Thanks everyone for the helpful hints. I am comfortable running the Meramec from Huzzah up this time of year but I think we will play it safe and head down stream just to play it safe.
I have alway wanted to fish the James river. I live up by St Louis and I run my small jet boat on the Meramec all the time. I am wondering if I would be able to put in at the Galena ramp and be able to run any distance to make it a day trip trying to catch smallies? Is there any spots that I need to be concerned about? Thanks for the help
I am taking my dad out on Saturday fishing for a late Father’s Day gift. I am curious on the water clarity at Sand Ford. I am not against going up to Onondaga if need to be. I live in Pacific and the water around Bend Bridge is pretty dingy, almost chocolate milk. I am hoping it is clearer further up. Any help women be appreciated.
Thanks in advance
No matter what is said I'm sure this will cause a firestorm with people on both sides.
I am reading post that people are catching nice Kentuckys on the rig and I would like to try this setup since I have never tried it. My question is, how much line to I leave from my sinker to my hook? In one post I read that Bill Babler said the fish are in 26-40 foot range. Do I make the distance between my sinker and hook that long? I understand that I am going to be using my depth finder to find the fish but besides that I am kinda lost.
Thanks for the help
You are lucky living down in southwest mo. Every time I take my bassboat down to the Rock I am able to fill up with ethnol free fuel but up here in the St. Louis area i can not find it. UGH One thing I would also recomend is get a water fuel seperator. I installed it and not a problem at all.
There are several things I would try.
1. Make sure the vent for you gas tank is open
2. Change your fuel line from the tank to the motor. With the ethanol in gas now it like to eat away the fuel line and it acutally will collapse the fuel line.
3. Replace the fuel bulb there may be a pin hole in it
4. Check your fuel filter if that model has one under the cowl.
I had to do all of this when I had problems with my yamaha 40/30 fourstroke jet and i have no problems now. My problem was the fuel line actually collapsed on me.
Hope this will send you in the correct direction.
I am heading down to the James on Sunday and putting in at the Galena Ramp. This is the first time I have ever fished the James. I saw that the river is up because of the rain. Do I want to try to fish it or should I wait till better water conditions.
I think that many problems come from people not caring about other people. I sit there and wait to pull my boat out while the people are not just pulling out their boats they are unloading the boat standing there talking and everything else you can think about. Just load the boat up and do everything else in the parking lot.
I fished from the Huzzah down to Campbell bridge then back up to Onondaga we caught a nice limit of bass but only one smallmouth. We did notice that the fish were starting to stage in their winter holes. We were catching the smaller ones in summer holes. Goodluck to you! Lests hope that the river clears up for your trip.