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Everything posted by SGFChief

  1. Oh no Would they be allowed to go up as far as the dam?
  2. No you are correct, I'm flyfishing and I think that a good deal of my problem is NOT detecting the strike. I don't know how many times I've lifted the line to cast and have either hooked one or missed another. I've tried watching the indicator more (but also rubber neck around at the eagles/ducks/cranes/sky/other fishermen/etc) and maybe I just don't catch it--without an indicator I don't feel that I'm fishing at the proper depth. Am I not keeping the line tight enough or what?
  3. Actually fishing was pretty good Sunday morning even though it was ridiculously cold. I was only able to fish for a couple hours before having to head back to Springfield and even with the cold, i hated to leave. I lost what would probably have been biggest trout of my life, certainly the biggest on a fly. I'm not really sure what happened other than he simply let go of it. Someone needs to school me on the finer points of the hook set--seriously I probably lose (or miss) more than I catch and have only recently gotten into the "wade into the frigid water and fling lighter than air objects" sort of thing so I'm not exactly a pro at this. (Although I've been having more fun doing this than any other form of fishing yet) Anyone have any pointers or words of wisdom?
  4. We plan on fishing in the morning just below the dam--anyone been out the last couple of days? Same ol' midges and scuds?
  5. Maybe... Gonna do the BB King show tomorrow night. We're staying at the Chatuea and will most likely fish sunday morning, I'm not sure if the hotel has somewhere to hang my waders to dry so Saturday fishing maybe out. I've got a great wife who understands and would be there with me if the temp was up 50 degrees. Can you imagine lugging my waders and boots through the lobby? Probably do them some good come to think about it.
  6. Super Glue? How well will it hold? What if you get ahold of one of those fish gut eating browns that live under lilley's dock? I like the idea of a smooth knot but panic at the thought of the glue letting go. Is there a special glue or any ol' super glue work?
  7. The weekend is rolling around again ...the warden (employer) will allow me two undisturbed days of R & R. (Work has a unfortunate habit of getting in the way of living) One of these days I will spend within sight of the TR dam. How has the fishing been the last few days? Give me something to get me through tomorrow.
  8. Looking forward to the weather myself, it seems the more miserable the weather the better the fish bite. Not to mention the part in the waders below the water line is at a balmy 40 some degrees. Sounds reasonable to me... Also can you imagine how those baldies around the dam will look with a bit a snow blowing around? Bring your camera.
  9. If you want to catch fish lilleys is a good start, as one mentioned before me the condos are a great starting place as well as just below fall creek. Powerbait in a combo of white or chartruse work well (as darn near any other color as well). Small neutral bouyant rapalas work as well. Better yet, pick up some drift rigs while you are at lilleys (half a buck each I think) and if they are running any current, drift with it (or the wind with not current) bouncing the rig ever so lightly on the bottom...hang on as about every 7th bounce will be a rainbow on the other end. Can't beat Taney for catching fish...good luck!
  10. Okay, I agree with the weight but what's your opininon on how close to the scud you place it? I've heard some say right up against it and others saying an inch or so away. Confused on this one.
  11. Wow, woke up this morning and I have to admit I'm a bit dissapointed that winter has decided to lower the temp. We plan on fly fishing taney tomorrow morning after church and was wondering if the sudden rude interuption to my fall season would change the presentation or fly selection. Last week used weighted scuds and such under indicatiors with moderate success. Any insight welcomed.
  12. We went with split shot (#4 i think) last week and had decent luck just below the dam with an indicator about 18 inchs up.
  13. Go to My Controls at the top of the page and then you can edit your Avatar settings on the left hand side. You can chose either ones they provide or upload a picture of yourself.
  14. Been watching you guys have too much fun around the hatchery area so I purchased new waders from BP and heading down there this weekend, rain (I'll believe it when I see it) or shine. Not really new to flyfishing (mostly RR and others) but new to wading in the area of the hatchery and need advice. How are you rigging the flies you fish with?
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