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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. JJ, if you want to make a day trip some Sat or Sun, send me a PM. Might be able to get a couple others to go with us
  2. Just bought a one piece fleece zip up thinga ma bobber! Stayed at Phil's the week after xmas and while the wife and daughters were shopping in the outlet mall, my son and I went into the Coleman outlet store. That had Ducks Unlimited 2 piece and 1 piece fleece that were 30%, so they were $13! They work great! Only had size large and I really needed an XL, but they work.
  3. Welome Megan!! Ditto what Thom said about going the extra mile when we visit! You should come to St. Louis some time with you Dad in January when he gives his presentation on fishing Lake Taneycomo!!
  4. also love my Fishpond chest pack! Wear mine as a fanny pack and like Brian said, just spin it around and it is out of your way! Dont think I could go back to a vest.
  5. That's funny there.....don't care who ya are! Have to share that one at the office tomorrow!
  6. Sorry to hear that Patfish! Good boss you have!! When I worked for GE 9 years ago, I did the same for the employees reporting to me. Hated to leave that job and the people! Had to train others in San Bernadino to take over our positions. Phil, Maybe we should start a section for those that are unemployed......could let everyone know what they have experience doing and where they would like to work. Those that have jobs could let everyone know if positions open?? I realize this is a fishing forum, but with the horrible economy, would be nice to help some fellow brothers and sisters out!
  7. I really like my Olympus Stylus 850sw and it is water and shock proof. You can take underwater pics with it as well. Is small and fits in my fanny pack.
  8. Boy, sounds like this could solve/lower the crime rates!!! Great idea! The good guys would continue to register their guns and ammo (now) and the slugs will continue to buy/steal theirs on the streets!!! Research the crime rates in Singapore.......0! Yes, very few crimes because they cane you if you break the law!!! We have laws, but they are not strict enough.....most of the criminals go to jail and have a better life than they did on the outside.....3 meals a day, heat/air conditioning, shelter, a job, cable tv, etc!!! What a joke! When are they going to get to the root cause?
  9. I went to my Optomitrist and he ordered a pair of Serengenti frames and amber lenses. I love them and can see right info the water. They make a HUGE difference! I always ordered/purchased a clip on that was polarized, to match my current lens, but light enters the sides and top/bottom, so you dont get the same effect as a good pair. With my VSP insurance, they were approximately $130
  10. Thom, if you are staying at Lilley's and Troutchaser or Dano are busy, you could always ask Phil!! I am sure he would be glad to take you out and provide a few pointers. Much fun when you finally catch the first one!! Ditto on the flies mentioned above for Taney. If I am fishing the parks, I also bring some foam ants and lady bugs.
  11. Nice Demo!! Have never fished a soft hackle. Have several that I in a fly swap, but never new how/where to fish them. Do you always fish them in shallow water, similar to what you were standing in? Would be good to discuss at the STLCO presentation on the 14th!
  12. Would like to see the Cardinals make it, but that may be wishful thinking. The Rams messed up when they let Kurt go......much better QB than Bulger! You have to be a leader in that position and that is the difference between Bulger and Warner.
  13. Ditto! Thanks Phil and all that grilled, etc. Was there until 2 and then had to take my son back to Lilley's Landing so he could pack up and had for Arkansas to do some duck hunting. Didn't get a chance to come back and put faces with some of the names I dont know. I think this is the 2nd outing I have attended and failed to meet Terry!! Also wanted to meet Dano! Oh well, will give us another reason to attend next year. Was a great time.....Thanks again to all!!
  14. Have had the pleasure of staying with the Lilley's for the past two days. My youngest daughter Amanda and I fished from 2-5 this afternoon and she out fished her father. We fished by the cable, but they were generating 1 unit and the wind was unbelievable! She fished a white jig without any sucess and changed to a sz 20 brown scud and caught 3 nice bows and then fished up in outlet 1 with a grey scud size 20 and caught a nice brown. Dad was skunked! Had to help her untangle a few wind knots......yes, that's my excuse! Was very warm, but the wind was horrible......don't mind though, was a great day spent with a great daughter!
  15. AMEN!! Thanks Phil and Marsha!
  16. Brian, your presentation was excellent and it was a pleasure meeting you!! Would like to get the directions to some of those fishing locations! Have never fished that area before. Was also a pleasure meeting Gavin and flyfishmaster! Gavin, you are very lucky to have your own business.....right next to Hargrove's!!!
  17. Haven't had the opportunity yet. In fact, I dont have a reel with 4wt line on it. Have one with 3wt and 5wt, so I will have to try that first and save for another reel to put 4wt on!! Will be down at Lilley's the week after xmas, so I hope to catch a fish on it then!
  18. Attended the xmas party at Hargrove's on Saturday. Great food, drinks, friends and stories! Put my name in the hat for the drawing they were having and ..........Chris called this afternoon and told me I won a prize. No way....I never win anything!! Drove to the shop and Craig went downstairs and came back with a Sage ZXL 8'6" 4wt rod, handed it to me and said congratulations! My jaw dropped and I almost fell over. What a day, my father goes in to see if he was going to have to have open heart surgery and the doctor tells him the spot they say was just a weakness in the muscle of his heart (nothing to worry about)..........and I win a Sage rod!!!!
  19. Thanks for all the prayers for my father!! Procedure went well today, they said the stint they installed 3 years ago is working well and the spots they saw were just a weakness in his heart and no need for concern!! Thanks All!!
  20. My father failed a stress test on Saturday, two days after his 70th birthday. He excercises and walks 3 miles per day, but they told him he has two dark spots on the bottom of his heart that are not getting oxygen. Wednesday morning, they are going to run a catheter and see what is going on. Would appreciate it if you would keep him in your prayers. Thanks!
  21. Make sure you seek the other OAF members out at the OFF meeting and introduce yourself!! Should be easy if everyone wears their name badge!!
  22. Just read the Nov/Dec news letter and Brian Wise, our fellow OAF member will be the guest speaker!! How cool is that! Can't wait to meet you in person Brian!
  23. Is it expensive to start? How/where do you learn?
  24. Getting ready to get mine after deer season. Kirkwood outfitters offers the class for $125 and that includes everything. They have a class on 11/13, but then the range class is opening weekend of deer season!
  25. i will take one
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