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About soggyfeet

  • Birthday 09/02/1976

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  • Location
    Leawood/Kansas City
  • Interests
    flyfishing,flytieing,fishing in general

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  1. soggyfeet


    I think being in the SEC is going to help in recuting for football. Someone was saying something about SEC teams going three deep. Well those kids want to play as well. I think some of those recuits that will be sitting the bench at one school will look to another so they get playing time. I mean if you cant play for bama or LSU who wouldnt want to Play against them
  2. You might want to start them off in ponds where fishing tends to be easier. My kids are still young but like to go catching rather than fishing. Just dont pressure them and turn them off of it all together. Make it a fun event and try to pump them up about it a few days prior. When ever I get to take mine I get them out in the back yard to practice casting and reeling, it just makes them more excited when we get to the water. Throw small spinnerbaits or teach them to bounce plasticworms off the bottom or even a jig under a bobber for panfish. Once they start catching fish on a regular basis they will start to enjoy the challenge of streams and lakes by looking for places that might hold fish.
  3. soggyfeet


    them fish dont care if its raining, they are already wet
  4. snow suits would be a good idea. Ive work out in the elements and have found that a good base layer with a fleece layer or two and powerpants(for skiing) and a good long rain jacket work the best for me
  5. I dont think the water gets as bad further up the lake like the Ivy Bend area. The 40mm and above might be your best bet.
  6. Al that is a great start with more people being active things might change for the better for all. All I was trying to say is if smallmouth anglers and want to protect the smallies and giggers want to protect the legalization of their sprot they need to work together to bring pressure on the ones that dont. Pics of gigged smallies form the daytime fisherman and pics and videos of illegal gigging from legal giggers working together will both help break up the network that you all have mentioned. Poachers dont like presure or things to be difficult that is why they are poachers.
  7. The Big League Chew comment as the second comment made me lose my coffe and made a wet computer screen
  8. I dont gig nor do a smallmouth fish so I really dont have a opinion either way. However I don not like the poaching or breaking of the wildlife laws or any law for that matter. Saying that and reading all the way through this thread I have noticed that there is a network of illegal giggers that will not be caught with a bunch of guys calling each other names over a keyboard. I think the bottom line here is there is a problem in certian areas during specific times of the year. We know that the MDC is streached thin and have a difficult time being everywhere all the time. The best way to fix the issue hands down would to put an agent in every boat, treestand, blind, etc. We know that isnt going to happen so what I feel that can happen is the MDC needs our info instead of grips. Most cellphones these days have video and camera functions. While you are out doing whatever it may be that you do and you see something that isnt right take a pic or a video is better sometimes. Boat numbers, lisence plates, and faces of offenders will do more for your cause than to say gigging does or doesnt suck.
  9. Thought there was one hit a few yrs back by a motorist in Liberty Mo?
  10. I'm pretty sure that there is a agent or two on these boards that would be able to answer this. As soon as I read this I thought remove the swivels and make it permanent but I dont want to break or even bend the rules and would like to know if that is possiable. Also since you are allowed 3 lines does that mean you cna have 3 poles with A rigs with 3 hooks each?
  11. soggyfeet

    Ok Boys

    Filled my bracket out the way I wanted it to end. MU vs. KU. MU win 84-80 Thats the way MU should say good by the the Big 12
  12. Anyone going to be fishing this weekend at nights? Im going to be in the area and hopefully if I can find a new pair of waders be one the water Friday night and Saturday night and with any luck during the days as well Sat and Sun. Also any suggestions on waders? Im looking for stocking foot with gravel gaurds waist waders.(I think). you can message me with any info as I dont think I will be on a computer again and messages go to my email which I can check on my phone thanks in advance for any info
  13. Man I need to start tieing thicker and longer streamers. Chief I've been real busy the last year or so and havent been able to keep up with everything including fishing Tany. I have been able to get my 3 year old out a couple times to fish and now thats all he wants to do and all my 2 year old wants is to get out on the boats so it wont be too long before I get back at it.
  14. My father in law caught this last weekend somewhere below fall creek. He says he thinks its a banded sculpin, I have no clue. What are they and are they invasive or protected?
  15. We fished somewhere around the Gainsville area(I dont know that lake at all I was just along for the ride)and caught some, no limits though. First day we had a bucketmouth, smallmouth and crappie hitting a 1/8oz roadrunner with a swimming minnow. We would throw to the banks pearch would hit within the first foot or so, lmb and smallies would hit at the edge of the buck brush and the crappies were out about 15 ft 7 to 10 ft deep. Sunday caught a real nice 21in eye along with some nice smallies, lmb and a few crappies. Real soft bites the only thing hitting hard was the pearch. After awhile if it hit hard we didnt set the hook cause we knew it was a perch and why waste a cast on a pearch.
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