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Everything posted by Micheal Kyle
State park, and the camp ground behind the bar on the way to the dam if it is still there. Those are not on Taney but pretty close. Michael
Pole timber over 20 foot of water and structure next to the bank you will catch quite a few small ones. When that starts to happen I go to the deeper fly pat. Like the Mohair leeches and small crawfish. I tie a Pine Squirel Crawfish that is awsome for slab Blue Gill.
I love to go out and catch the Blue Gills on a fly rod a nice 2 or 3 wieght is a great rod. Tiny poppers or just about any dry fly will work. The ones that I have best luck with are the hoppers and the elk hair cadis. If the fish wont hit the top I like to use the Mohair Leech black, brown and olive. What a great time very easy to get kids hooked on fishing with Blue Gills. Madelyn will be three in the end of August and allready loves the boat and fishing. Michael
I think alot of people refer to the big hole and the rocking chair hole all in one or that is what I do could be wrong info I hope not. Since I did not get home untill 4 this am I'm out today is my wedding aniversery so I better stay at home. Good Luck and catch a big one Michael
Everyone, Here goes my two cents, I think that everyone needs count to ten befor any of us post replies on here. Because it is us that make this forum run. Yes Phil does a wonderful job as the site admin, but with out us there is no forum. This a great site and is chunked full of info. But if this is going to happen when somebody gives a little side shot all out of fun the site will demish because who wants to read a soap opera, not me or any one else. I think that Bill did an excellent job explaining the micro jig as well in all of his post about fishing and I hope that he will continue to post for sake of the site. There is nothing that is posted on this site that anyone should take personal. I hope that everyone will realize that there is much more to this sport and site than that. Maybe we all should get together down there and meet and greet so we all know who the major contributors to the site with post are. That would be hoot everyone chip in money and have an OAF cook out Have a good day Michael
Like you would know what to do with it, were not talking about snaging spoonbills hahaha You better hurry and get back here I have been catching some really nice Browns. In the last couple of weeks several 18-20" You just have to love the Mohair leech. Wait untill you see the new colors that I have come up with. They are KILLER Michael
Hello All Fished last night till around 2:30, with the 3/4 moon up and bright it was a little slow. I was supposed to fish with Lennoard but we did not find each other untill right at the end sorry about that. I had several new flies that I was trying out and most of them worked, several new colors ranging from a new black to a new gray. The biggest fish of the night would come from down below by the boat ramp it was a fat 19 inch brown and was caught on a blood red mohair leech. I had a couple of buddies from Ozark with me and they were using a pumpkin color mohair leech and were picking up quite a few fish on that as well. I talked to Rick Osborne and he said it was slow for him just pick up a few here and there. I was on the move last night with the moon up and bright you would catch a couple of fish you would have to move down. I would have to say that between the 3 of us we had 50-60 fish. But the Mohair leech proved to be the right fly again. Sorry for the short report but got to go to the shop and get some work done. Michael
Randy, You'r making feel all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Wish you were in town now were all going to night. I got a hold of rodney. Have a safe trip home, and bring some advise for the Big Thompson. Kristina and I are going the last week of July. You will never belive this but I just got invited to go and fish the upper Missouri the last week of October, I can't wait to see Helna Mt. that time of year I hope that there is a lot of snow and is colder than hell. That should keep the crowds down. Michael
yea that would be great lets work something out give me a call 417-889-6548 Michael
You are correct I will let some skimp on a rod and reel but never the line. you need a rod that will match you and you'r cast, meaning that if you are slow caster need a slow action rod fast caster then a fast action fly rod. For someone that is new to the sport I recomend a fast action fly rod like the Scott A2 or the Winston Vapor both are 285 and are fast action rods. The reel makes nodifference because all it does is hold the fly line one would like to see a reel with a nice drag. The flies are important beacuse you want to some how match what the fish are eating, but the fly line is the most important the fly line can make it or break it for you do not be afraid to spend 60 bucks on a fly line. Those are the ones that are going to work the best and last for a long period of time. Most of the time for normal fly fishing I would recomend the Rio Grand if you are going to be nymph fishing where you have an strike indicator on I recomend the Rio Wind Cutter. Both are a weight forward and are easy to cast as a person new to the sport I think that you will want to stay away from the double tapers and or just the straight head lines. If you would like to talk further feel free to stop by the shop anytime. Michael
I have Quite a few and I talked to Tim down at Cassville and he said he has alot. I have quite a few on order to fill what we have been selling.
