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Keith Gimlin

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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. There is a ramp at horseshoe bend you can use. You have to go through the AB Fine addition to use it. It is rough and steep and parking is limited but you can put in there. Cross the Kisse Mills bridge and turn off 160 to the right like you are going to Cedar Creek and just look for the subdivision sign on the right. Its at least 5-7 miles down M highway I believe
  2. I'm not a very frequent contributor but i feel compelled to chime in. In June 1985 I arrived at the School of the Ozarks as a college freshman and was greeted warmly by my dorm supervisor and his wife (Vince and Jo Beth). Over the course of the next five years I was able to fish, hunt and work with Vince. Many times we would leave campus before the gates opened with that old 14' V-bottom and 10HP mercury in tow and return many nights after the gates were closed. If it swam or ran through the woods there was a better than average chance that we chased it together at some point from 1985-1990. I often make light of the situation that yes it took me 5 years to graduate from college because of all the outdoor opportunities that were provided to me by Vince and I wouldn't change it for anything. I would go back and do it again in a heart beat. Even though after graduation we didn't continue fishing and hunting together we always managed to meet up after games or something and at least talk the talk. I will miss those times and cherish the memories
  3. I should say Old 86 is still closed from all the flooding damage that occurred in the spring......My bad
  4. Mill Creek if you can get in. About halfway between the Dam and Baxter by water and a stones throw to the lower James arm. You got the convenience of Kimberling city only a mile or so away if you happen to forget something. In my opinion this and Old 86 are the nicest parks on the lake, but old 86 is still flooded. I'm constantly reminded I don't know as much as I thought about fishing but I like to think I'm pretty salty when it comes to picking out campgrounds
  5. Mike Webb also will be putting on a KAST tournament on 4-24-10 out of Mill Creek. These are a good time as well. You can find out more info at kasttournaments.com. I believe the entry fee is $50 and they run from like from 7A-12P or 8A-1P. Any way you can look up the details for yourself. He always has some neat draw prizes and sometimes a 1/2 day tournament works better for the kiddos, heck for that matter a 1/2 day works better for some of us adults also. Hope this helps, I sure do enjoy fishing these events w/ my son and look forward to seeing more families doing the same
  6. If you want to test the tournament waters with your son, there will be a benefit tournament out of Cape Fair on Sat. April 3 from 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM. Proceeds will benefit the Sparta High School Trap and YHEC shooting teams. $40 entry fee w/ 60% payback and $20 BB. 1 in 4 payback w/ 10 place maximum payback. This is a great opportunity to fish a tournament w/ your son or daughter for very little expense and help some high school students out along the way. Registration will begin at 5:30 A.M and it says on the flyer you can enter the day of the tournament at the marina. Just a thought!
  7. Definitely Table Rock State Park.
  8. I wondered what prompted all the emergency vehicles on 125 as we were leaving Buck Creek on Saturday, I feared the worst and sure hate to hear what happened. I had 3 boys ages 11-13 with me all day on Saturday down there and had a great day (no one got hooked). I guess the thing that stands out the most to me is that when we took out at 3:00 there were 8 rigs in the two parking lots combined. That was worth the extra drive and curves for me.
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