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Everything posted by Gatorjet

  1. Got to do a little checking out of the two new residents of my gun safe. The 500 only took about six rounds to get a tight group centered, but about three inches high @50 yards. Need to tweek It a little for a 100 hard zerp. The recoil I would call "interesting". Not painful, or punishing, but a loooong, strong, and delibrate push. The Winchester gave a rewarding result. Really just a function test. Only six rounds, and just at 50 yards, but all six standing, off hand, no rest were solidly in a 6 inch circle. I figure "minute of deer" accuracy for the first six rounds with no tweeking, testing, or a solid rest is pretty acceptable. Still have a few weeks for fine tuning before deer season. By then I'll have to put a few names in a hat, and draw one out for what I will use.
  2. Have used Maxima Ultragreen for years. Tried most of the newer hi-tech brands, and always return to Maxima.
  3. Exactly what I expected when I first tried it. That was the main reason for my disappointment. In addition to what they did have being only marginally good enough to eat. Not something exceptional enough to bring me back..
  4. I have just about decided to get a toy hauler trailer for my ATV camping trips. To get even more use out of It I want one that my wife would be comfortable camping in at other destinations. I have a 2008 Ram 1500 Quqd Cab 4X4 with the HEMI engine. I would like to not have to get a different truck, so a 1/2 ton towable trailer is a must. My favorite so far in my search is the Hyper Lite XLR27 by Forest River. Front Queen bed, slide out dinette, large bathroom, and a seperated 9' garage for the ATV. Any experiece pro or con on Forest River trailers is welcome.
  5. Lucy Lou in the former Downtown diner......gone, for sale. The Shack...gone, now Mexican/American Casa De Luz. Moon River Grill...gone. Shorty Small's...back, in the former Moon River Grill. Jack Hamilton's Palace View...closed last year. Pzazz...Jack's new place back where he started in the office at Point Royal, and with the original name. Still has the great prime rib! Blue Man Grill...original location closed, but replaced with the new (last year) Blue Man Grill and Roadhouse with a full bar, and live entertainment on weekends. Time Out Sports Bar and Grill formally in the car museum building now in The Falls Center on 165. Amazing pig wings! Granny's has become Bobby Jack's BBQ. Same buffet, same so-so food, and no additional BBQ selections. The Wheelhouse Sports Bar and Grill has replaced Dockers on Green Mountain Rd. New The Paddlewheel Pub on the water at the Landing. A place to dock , and have lunch right on Taneycomo. Jackie B Goodes Midton Diner...gone Dick Clark's American Bandstand Diner...back, in it's original location formerly Jakie B. Goode's New The Crepe Crate here, and gone in less than a month. I think that's a Branson record New Ray's donuts on 165 and Green Mountain. Not a restaurant, but great donuts.
  6. Tried It soon after It first opened. So unimpressed I haven't been back! If I want fish in a Branson restaurant it's either the all you can eat whole bone in carfish at Farmhouse in downtown, or the big, delicious catfish fillet at Danna's on 165.
  7. I have lots of options where I hunt in Northern Missouri. Around Thomas Hill lake. One stand offers a maximum 100 yard woods shot, but most are within 50. The 94 Winchester is plenty adiquate for that. As is the 500S&W single shot Handi Rifle, and my G2 T/C Contender with a Super 14 35 Remington barrel that I have been using for the past couple years. If I want to use another stand, or field blind the shots could be well over 200 yards.That's when my Remington 700 in 7MM Remington Magnum comes in. McMillan stock, custom muzzle break, excellent trigger job, and Leupold VXII in 3-9 power. 6 3/4 pounds of proven tack driver out to 400 yards, and beyond. Not that I have done It, but I saw the smith that did the custom work do It on a windy day on a ram steel target @ 400 yds. My best that day was knocking over steel pigs @ 300 yds.
  8. Picked up a NEF Handi Rifle in 500 S&W a few weeks ago. Then made a trade for a Winchester 94 (post 64, so don't get too excited). The Handi Rifle is like new, except for the plastic rear sight having been tightened to much. I replaced It, but probably not necessary. I topped the beast with a Bushnell Trophy XLT 1.75-4X32 scope with the circleX reticle. Mounted with Leupold Rifleman See-Thru rings so those great fiber optic sights can still be used. Dug deep in my pocket, and came up with a couple boxes of HSM 300gr XTP 500 S&W, and one box of Hornady 300gr. FTX to dial It in with. While I'M have read some reports of a really unpleasant revoil from this rifle, I shot a friends last year, and It wasn't all that bad. Think 12 ga. 3" magnum pump gun. The Winchester 94 was to scratch an itch I have had for a while for a "Cowboy" gun. Or maybe just a classic deer gun from decades past. Either way, it's not the exact thing, but close enough for me. Post 64 enough I thin (mid 80's) that It has a much better finish than the early post 64 rifles. Being the low end Ranger model It has the "hardwood' stock, not walnut. But It looks really good. As does the bright blue finish of the metal. I don't think It was a bad trade on either side. Where I had around a hundred bucks and change in the Yugo M48A Mauser I traded, it's current day value is close to the Winchester. I also included a bandolier of 140 rounds of surplus Turk 8MM ammo I paid about a dime per round for a few years back, and got a box of Winchester Super-X 30-30 ammo with the 94. Now, to get time to get to the range to try them out!
  9. You had me going for a minute! LOL. Would have been a good post for April 1.
  10. Phil, how long will the browns stay up there. We're coming down in three weeks. Any chance of them still being up there then?
  11. Might want to make a trip to St. Louis in October. October 3 5th Annual Gold Crown Midget Nationals USAC/POWERi Midgets $3,000 to win October 4 5th Annual Gold Crown Midget Nationals USAC/POWERi Midgets $3,000 to win MOWA "410" Winged Sprints $2,000 to win October 5 5th Annual Gold Crown Midget Nationals USAC/POWERI Midgets $10,000 to win $700 to start POWERi Outlaw Micros http://www.tricityspeedway.net/index.php/schedule
  12. Just want to help keep you visible, and safe. Sometimes it's hard enough to see the speed bumps (kayaks), now pot holes! LOL
  13. What comprises "possession"? Daily and Possession Limits You may possess no more than the daily limit of any given species while you are on waters, or on the banks of waters, where daily limits for those species apply. Where only catch-and-release fishing is allowed, fish must be returned unharmed immediately to the water after being caught. The possession limit is twice the statewide daily limit. Fish you take and possess must be kept separate or distinctly identifiable from fish taken by another person. If you are away from your catch, the device holding the fish must be plainly labeled with your full name and address. "That is person to person" Auto spell correct I overlooked. Per person! "If keeping your catch is important, don't even bother going up to the dam." Keep 4 fish each under 12 inches below the dam, keep 4 fish each any size below Fall Creek. I travel up to lookout or so with no or low flow (the Gator would go about anywher above there, but I don't want to disturbe the wading fishermen when they are out). Or all the way up with heavy flow to hve fun catching a lot of quality fish, along with some nice "picture" fish over 20". I stay below Fall Creek, or fish off of Lilley's dock to catch 12-15 inch "eaters". I don't care much for trout larger than 15"
  14. Gatorjet