I have to say that fly fishing is a lot more fun but can be very problmatic for a few . If you live here in the Springeild area we have a club that i'm preident of and we have plenty of people to teach the art of fly fishing we meet the second Thursday of every month at 7pm at the Springfield Nature Center would love to have you as guest tonight. If you are wanting to learn how to fish Taneycomo with a fly rod, I would love to teach you, I have fished Taney for about 20 years. I have enogh equipmnet that I could loan you a rod and a reel so that you could learn. Let me know if you would like to talk further give a call at the shop or stop by. 417-889-6548 Michael
This week they have generating around 3-4 in the afternoon and having the water off by 9pm. Who knows what it will be like next week with the heat starting to set in down south. Night fishing has been great and is your best bet for the bigger fish. I love the Mohair leach any color size 10&12 work the best for me. During the day use size 18-20 zebra midges brown, grey and black. The tan scuds in a size 14-12when they turn the water on. You might also cast a few crakle backs at them fish it wet or dry, I have had my best luck with that fly fishing it wet with small strips at a time the fish just love type of presentation with that fly. Michael
Thats great bring your walking shoes, wives have been known to send there husbands with me to get them into shape. Should be alot of fun. Michael
Thanks for the history and tying lesson of the micro jig Ha/Ha
not a problem I hope that I have everything
If you could use only one fly for Taneycomo
Micheal Kyle replied to Seth's topic in Upper Lake Taneycomo
you guys know what would be funny is if some of us that have our c-card would load our S.C.U.B.A. equipment up and wait on the bait fisherman to show up. When they start fishing we dive down and grap there hooks and line and give them a great ride. We then let them bring us in and when we get close to the bank or there boat we scare the you know what out of them. I think that would be enough to make them think twice about doing it next time and that would probally be enough time for MDC to show up. Any body up for the fun filled night. I'm not bad mouthing MDC Michael -
Leonard, I'm president of southwest missouri federation of fly fishers and that is our meeting night, so I will not beable to make it by 9. But myself and a couple of freinds are planing on going after the meeting so it we could meet up down there around 10 or so if you want to. If they hold true to there pat on the water that should be perfect. Let me know if that will work. I plan on fishing untill 3 or so Michael
If you could use only one fly for Taneycomo
Micheal Kyle replied to Seth's topic in Upper Lake Taneycomo
Hey, I hate to say but I think that you guys are missing the boat ha/ha. I love the Mohair leech any color will work a size 6 in the fall to a size 12 in the summer. I love purple at night and love sculpin olive during the day. That would be my one fly.I really turely belive that big fly=big fish, and that will hold true all year. -
Randy Lets try and get Michael and Rodney and myself together cant forget about Zac and fish Taney one night that would be a blast. I cant seem to locate Rodeny, I was going to see if he wanted to work on Sat but no answers when i call if you talk to him tell I want to talk to him. michael
he is the MDC agent for Taney County actually there are two of them Bucky is the other agent.
Hello everyone I just wanted to let everyone know that I got Rick Osborne's fish back from Great Fish. The fish looks great and is huge when compared to the 22inch brown that is next to it on the wall. Come up any time and see for yourself! Rick told me when he came up to pick his replica up that the fish had just been certified the new 6lb line class world record. CONGRATS Rick Michael
Greg, Thanks that makes me feel good. If you and Tina ever want to go down there at night with me I will go. Michael
Phil, Great pic in the paper today I guess the rumor was right HA HA Michael
Hello everyone Brother Rob and I went fishing last night we left for the water right when I closed the shop with only one stop in mind or maybe two. First things first fat boys must take care of the body and nurish the temple with food. The most important stop of the night was Billy Bobs what a great place and it is so nice to walk in to a place where they know and remember who you are he said must be some fishing going on tonight. After the temple got nurished Brother Rob called the damm and the water had just been turned off. I can't remember the last time that I was able to put my rod together with out my head lamp on but I did last night. There were several people down there and they were catching a few fish there was a man and his son form Oklahoma that we talked to for a while and while we were talking to them his son caught a real nice rainbow that would measure about 17". I told Rob that is was time to start. We started all the way down by the boat ramp and by the end of the night we would find ourselves knocking on the cable hole. Fishing started out pretty slow needless to say the mohair leech box got a work out. I finally put my old stand by zonker on and started to pick a few up here and there was nothing of real size. About one hour into the trip I got hit real hard and missed but here he would come again did not miss this time it would be a real nice brown that would measure 17". Down by the boat ramp between the two of us we had maybe 10 fish. I asked Rob what time it was and he said it was midnight, how time flies when you are having fun. We then started to work our way towards the damm and I finally found the right color of mohair leech they wanted it was ------------, what an awsome color ok that's not the right thing to do it was purple. By the time we got up to the last hole I had lost track of how many fish we had caught but between midnight and 2 it was awesome. I would have to say that out of all the fish I caught last night that 40 % were browns. I allways have to make one more cast and end on a fish. The last fish that I caught last night was a brown and it was the best fish of the night, Rob and I think that it weighed about 3.5 to 4 lbs and was almost 19 inches and was as fat as I was, what a great fish to end on. Here are some pics form last night. Michael