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fishingwhitemike's Achievements

Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. just wondering if it was a red truck?
  2. Sure was nice to get out on the kayak today. Gas shot up so much cant afford to haul the boat down so I figured I would fish out of the kayak. Got in the water headed to an area I like but someone beat me there, go to the next spot where a for sure was and someone was there also. So I paddle down past where I put in at and start fishing, someone pulls in behind me, no big deal. Ten minutes go by and they motor about 100 yards in front of me. Now come on people you got this big butt f ing lake and you jump in front of someone in a kayak. If I am wrong please let me know I can take it. I would love to float Tanney one day but Im sure some of the butt wipes out there could care less and fly right by within 20 feet. I guess all Id like to do is ask for some courtesy out there. I was taught at a young age to respect others if you want respect. Thank you.
  3. I have ammo cans of different sizes for sale. All are air tight, made of steel so uses are unlimited. I don't have pics at this time but will revise this add later today. These are what I have available, 50 cal. 12.00 apiece (a lot of these),40mm 15.00 apiece (5 of them), 20mm 15.00 apiece (5 of them), 25mm plastic 10.00 apiece (20 of them). Pictures will be in order of cans. Any questions email me, mrdrsr@yahoo.com. I live across from Fins and Feathers in Springfield. Came up with some smaller 25mm metal cans yesterday.
  4. my livelihood is in my truck that pulls my boat therefore let me see some scumbag punk mother------ in it. might just have reach out and touch someone. sorry to hear about mom that is hard to take. fishing is my stress reliever
  5. I remember one out of Powersite maybe 4 years ago
  6. dam area. no crappie all bass
  7. didn't get to fish much while working on j hwy bridge. maybe couple of hours after work. fished yesterday till about 1 and did better than I thought I would. 1 pushing 5#. all on jig. love this lake. seen 2 other boats
  8. whats the fishing like around 215 bridge? It is closed now to be replaced until april 2. sure would like some input on this area for my lunch break.
  9. can you build something bigger on the lot???
  10. can a person launch there boat and not use the motor at springfield lake. seen a sign that said 6hp limit. watched a guy with a 200hp fishing but not motoring around the lake. some lakes up north you can launch your boat but only motor at an idle speed. any info on this would appreciated...
  11. i am just a beginner at flyfishing and have thought of tying but not sure that i have the patience to do this. i dont own the tools, any way i could still get in this class
  12. was down in the area thursday looking around and was wondering about the waters on either side of hwy T below dam. do they hold fish, has anyone fished them? looks like a person could have joyious day in these areas with the trees covering you from the sunsine..
  13. will be working below the dam at wappapello
  14. nice reading there!! wondering if you could give me a bit of info on the river bellow wappapello dam. will be headed that way to build a bridge over the river mid feb. would like to catch some bass.
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