Ditto what Chance said.
Check out this link also (Before you leave the house) USGS with Graph Click here
Look at the bottom graph that says Gage Height. If it ain't at 7ft or quickly dropping to that combined with the SWPA site show 0 generation, then don't waste your time.
And, by the way, There is a slough that you can reach if you don't mind walking about a mile, but it is warm water and doesn't hold trout. You have to go across the dam and turn left and then make an immediate right, onto the dirt road if the gate is open. Go down the hill (steep incline don't do this if the ground is wet cause you might not make it back up) Park at the bottom and then it's about a mile walk from there. By the way, it's up hill all the way when you decide to walk back ot the truck.