We had a guy fishing our Central Pro-Am championship a few years back on Bull Shoals who was practicing by himself on Friday. Squirrels were migrating heavily that year because of low food supply from ice storm damage. Anyway, my friend finished his day, stored his rods and started the run back to the ramp. About the time he got the boat up on plane, he felt something scrambling up his leg (he was wearing shorts). Looking down, he saw this wide-eyed gray squirrel had a death grip on his leg.
Needless to say, he leaped out of the driver's seat, pulling the kill switch in the process, and scrambled up on the back deck while the squirrel went the opposite direction, pausing momentarily on the front deck to give my buddy one last wild-eyed look before bailing over the side of the boat.
Apparently the squirrel was swimming the lake and decided to crawl up in the boat, under the driver's console and take a nap.