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OAF Fly Tying Contributor
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Everything posted by DaddyO

  1. Went back yesterday to release about 200 baby trout from one of our Trout in the Classroom tanks. It will be interesting to see if any survive. Anyway, fished the Watts area with my Dad. I caught about 2 to his 1. Between the 2 of us, we caught close to 100 fish. You'll have to search for them, but when you find one, you'll find that it's a pod of them.
  2. The LIR is fishing well, again. The water is still a bit murky but is beginning to clear up. D.O. levels are improving and trout are putting up a good fight, when hooked. #14 - #16 Mayfly patterns like PTN, GRHE and Soft Hackles are all working. #8 - #12 Olive Wooly Buggers drifted or stripped are working. Micro Jigs in black or white and Mega Worms in white or pink are working in the right spots and right conditions. If you are not keeping fish, please practice good catch and release techniques. i.e. wet your hands before handling fish, de-barb hooks, etc... Also, if you are interested in joining our Tulsa area club, see our website at TU420.com
  3. LOL. The Darwin Force is strong in this one!!
  4. And, the river seems to be in good health with lots of bug life. I've been hammering them on a 1/100th Black micro jig. I've caught lots of fat trout in the past 2 trips.
  5. You have to tie it before you know what's in it!! I'm Punny.
  6. Must've just missed you. We were fishing between outlets 2 and 3 using black and natural hibernators. The fish kept us interested until we got hungry.
  7. So.... Are we gonna do this or not?
  8. DaddyO

    What's Cooking?

    Any of you guys ever do a Low Country Boil? If so, How would you do it if only cooking for 2 people?
  9. I'll play. I like the Single hook option. But, why limit it? Why don't we just submit our favorite streamer?
  10. I've never seen lights on a drift boat. What about 1 man pontoon boats. Are they required?
  11. Water is still stained. There are lots of Striper, White Bass and Trout in the river. A Black Wooly Bugger has been the ticket for all three species.
  12. Go to Internet Options in Control Panel and on the Security tab, click on Restricted Websites in the Internet Security Zone, and then on the button labeled “Sites” . Check if the URL of the website you wish to access is listed there. If yes, select the URL and click on Remove. You’ll be prompted for confirmation. That done, the website should open without any problems on any of your browsers.
  13. Can you ping www.ozarkanglers.com? What browser are you using? IE or Chrome or something else?
  14. I got mine today, also. I can't wait to try these flies. Good job guys and a big Thank You to mic for being the Swap Meister, again!
  15. Nick W's street number is 225
  16. Clay, Thanks for sharing. That is a very cool idea.
  17. On the Norfork, I like a Copper bead, black, brown or gray thread and a copper rib. In that order. On Taney, the order, for me, is brown, gray or black. I just catch more fish with the copper bead and rib than I do with Silver.
  18. That would be Way Cool, doing the egg planting!! I'll check with my team and see if we can make that happen. The rough start didn't change the fact that it was still a sweet ride. Mark was cracking me up. He was getting so caught up in his cast, I lost track of the number of times I had to duck his rod and line. Thinking back about the trip, I should've removed the indicator, added some split shot and just straight lined the drift, bouncing stuff off of the bottom. Oh well, hindsight is 20/20.
  19. Nathanael Ferguson will be speaking at our Tulsa Fly Fishers meeting in April. He's a great guy and can be reached via his FB page for Ferguson Flyfishing https://www.facebook.com/FergusonFlyFishing/?fref=ts
  20. Clay, You got away before I got to thank you for the great job that you and your chapter did in hosting this meeting. As the project coordinator of this meeting, you did a fantastic job and Michael and Brian were quick to give you the credit for pulling the outing off as well as it went. I had a great time watching you catch all of the fish!! If we had made another trip up the river, I was going to switch to a Jig rod. I waded below the dam, after lunch, and was able to pick up a couple of fish after I switched to my sink tip. I told Michael and Brian, that we need to get our two groups together and collaborate on an outing. Maybe I can get you in contact with our Events Coordinator and we'll do a joint outing. Your new boat is a sweet ride. I can't thank you enough for treating me to a day of fishing. I want to learn more about the Beaver Tail water and fish it a few more times during the year.
  21. These guys give lots of good advice. However, sometimes it is laced with sarcasm and humor. Don't take offence to any of it. That smiley face was his way of letting you know that he was kidding. Hire one of the guides, in the area, with drift boats, just to teach you how to handle yours.
  22. Mine are done.
  23. Nice report. Thanks for the info!
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