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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. I start with a #12 or #14 dry hook, use 6/0 fire orange uni thread and red or chartreuse Lagartun mini flatbraid for the body and finish with grizzly hackle. I normally start them as a dry fly and at the end of the drift, I start stripping them, which is where most of the hits take place. I have also tied them with yellow or pearl Lagartun mini flatbraid, but the red and chartreuse work best for me.
  2. Welcome Josby! Sorry about being a KSU fan! Terry is right, get all the education you can, especially when you are young (not implying you are)....it is much easier before you get married...start having kids...mortgage....car payments.....I think you get the picture
  3. Great news Terry!! God is good and he will continue to take care of you and your family!! Is you daughter doing better? I will keep you in my prayers.
  4. Welcome CanoeDave!
  5. Good recommendation bojack....I forgot to metion that I had an oil cooler installed on my Z71 for added protection. It wasn't real expensive to add and well worth it.
  6. maybe we should all start carrying our .357's like Thom and scare them off the water!! just kidding
  7. Thanks John, can't believe they already made it to you already. I can't wait to get them all and start fishing them!!
  8. I agree with you NoLuck, but I am also concerned that some day our fish population will dwindle.
  9. Rainbow, I have a 2002 Z71 and a 2003 28' Keystone Hornet (no slides). It weighs approx 5000 lbs empty and do not have any issues. Pull it from STL to Taney several times a year at 70-75 mph....little slower on the long steep hills. Your owners manual will probably tell you that you can tow 7800lbs. You will need a weight distributing hitch and a sway bar (don't let anyone tell you that it is not needed). It does not have a slide, but it is big enough for the 5 of us. I would suggust finding a used one since it will be less expensive (just like a car). We purchased it in 2004 for approx $11k. Not sure where you live, but we purchased ours from Byerly in Eureka, MO and I can provide the salesmans name and number if interested....purchased 2 pop ups and the TT from him (great guy that you can trust). The only negative thing I can say about it is the gas mileage (or lack of it) you will get while pulling it. I get about 9-10 miles to the gallon, but I push it hard up the hills and that does not help. You will also want to get molded mirror extenders for your truck. They allow you to see around the sides of the camper while pulling it, so you can change lanes safely. It is really nice to leave it stocked so you can hook up and go. Let me know if you have any additional questions.
  10. Sounds like you had a nice time, but too bad there were violators! Not sure if/how this would work, but maybe we could start a violators thread where all of us could post when/where we ran into a violator and notify MDC that we are starting it so they could read and maybe find patterns? Was just thinking outloud....maybe it happens in so many locations it would not help or MDC may just laugh?? Just thought I would throw it out there for discussion.
  11. 10pointer, we could just pretend that I am family and make a trip to your place and fish!!
  12. Welcome!! This is a great site and has a lot of very experienced fishermen!!
  13. Never fished it, but several guys in the Ozark Fly Fishers (STL) group have and they said it is pretty nice and they caught quite a few fish!!
  14. Glad to hear you had fun! I plan on making a trip down there in the next couple of weekends. Fished there for the first time about 6 weeks ago on a Saturday evening. Ran into a couple of floaters who were also very courteous....I was surprised since it was a Sat!!
  15. I am not a TC Stripper (hope to be one some day when I grow up), but all of my reels have wff line.....typically a mono leader and 2-6# flurocarbon tippet. I can't wait to fish for brownies in October either! I plan on making two trips and will sleep in my truck if I have too!!
  16. Cool! If you have time, check out the Poudre River. A buddy of mine goes out there every couple of years and fishes it....he said it is pretty good. He also said hiking up in the mountains you will find many lakes that are very productive! Have fun!
  17. Was that on a regular rod and bait cast? Pretty heavy sinker to keep them down that deep? I would be satisfied with the on on your avitar!!!
  18. NICE FISH!! What size line did you have on your reel?? Man, that thing is the size of the fish my son and I caught deep sea fishing in Florida!!
  19. Not sure of the exact location....just heard someone talking about a possible ethanol plant in southern mo. that would affect a river....thought they said the James River?? Sorry, I just figured someone may have heard about it.
  20. Anyone heard of a new or potential ethanol plant going in somewhere down south? I heard they may build one that may affect one of the streams?
  21. Terry, turn up the ac/dc loud enough so I can hear it in St. Louis!
  22. Personally I like the idea of a "Wall of Shame" thread!
  23. Welcome Randy! Most of us are fly fisherman and most wade, but you will find others that are spin and bait fisherman, with all levels of expertise! This is a great site with a ton of info! Make sure you scroll down....there are many topics!!
  24. Phil, didn't read it as a complaint.....was thinking of ways to make up the difference if it was coming out of your pocket! Love the site and want to see it continue....
  25. I want to see Phil out there!! Maybe if all 3700 members send Ty an email, we can get him on the sequel!! Who's going to post the new topic to let everone know? Guess I could since I live far enough away from Phil that I would not have to worry about him kicking my butt!!
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