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Everything posted by flyfshn

  1. Won't be in my stand this weekend....it's the wife's 40th! She wants to get away and take a trip to Branson on Sat/Sun. I told her that since her bday is on Sunday, I should be allowed to bring the fly rod on Sat. for a couple of hours. Seems fair, right??
  2. Could be because they are all listed by the same guy. Have never seen a 5# with a fighting butt.
  3. 2 nice 2 fish! Would take an hour per fly to tie!
  4. I appreciate this forum. I check the new posts every day (my wife says I'm addicted) and read the fishing reports, look for fly recipes, etc. I do read some of the other posts that are not related to the above and I love the humor! This is a great site and I appreciate all that others share about fly fishing!
  5. Beautiful fish!
  6. Welcome Matt! OC is where it all started for me!! Got to go to the Cards game today....16-4 win!! Ankiel hit 2 more homers and had 7 rbi's....not bad for one day!
  7. Much better! Thanks CaptE!
  8. I purchased a camera from Abe's about 3-4 years ago and did not have any issues.
  9. Man, that sounds good! I will give it a try this weekend!
  10. Not required unless you are going to keep fish. You have to have a stamp for the Taney though, even if you are going to catch and release
  11. Tim, I cant see the pics. any suggestions?
  12. Welcome Mr.Trout!
  13. BransonRealtor, from one Realtor/Fly Fisher to another Realtor/Fly Fisher....Welcome! Tons of good info on this site. Oh, and you dont have to call him Mr. Lilley! He's not that old!
  14. Well Leonard....lately you have REALLY been the center of attention! Nice Fish!! Wish you would have caught it the night we went!! Guys, the camera will have to wait.....he has to buy him/her a fly rod first!!
  15. Fishing with a new pattern CP?? One that you invented and no one else knows about? just kidding! Sounds like you had a good day! Went to Feathercraft and got the supplies to tie "THE" scud you gave me. They only had two sizes of Ostrich Here, so I purchased the smaller one. Glad to hear that your brother finally broke the chains! Did you ask him if his ears were burning Saturday evening?
  16. I would call Cooper Creek and see if they will allow you to rent a rv spot for a tent...they might let you. Table Rock State Park is just past the dam, but not walking distance. It is a really nice campground.
  17. Ditto!! Have a good one!
  18. I am not an expert either, but I have several reels with SA GPX and Nymph WF line and when I was down at Bennet Springs I stopped into Gastons to buy line for one of my reels and Bob recommended Lazerline DT and I can really tell the difference between WF & DT. IMO it is easier to roll cast and at the widest part of zone 1, I can cast it to the other side without any difficulty (50-60'?)
  19. If you are fishing Taney and you have a pair of Simms, you will probably want a pair of good thermal underwear and a good pair of wool socks. When I fish Taney (any time of year), I generally wear my neoprene since it is cold and just wait shorts or what ever I am wearing that day and bring a pair of socks. When I fish the Meramec or other streams, I wear my Simms. Simms dry faster than the neoprene and are easier to get on and off. When I am hiking down to the meramec, I have a backpack that I put my gear, simms, boots, etc in and put them on at the stream so I dont get any holes in the brush, etc.
  20. I don't believe your fishing report! Oh wait....there was a picture...I still dont believe it!
  21. What kind of digital camera?
  22. am4mu...I bought a less expensive pair of Simms, so I could also purchase a set of neoprene...for the varying weather conditions. If it is cold out, I wear my neoprene....the rest of the time I wear my Simms.
  23. Fished Cardiac from 5-8 with CenterPunch and a guy from work. I caught two bows 14-15" on a tan scud that CP gave me. Nice evening of fishing, weather was great and guys....guess what....not one aluminum allegator!! Thanks to CP for his hospitality and sharing secrets on his home water!!
  24. Cool pics! Happy Bday!!
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