The pros preach fishing your strengths, and sometimes that's the thing to do. For them, that's MOST of the time because the BASS Elite Series visits the nation's best fisheries at their very prime times. A good portion of their tournaments are held with fish in all three phases of the spawn ... pre-spawn, spawn and post-spawn. With all that going on, there are fish to be had by just about any reasonable method at all. Granted, sometimes they get hit with unfavorable weather or the bite will be off for another reason, but that is the exception rather than the rule.
For us, it's mostly like Hammer Time described above. Sure, some days we can fish our strengths and pound on them, but not always. We have to learn to be proficient at a number things to consistently catch fish on this old lake. I'm not a world-class dropshotter and truth be told, I'd almost rather go home than have to fish with a spoon (unless I'm with Babler and we catch 150 whites in a day's time).
My first order of the day whenever I get to the lake is to figure out what kind of mood the fish are in. So I try to go directly to a place or two where I KNOW they live and see what it takes to get bit. From there, I can expand my horizons (hopefully) and continue learning throughout the day how deep they are, what kind of cover/structure they are using and what kind of feeding mood they are in. You can also experiment with lures, depths, retrieves, etc., to see what it might take to catch better quality fish over numbers, if that's your desire.
Again, as Hammer said, keep an open mind and pay attention to what's going on around you. Not only can things change in a day's time, they can change multiple times within a day.