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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. No chart reading insights yet, but the Wizard did grant the candy wish this weekend duckydoty
  2. Welcome to the forum. Nice fish in the photos. We'll see you in November. duckydoty
  3. The charts said on Friday that they would be shutting the water down around midnight so I headed for the lake. Got there right at midnight and the charts were right. Ran into Nathan in the lot so we decided to fish together. Went to the big hole and chased the water down. Caught a few down there on olive pine squirrels. Went up to the cable on the south side and olive pine squirrels were working up there too. Got chased off the water a little after 4 a.m. when lightning started getting a little too close. Ended up with 28 fish to hand including one 20-21" brown. Started fishing again at 7:30 a.m. Saturday morning at the big hole again. The fish were on olive and grey pine squirrels being fast stripped in. Stayed around the Big Hole till about noon then went back up the cable on the south side and continued stripping the streamers up there till about 2 p.m. Ended up with about 35-40 fish on Saturday before they turned the water on. Starting to see some nice fish. Hope the trend continues. Only fished a little while last night. Used all colors possable and picked up at least one fish on every color. Duckydoty
  4. Come on guys. I've been locked down here at work for quite some time now trying to live vicariously through the night time fishing crowd. You cant tell me there is only one fella fishing at night with anything to report. What's going on down there? Where's all the reports?? Who's catching what??? What's working now???? duckydoty
  5. I'm told the fresh stockers have the white meat. The one's that have started fending for themselve--the meat starts to turn pink. Starting to go wild you could say. I've also heard that eating crawdads causes the meat to turn pink. Let us know if the pink one taste's any different. Duckydoty
  6. Terry You killin me man duckydoty
  7. Time sure fly's when two tone's are singing on the end of a finely tuned stick O' Grand Wizard All I want is a little candy duckydoty
  8. Me like the Irish candy, Lad duckydoty
  9. Those are the published charts and graphs. Michael has a special crystal ball that he can gaze into full of smoke and mirrors that through years of charting and graphing based on density of fog, relative humidity, the moon phase, and how the herons squawk can accurately predict once in a while what the water might do that evening. So when Michael talks we should listen duckydoty
  10. I was at my cousin's house in Indianapolis and we were getting ready to go out to eat at Red Lobster. It's amazing how well certian things are burned into your memory. duckydoty
  11. I'd have to call it a very good night all the way around. Good beer, good people, good charts and graphs, and good fishin. Now let's get this daylight thing out of the way and do it again! duckydoty
  12. I'd put my money on midnight. duckydoty
  13. I fished the Bootleg access just south of Potosi on Hwy 21 pretty heavy for a 3 year stretch back around 2000. Lots of good small mouth and goggle eye then. Marijuana fields and eradication teams were the only problems I ran into there. Thats a funny story I'll have to tell sometime. duckydoty
  14. Really????? I find that very interesting
  15. JD Good luck to ya. I'll be heading up there for 2 weeks in 8 more days. If you can make a post in the next week, I would sure enjoy reading it. Duckydoty
  16. Looks like they might shut the water off Friday night around 9 p.m. I haven't seen 701.3 in 4 or 5 weeks now due to work schedules and water flows. Looking forward to a front row seat at the Brass Pole. Anybody else in for some slow stripping?? duckydoty
  17. Damage control would be the number one reason in this area to remove the first hook. In other areas of the country only a single hook is allowed, so if you cut them here you do not have to worry about it in other parts of the country. The third reason would be to reduce tangles. duckydoty
  18. It's not how small the hook is---It's how you use the hook that's important. duckydoty
  19. I have never fished during moss cutting but have heard from others here that it is not a fun time to fish. I really have no idea if one day would be enough to clear it all out, so my guess would be (if I had to fish Bennett) to fish the day before. Other wise I would go to Roaring River, Montauk, or if they shut the water off----Taney. duckydoty
  20. KFF Wed. could be a real possability. Good chance I'll be down there. duckydoty
  21. Been on the wagon for over 2 weeks now. Detox (work) has been just plum crazy and I'm gettin a real bad case of the DT's. Needing a fix sumthin fearce! You fellas been keeping the brass pole nice and shiney??? I'm feelin a hard thump comin when I fall off the wagon Sat. night. Anyone else feel like fishin??? duckydoty
  22. I went fishing for a boat one time. Took 3 hours to get it in. duckydoty Welcome to the forum
  23. Welcome! See ya on the water duckydoty
  24. Maybe a lock and dam to portage around, but I've heard of people doing it before. duckydoty
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