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Fishing Buddy
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Hogfan's Achievements

Brown Bullhead

Brown Bullhead (12/89)



  1. If you get out around the K.C. area be careful after dark. Have seen lots of debris floating around that area from the tornado.
  2. Very cool picture!
  3. I love it when they freight train a blade...nothing like it! Thanks for the report.
  4. That a boy Don! Nice job!
  5. I'm signed up.
  6. Very nice!
  7. Anyone here any results from today?
  8. Fun day! Good job.
  9. Hogfan

    F Y I

    Academy is a great store and we love to shop there, but if you're looking for a good tackle selection go to Hook, Line and Sinker.
  10. Wow! What a great couple of days. Great job and nice fish!
  11. Anyone have any recommendations on extended motor warranty outside the manufacturer? I’ve never purchased warranty through anyone but the manufacturer itself but noticed some other outside companies offer warranty at a lower price. Does this come with a bigger price tag later down the road? Do these companies cover what they say they will? Thanks for any advice.
  12. If I was putting money on it I would have a hard time betting against KVD but I'm kind of pulling for Edwin Evers or Hackney.
  13. Thanks for the heads up. I actually called them Wednesday myself. They said there was like 28 more co-anglers than boaters at that time??
  14. Sorry to hear about your Uncle. I was just looking for a non-boater to sign up with and was curious what side you fished. My prayers are with you and your family.
  15. Got around 16 inches and counting down here in my neck of the woods!
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