be home about light.
Chopping Beans and Cotton start at daylight quit at 4. Way it is now just don’t worry start at daylight quit at 3.
Now go to bed at 9 in Summer it is still light.
Will a Air Nailer work with Oak? I’ve used bunch of Green Oak on construction. Everyone said it would warp but never had a problem with that but as boards lost moisture they did shrink.
I have some steps that are old Oak and they still handle my lard butt.
Oak Bugs will go to Pine first. Pine will burn before Oak. Oak is strong if you wanted to you could use less boards.
That might work. My wife thought about one of those seats with handles on each side to push up.
I think this is better because I would mess up a bunch getting up.
Muzzleloaders one shot.
Killed many Deer with .54 Cal. Side Lock, used Patch and Ball. Went to .50 Cal. Inline with 240gr. XTP. Got a .45Cal. Inline had 180gr. XTP was very unsure of it but killed a 450 pound Hog with it at 80 yards, Chest Shot.
Kids laugh at me put a Scope on a 20Ga. Never have used it but have killed many Deer with 20Ga.
Hunted with.22 single shot many years and learned to let the Bullet do its Job. Have to work on this with Deer. Although have killed many with a Bow.
I’ve found rounds I just like. Have Smaller Calibers a know if I shoot a Deer to wait.
Have seen Deer shot in Chest with.22 run and lay down.
Craziest thing I’ve seen is a Bear shot with.22 Hornet.
Had a Hippy Woman helping me one time. She had couple Bandannas tied together for a Top. They came undone. I helped her tie them better.
She didn’t like me because I kill stuff even trees. She spent 3 days talking to a tree.
She is in Key West living on a Boat now but still talks with me.
Just remember she is still my Daughter in Law on paper.
Kid is smart. Had a plastic tub in the Bathroom he put in middle of the floor. I told him to put it back.
He put it back but it was laying on its side. I was just surprised he put it back.
My Wife distributes badges. Found out me and few others are only ones with badges because I’m a Chief.
Was going to give I.D. Cards with bar code with our qualifications but it fell through.
I was in Warsaw one time talking to a woman that had many Tattoos and Piercings on her face.
If I didn’t look at her had a very good conversation. But I look at her I couldn’t help but think why?
There was a place up the hill from Cow Paddy that was good eating but they closed it. Mexican Restaurant up the hill from Walmart is good. Rusty Skillet isn’t bad.
Not sure where I’m staying in Ozark if I go. Last time I was there my wife spent couple days fixing our daughter’s boyfriend car. Went there the day I met my Ex. Use to go to the Drag Strip.
Hey I like Warsaw. Best place to fish at night is at the city park.
Got a light and Port ta Pot. Can go across to Casey’s get something to eat.
Was checking Fertilizer is two and a half times what it did cost.
Same way with gas. People are not thinking about the fact oil goes into about everything now days not just gas.
And why are we still buying from China? That is what I brought up with a Senator. Why not make this stuff here? Because it is cheaper from China.
Ah anymore I can’t keep my balance good enough for a boat.
Today figured my Flue needs cleaning. My wife said I don’t need to climb the ladder with one arm and don’t need to be on our metal roof.
If I’m setting in a chair on the bank I can keep my balance better.