Rainbow, I have a 2002 Z71 and a 2003 28' Keystone Hornet (no slides). It weighs approx 5000 lbs empty and do not have any issues. Pull it from STL to Taney several times a year at 70-75 mph....little slower on the long steep hills. Your owners manual will probably tell you that you can tow 7800lbs. You will need a weight distributing hitch and a sway bar (don't let anyone tell you that it is not needed). It does not have a slide, but it is big enough for the 5 of us. I would suggust finding a used one since it will be less expensive (just like a car). We purchased it in 2004 for approx $11k. Not sure where you live, but we purchased ours from Byerly in Eureka, MO and I can provide the salesmans name and number if interested....purchased 2 pop ups and the TT from him (great guy that you can trust). The only negative thing I can say about it is the gas mileage (or lack of it) you will get while pulling it. I get about 9-10 miles to the gallon, but I push it hard up the hills and that does not help. You will also want to get molded mirror extenders for your truck. They allow you to see around the sides of the camper while pulling it, so you can change lanes safely. It is really nice to leave it stocked so you can hook up and go. Let me know if you have any additional questions.