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Everything posted by duckydoty

  1. Wanted to see if joeD looked at pictures like he reads
  2. Think I’m about to run with this one
  3. I would like that.
  4. JoeD, Heres a few pictures of browns from a guy that doesn’t fish enough posted for a guy that doesn’t read enough.
  5. I’ve got some 3 inch blanks that run 4-5 feet deep and suspend.
  6. Moving on to a sculpin flavored bait, I have been working on some new techniques with the air brush and trying to get color schemes down. That’s not easy being red/green color blind to an extent. Been practicing on plastic spoons and I’m up to my 6th attempt. Getting closer but not quite there yet.
  7. Been looking at them. Let us know how you like it.
  8. I want to know how the contents of the special delivery pan out also!
  9. The size looks good. I too am interested in the swim baits but feel like I’m chewing on enough right now. Did you paint?
  10. He might have made it home with a set of 6 or 8
  11. You are correct about some things never changing. Not selling any, just building my stock up and learning to paint. I have a few ideas on some sculpin flavored ones that I might give a try at in the future.
  12. I used 4 pound mono for the smaller baits and 6 pound for the larger. Typically when chasing the browns, both day and night, I’m pretty aggressive with the retrieve. Slowed it down this morning a bit to play with the rainbows.
  13. We had some fun this morning and the storms stayed just far enough away to allow us to fish from 4:30-9 am. No monster browns landed but we did land a bunch of fish. I did loose one lure to the face of a big boy this morning. DJ is mad at em like I use to be🙂
  14. I guess you missed a post where the first fish caught on one was a 20 inch brown. But then again one would have to read all 7 pages first....
  15. Ok guys, Pete is out. Anyone else wanna get up early?
  16. I might be getting carried away......nah!
  17. Just another quick update/tip on the learning to paint baits journey. After going through 2 sets of BSI 30 minute epoxy, I finally got it down pretty good with mixing 3 second pours from the heated bottles and thinning with denatured alcohol as needed. Still had a few blemishes in the finish. I purchased some KBS top coat a while back but was hesitant in using it for fear of not quite as good of a finish that I was getting from the epoxy and the care that has to be taken in resealing the KBS due to contact with moisture in the air will start to set the cure. Found an old fashion wide mouth Mason jar and some silicone insert sealing rings to store the KBS in. I also got a can paint saver air displacement stuff to spray under the lid of the Mason jar after use to keep it from starting to set. The KBS was $58 per quart so I would like it to last as long as possible. I now just hang the baits on a paper clip and put a drip wire in the bottom eye, dip, hang, and done! The finish is fantastic!
  18. Launching boat at 5 am at hatchery launch Marty. I got plenty of room for one more. Pete may want to sleep in..... only gonna fish till about 9
  19. Pete, wanna throw jerkbaits in the morning?
  20. Sounds like you are hooked on Alaska my friend!
  21. Finally got to fish the rainbow pattern this morning on the Upper Lake with the water off. First fish was a 20 inch brown. We caught a few bows, another 17 inch brown and a couple walleye, along with a good sized channel cat and a few of them stinking brown bass on it. Could not be more pleased with the results!
  22. Finally got to fish the rainbow pattern this morning on the Upper Lake with the water off. First fish was a 20 inch brown. We caught a few bows, another 17 inch brown and a couple walleye, along with a good sized channel cat and a few of them stinking brown bass on it. Could not be more pleased with the results! This post has been promoted to an article
  23. Absolutely beautiful
  24. I would imagine you could lightly sand and repaint
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