    The Shack

    OK, got It! Casa De Luz. According to their facebook page, https://m.facebook.com/casadeluzbranson?id=432052533560803&_rdr, not just Mexican. American favorites like meat loaf, chicken fried steak, and ham & bean soup with cornbread! Also a $3.99 breakfast of two eggs bacon or sausage toast or biscuit and hash browns. Sounds like a must try place.
  15. Gatorjet

    The Shack

    Not all, there was La Iguana, the Methican restaurant! They are back open now, minus a couple employees, and some chemical substances,
  16. Gatorjet

    The Shack

    " Burger Shack? Across from the Tanger outlets?" No, The Shack was a diner on Commercial St. In down town Branson. It is now the predicted Mexican place. Don't remember, Casa something or other ( not Fuentes, that's on the strip)
  17. "So I am planning to fish at Taneycomo next weekend with my wife, but I have never been there. Are there a lot of public access spots? Also we would like to catch and keep trout, with the slot limit on rainbows and the limit on browns is there really any opportunity for this?" There are public fishing docks on Taneycomo. A really nice one at the Cooper Creek Conservation ramp. Another just up lake from Branson Landing. The slot limit for rainbow trout is only in the trophy area above Fall Creek. There is a lake wide 20" minimum length on brown trout. The daily limit is four trout, with only one being a Brown. The posession limit (off the lake) is eight so you can take two daily limits home with you if you want to. That is per person. Most fishermen at the public use areas keep their legal cattch, and most use bait. Night crawlers, or powerbait. Those are also illegal in the trophy area from Table Rock dam to Fall Creek. If keeping your catch is important, don't even bother going up to the dam. This information is based on the assumption you don't have, or don't want to rent a boat. Lots more options, and opportunities when you are on the lake rather than on the bank.
  18. "I'd bet you get your six to eat, and 12 if the wife fishes." ??? What rules are you looking at? The trout limit is 4 daily, and 8 total possession. Where the heck did you get SIX?
  19. Can't say I've ever seen anybody using a float tube on Taney. Kayaks have been getting quite popular though. Possibly an orange flag on a 6' pole like used on an ATV in the parks might be a good safety measure. Might impair your casting to some extent though. To answer one question, no, there is not a no wake zone near the dam.
  20. It's a shame that MDC doesn't have some way of allowing the use of a fish that is going to go to waste. Like they have with road kill deer. Same with an 8 or 10 pound Channel Cat that is accidentally snagged during Spoonbill season, has it's side ripped open, and is going to go to waste as well because you have to return It to the water, or face the possibility of a ticket.
  21. Wrong, wrong, wrong! You have to know how to clean them, prep them, and cook them though. #1, bleed It out like a pig. (Usually removing the "cord", or spine does that) Cut the cord at the head, cut around the tail, twist the tail and pull, and pull, and pull! #2. Get rid of every speck of red meat. EVERY bit of It. Paddlefish three ways: 1. Cut steaks, kinda like small pork chops. Season with Montreal Steak seasonong, and grill over charcoal. (Ever have a grilled shark steak?) 2. Cut It in strips, or "nuggets" bread It with Andy's, or your favorite fish breading, and deep fry It. 3. Cut the meat in 3/4" to 1" cubes. Steam or boil with a seafood boil seasonong mix. Serve with cocktail sauce. Mock shrimp, or crab!
  22. Suson Park on Wells Rd. just off Hwy 21 (Tesson Ferry) in South county. MDC just did it's stocking of channel cat on Wednesday, July 3. A great place to take your son after work. They also have an animal farm, play ground, and picnic areas. You can find the stocking reports ofother lakes in the MDC urban fish stocking program at. 636 300 9651 And information on the program here: http://fishing.mdc.mo.gov/reports/st-louis-urban-fishing-program-lakes Also a downloadably pdf file brochure here: http://mdc.mo.gov/fishing/places-fish Scroll down to Fish St. Louis Brochure to get the download.
  23. The absolute best place on Taneycomo. I've been staying at Lilley's Landing several times a year for over twenty years. From the very begining they made me feel welcome. Like a friend, not just a guest of their resort.
  24. Or just get one of these! http://boats.smartcarguide.com/listing/20053780/
  25. Gatorjet

    The Shack

    Must not be enough with the same opinion. The Shack is closing, and will become a Mexican restaurant.
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