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Everything posted by zander

  1. Very good point you have there.
  2. Yeah my dad used to "remind" me of that at least a hundred times every year. He told me that you should do it for all game but be absolutely religous about it when it came to rabbits. He said the frost killed off the "wolf worms". I always figured cooking it will kill all of the worms, unless it is more likely to get them while cleaning. I used to feed my old squirrel dog the skins but I would always wait until after the first hard freeze before doing this.
  3. On the rise is good, but since it is the production of TU a large segment of time is allocated to conservation aspects and not fishing. I understand why but I like to watch more fishing. That being said good camera work and quality editing I think make or break shows.
  4. I have a pointer mix that is about 8 months old. I got him to be a pet for my son, but he has started to show more and more ability hunting, catching birds and pointing them in the yard. Does anybody know of a reasonably priced gun dog trainer in SWMO?
  5. I am guessing here, but more than likely the river was named because the French traders saw a lot of Indians digging prairie turnips in the bottoms around the river. They would have also referred to these as "pommes de terre" since it was close to what they knew from France.
  6. I was always told to buy the marine grade plywood and then paint all over with marine paint.
  7. I personally believe that there would be minimal impact by using a coffee bean with regards to smell. Trout can small but they are responding to the shape, coloration, and perhaps the sound of it hitting the water. Whatever smell that gets through the layer of glue is insigificant. I guess we can carve our own coffee beans out of wood, but I don't see that happening very much either. Then it also should be mentioned that encased in glue and paint, how is the agent going to know that it is a coffee bean in the fly? Is there a coffee bean field test kit? Does the agent have the authority to destroy the fly in order to determine what it is constructed out of? Or would this be considered unconstitiuional seizure? The coffee bean itself is composed mainly of lignin which is also the major carbohydrate in wood. Is there a defination for wood under the wildlife code as being from the bole of a tree and not any other structure that is composed mainly of lignin? You said keep it going, so that is what I am doing.
  8. the one I found was over $400 but a q-beam spot light is a lot cheaper and probably just as useful.
  9. apple of the earth, it is what the french call potato
  10. Thanks, I have been pretty busy but I should have it done or almost done by the weekend. That depends on whether my son and his friends play inside or outside more. Hard to get painting done when they are "sharing" toys.
  11. It would also seem that hackle feathers are naturally grown substances as well. I know it is not plant material but it seems like you can incorporate it into a reusable fly then in my eyes that would be ok. Probably isn't but it would seem that way to me.
  12. Wasn't that place out on the lake? If it was I think it was, they tore it down when they made Branson Landing.
  13. Thanks for posting this. I have been dreaming many hours at work about how to make this one. now I just have to get down ther and fish it.
  14. It could be that your display settings are different than what others use. Mine are at 1280x800 and I don't have the issue that you do. I just made my settings to be 800x600 and I have the issue you described. right click on your background screen, and click on display settings. from there you can choose the right one.
  15. Yeah we went for dinner, and it is not super pricey, just a bit of an eyeball bouncer when looking at the menu at first, but I could not finish my food and I desperately wanted to. We were the only ones in there at the time, so the chef came out and talked with us and we got tons of the most delicious homemade Italian kind of bread.
  16. Yeah the place is great, the food may be a bit pricey but boy it is good. And Terry is right on the money, the women will love it.
  17. This thread really has been quite tough for me to deal with this past week. The more I read, the hungrier I would get, but I would be stuck at work and 33 miles from Branson. I have loved Dana's for years, but I have to try out some of the other places mentioned on here.
  18. yeah, it seemed like it would have been good for drift fishing. I didn't bring that tackle box with me though. We tried to rig up something like it but there was so much junk (suspended structure) it would have gunked it up all the time anyway
  19. surely some of the fellows who have fished up there will give you some advice, my advice would be wrong.
  20. Hehehe, thanks for the compliment Well between the voting here, the voting on facebook and a someone with more than one vote (wife) it has left it pretty much even. Consequently I will do the other side as a brown trout as well. Thanks for all of the input and suggestions. I'll post more pictures of it when it is all done. Phillip Oh yeah, and Terry I didn't include brooks and cuts because with brooks to me the most beautiful part about them isn't the face it is the flanks. That by itself would be the coolest but I guess I thought of that too late. and with cut's the part of the face on the cowling wouldn't include their dominant feature of their throat.
  21. 30ish views and 1 vote? come on fellows it is just a click's worth of effort and if I did not want your input I wouldn't have put it here.
  22. http://www.facebook.com/tailwatertaylor Let's see if that works. There are a million Phillip Taylor's out there believe it or not.
  23. So most of you don't have a chance to see my facebook page. I recently bought an older outboard whose cowling had been painted so many times it was really cracked up. I started to sand it off but realized that it was gonna be more time and work than I was willing to put in, and it would still probably look bad. I thought to paint a big brown trout on it, and this is the result, the other half hasn't been done yet and am looking to get input. If you can see my facebook page, please leave your comments there. Thanks. Phillip Taylor
  24. zander

    Cooking Bluegill

    I'm not sure he would appreciate you leaving an old one in the bottom of his tacklebox. They get pretty ripe in short enough order I knew what you meant.
  25. It may not always look like the most pristine Ozark water out there, but in places it can either look really bad (Delaware Town) or really nice (Taylor Shoals). I live about 1 1/2 miles from the James and I like it. you have rock structure, logs, holes, riffles, gravel bars and some really neat natural features and history. I may want to moderate the amount of fish I eat of out it, but you could say that about everywhere else now as well. That being said I have never seen a 6-legged coon (mutagens) or one that needed breast reduction surgery (hormones from sewage) walking around and they eat stuff out of there exclusively.
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